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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I'm sure Fins fans everywhere are crying about how this isn't fair that our game got moved and their game didn't.
  2. Its a wash IMO. If the Bills played in this crap weather they would get more fatigued. Try running through the snow today before your driveway is cleared and see how fast you wear out.
  3. Anything that can slow our offense down is an advantage for Pitts. It may not win them the game but the only thing that would equalize the game more is Allen being out.
  4. Weather is an equalizer. It can also cause injuries. It surely causes extra fatigue. I don't like it. GO BILLS!
  5. Sherfield is also a good blocker. He made key blocks last week.
  6. Went from having a clean report for Miami to having half our guys on the list for the playoffs. ugh.
  7. I wonder if he decides to retire or coach another team. He would certainly get multiple offers. I dunno if Vrabel goes there or not but he should get another job too. Vrabel should have never been fired IMO. Disclaimer: have not read the thread yet so I don't know if anything I said was already found out or not. Had a hell of a day today as my motherboard fried so I spent all day rebuilding my computer ugh.
  8. Stop what? I don't think Sherfield is a better receiver. Its more so addition by subtraction for me. Josh and Gabe simply aren't on the same page and too many costly mistakes can and do happen regularly between Josh and Gabe. Sorry bro but thats a fact. Sherfield is just as good a blocker.
  9. Nor am I but he has been one of the best QBs in the NFL for quite some time.
  10. I hope for more than that too but not many QBs win more than 1 SB. Most of the 13 that have, have only won 2. Aaron Rodgers has only won 1.
  11. Yes when I am in so much pain I can't sit still for long periods. I typically dont watch programs like that so usually wont waste an hour on them
  12. Well I disagree with them. I think this is the most physical this team has played in the McD regime. They punch people in the mouth.
  13. Yeah, I am going to cringe everytime Cook gets the ball. Pittsburg is good at causing fumbles and Cook has hands problems.
  14. I've never watched an episode of Hard Knocks before. I was going to watch a little bit of it and said no way am I watching this for almost an hour. I couldn't stop watching and ended up watching the entire thing lol. It actually is an interesting program. I especially liked all the field view footage of the game. From broadcast angles you don't actually realize the speed of everything on the field but this view is a whole new perspective of how fast those guys are really flying around out there.
  15. I agree with you, have never said otherwise nor have I ever said that to anyone. Except maybe someone like FilthyBeast or other obvious troll.
  16. I'll have to look through and check on it. I don't remember what game it was because it was quite a while back. Pretty sure it was one we lost. It was another Davis option route. Based on leverage you said Davis ran the right route and Josh was wrong. This is pretty much the same style play and the leverage says the opposite to that argument from before. Thats why I didn't understand how it can be both. Your argument is more clear now. I don't agree with it but I thought you were arguing something else on this play. So yeah, as I said I don't agree with it. At least not completely. I understand the just eat the sack or throw it away and get 3 points argument. However, I believe the TD play is there and it should be taken. Had Davis done the right thing, at worst I believe the ball is incomplete. We disagree but thats ok. As far as what Josh Allen says, I take it with a grain of salt because he will always blame himself even if not his fault. He did make mistakes this game for sure, but I don't think this was one of them.
  17. I'm sorry, I just don't agree with you. Thats ok. We all have our own opinions. Sure, but even those opinions have often differed.
  18. Convince me otherwise then. Not just a Josh didnt even see Davis and he had to guess. Its obvious Allen seen Davis. He looking right at him while in throwing motion. He puts the ball right to where Davis would be if he continued that route. Thats what I see. The other things I see or think are... why would Davis, while the CB has inside leverage and its an all out blitz run a longer style route by cutting back across the defender. He practically had to plow through him to cut back across. There isn't time for that stuff with that kind of pass rush. Convince me otherwise. You may not and probably wont but I would still like to hear your best argument as to why a receiver is correct in doing what Davis did in this situation. Ya never know, maybe you will say something to convince me. It's happened before. Either way I will at least respect your thought process and opinion. Also on one of Allens ints that was similar to this, Davis did the opposite and so did Josh. You argued that Davis was correct there too. How can Davis be correct on both? By the way, I did change my mind because of your thought process on the other int. Allen should have taken Kincaid and got the first down. So see, it does happen.
  19. I'm not really a big EPA or even PFF guy but when I see these charts on twitter I try to post them here because I know some are big on EPA and such.
  20. I really dont understand how Gunner can keep disagreeing with this. Its clear as day. First, its throwing with anticipation. Ya know the thing everyone complained about before? Also the pressure was there, he had to get rid of the ball. Secondly, it would not have been intercepted. At worst it would have been incomplete because Davis had position on the DB to box him out. Its an all out blitz. It makes no sense for Davis to cut back across. That takes too much time.
  21. I never said anything about being a well oiled machine. The offense has had problems. Some of that is on Allen. Some of it is on everyone else.
  22. you can see in the last pick that Josh can see where Gabe is and it’s also where the ball landed
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