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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Could be interenet provider or it could be bad nodes on your path to their streaming servers.
  2. Take note that wasnt a perfect ball yet he still caught it and got YAC for a td.
  3. Even though I have Amazon Prime, the game feed is terrible so I watch it on Twitch instead which is perfect. This is also perfect.
  4. Yeah my wife got a deal on it a long time ago. I think we paid like 20 bucks for the whole year. She watches lots of stuff on it.
  5. They said earlier that field is like a rock. It isn't going to be fun to get tackled on that field. Probably won't even be fun to run on it. Speaking of thats one already and the glass was pretty frosted.
  6. Over/Under on how much Peacock pans to Taylor Switftie?
  7. I really don't care who wins. We play who we play. I'd choose Miami to lose simply because I hate their fans more. It's pretty close though.
  8. It's a good thing that Flacco sat and got rested last week.
  9. The only thing that is missing is what Watson got in the move.
  10. No, nobody is saying he isn't. That crap was directed at me after being completely hyperbolic and going into defense mode like he does with Lamar.
  11. So then you know the field doesnt stay cleared.
  12. You completely misunderstand what I said. I wasn't quantifying anything. I said I want to see it. I want to see it when they are not playing a soft schedule and defenses have adjust to him after a year of film. I believe the kid is going to be damn good and said so earlier in the thread, but pardon me that I want to see him move the ball without busted receivers and a clean pocket all game. I haven't seen him at all in the regular season. Here you go since you get all freaked out when someone says something that you don't deem as praise worthy (mostly that seems to happen with black QBs. Maybe I am wrong but I don't recall you defending Purdy like you do Lamar and now Stroud) Stop getting insane like someone disrespected your mom...
  13. Holy crap dude. I gave him credit earlier when I said "This dude is going to be a damn good QB." Get over yourself.
  14. Of course it does. Im not knocking him dude. Im saying that he is living off of busted plays right now. A lot of QBs can throw to receivers from a comfortable pocket that have 5+ yards of separation. I want to see what he can do when he has to methodically move it down the field. And Flacco did the thing.
  15. Stroud is good but so far he has mostly comfortable pockets and his scoring production is off busted play deep balls. Lets see what happens when he is uncomfortable and has to march the field without those busted bombs. That will happen to him eventually.
  16. Hopefully Douglas and Rapp are back if we have to play Houston.
  17. Cleveland getting the Bills at Philly treatment
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