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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Why do people still act like the game ended if that play existed. The Bills still had plenty of time to go score again.
  2. Thats not addressing it. To me it just looks like you are doubling down on saying teams are paying for player grading. This is like saying you paid for a 12 course fine dining meal for the Andes mint you get with the check.
  3. I'm not going to worry about it. Have we ever not complained about what ref crew we were getting. Seems like almost every week we hate the ref crew.
  4. Nah, I'm good. I'm disabled but I paid for a plow contract. They just didn't shovel my walkway or porch or salt like they were supposed to. I'm waiting to see what they do after this snowfall before I call and complain. I know that was just a joke though lol.
  5. Wow dude. Way to be a decent human being. I'm disabled too and I can barely get the service I paid for to do the ***** right lol.
  6. OK I have done this several times now. It's not just player grading teams are paying for. I would say they probably DGAF about the player grading. This is what NFL teams pay for...
  7. Probably because Josh wasn't looking for Gabe Davis.
  8. As I point out every time... teams are paying for far more than just player grades that the public has access to. They likely don't give two damns about those grades. They get things like formations, what plays are run out of those formations, tendency type of stats, and a vast array of things like that. It helps them game plan faster. In the past, I have put the link to the 100's of things teams get for their money but I don't feel like looking it up again. Player grades are nothing.
  9. Josh pulled off like 3 "fake slides" in this one.
  10. Oh I agree. I think people under estimate KC skill positions. Rice is very good. As is Pacheco. Kelce is still a great TE.
  11. And there is a good side to this... the team is learning to win when Allen isn't carrying the entire team on his back. Something that was lacking the last couple years.
  12. The Chiefs are not to be underestimated because they have Mahomes. Saying that, what you talk about is all because people think KC can just flip that switch and turn it on because they have done so in the past. People been saying that and waiting on it all year and it hasn't happened. Even though the Miami game was pretty much won on field goals, people think KC turned it on. I'm not buying it. They are still dangerous and do have a really good defense. Obviously, we can still lose this game but this still isn't the Chiefs team we have seen in the past.
  13. Stop before you end up in FIlthyBeast territory. What he does isn't critical of the Bills its outright dog**** trolling. He has been doing it since way back when the Bills official forums were still alive. He would constantly get banned there and make new accounts it was so bad. The dude isn't critical of the Bills. Just an outright hater. If you can't see the difference then you need to wake up. This guys is not worth defending and it's not the ledge you want to stand on.
  14. You forgot dark horse mvp candidate Mac Jones and the Pats were going to win the division. He went further to say he wouldn't be surprised if the Bills finished last in the division.
  15. and you would be wrong about that
  16. They kicked field goals all day brah and their touted defense stopped a team that is now 0-11 in under 40 degrees. Big deal. You are questioned as a fan because you havent had the Bills back since you been here. Its always someone else. Miami for 4 straight years now. When it wasn't Miami it was the Pats. When you were on BBMB you were no different there either. Stop with the oh woe is me. You know damn well why people don't think you are a fan. Its pretty simple... you never act like one. Even the ones that criticize the team around here still act like fans. You don't.
  17. Stop. You are wrong 99% of the time. You bet against the Bills always. You had Miami the whole year until they lost then acted like you were always about the Chiefs. The only times you have been right is the times the Bills got kicked from the playoffs. Thats not hard to be right about that when you are against the Bills almost 100% of the time. You are the pinnacle of broken clock. The only difference is you try to act like you are always right when in reality you are almost always wrong. Go back to trolling twitter that no one even responds to there because you are a dumb ass on twitter too. Keep it away from here. Troll.
  18. Always love when people come out of the woodwork to post some nonsense. You have like 3 posts since 2019 and this is one of the garbage posts you make. Either you are someone else too afraid to put this on here with your main account or you are someone suspended that uses this account as a backup. Either way your post is garbage. Take another 3-4 year break.
  19. I'm pretty sure thats just Mahomes wanting the play quicker. He often complains that the play comes in too slow. That finger wingle to me is just him telling his coodinator that he wants the play now hurry up and give it.
  20. Yeah he took a few that I seen at least. Then probably more we dont see.
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