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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. We have to have points on this drive. Oh great Knox down now too
  2. Brady better start calling better drives. Enough of the first down runs every series.
  3. D finally makes a stop and Brady and our O have sucked the last two drives. Thats not a penalty you jackass ref
  4. Good call not going with the PS punter this week so that we could call up useless Isabella. Thanks McD
  5. Gotta catch that Sherfield. We got no one that makes an amazing catch when absolutely needed. No one.
  6. You have to mix up the plays to keep the defense on their toes. Cant just run until its stopped because then it gets stopped. No one in the McD regime has understood this.
  7. Enough of the run run run. Mix up the damn play calls. They know its coming they are going to stop it
  8. LETS GO BOYS LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. he started losing it while on top of our player thats a damn TB
  10. Crowd is completely done in a tight game. They dont even need to silent count
  11. Ohh FFS. This could be the turning point. Our D cant stop a nose bleed.
  12. KC hasnt won a game where the other team scored 21+. Lets keep that true today.
  13. LETS FKN GO JOSH AND SHAKIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. can not have a delay of game or false start at home come on guys. Does give more room though.
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