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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. This is incorrect. Stats sites are really lenient on the receiver. They only count a drop if it's a routine catch. The ball pretty much needs perfect placement and if it's in any way difficult of a catch they don't record it as a drop. Even if they get both hands fully on the ball, if they had to jump for it or have to outstretch for it or have to go low for it or anything... they don't record it as a drop. This is why you might see a receiver drop balls in game but then look at the stat sheet and see zero drops.
  2. Same. Im not really annoyed by it though. I just don't think he deserves it. The first one he got I thought he deserved. This one, not even close.
  3. Didn't watch the video. It all depends on the meaning. I would not say Mahomes is tied for 4th in ints. I would say that Mahomes was tied for the 4th most amount of ints. Don't over think this for some argument to say he isn't. I'm fairly certain you know what I mean. 1. 2 people tied at 15 ints 2. 3 people tied at 14 ints 3. 1 person with 13 4. 3 people tied with 12. <---- Mahomes is here It's pretty obvious what the poster you are arguing with was trying to get across.
  4. He left the field with the lead. The defense didn't close. In a few of the losses, not just the Broncos. It's no different than the 13 second game. He left the field with the lead. The defense didn't close. The Jets game was on him because he wasn't able to over come his mistakes and take the lead back. The other 3 games he did.
  5. Thats true but even when Gabe was on the field, Shefield was getting on a lot too. Sherfield was almost 34% on the year. Harty was only like 13% though. We can say our weapons are better but they were not playing like it. This team needs an elite outside receiver.
  6. Maybe but in the playoffs they made clutch catches when they needed to. Our guys dropped footballs in the bucket. I'd take any of those guys over Sherfield and Harty out there running routes.
  7. From the AP website. Votes are submitted before the playoffs. Thats how they know the finalists. They actually have the votes. They just wait to announce the winner.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could say to comfort you, but I don't think those words exist.
  9. Not everyone you have made that response to called Campbell a stupid moron.
  10. I dunno. Neither do you. It could be him being aggressive. It could be him not trusting the kicker. It isn't often someone hears this argument for not kicking though. What I do know is their kicker is 37 of 48 lifetime kicking 40-49 yards including 1 of 1 this year and 8 of 10 last year.
  11. Wow. Lions had this game in the bag and they are about to let a team steal it from them that had no business winning.
  12. IF anything that should have been OPI. The defender was playing the ball and the offensive player ran into him.
  13. If anyone ever questions where luck comes into play... you can think of that play right there.
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