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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Another team and I be ok with it. Not the Chiefs though. We should be getting a premium to trade with the Chiefs.
  2. and we gave them a 4th. We got crap compensation to give our biggest rival the player they wanted. We could have easily gotten a 3rd round pick by trading in other ways. Instead we get a 3rd by trading down our first round pick to the CHIEFS and also giving them our 4th. We got robbed IMO.
  3. What? How am I so far behind I am still waiting to hear the Bucs pick
  4. welp looks like incoming defensive player for the Bills =(
  5. Those look terrible. They don't even look like football jersey's. I would never buy one of those.
  6. It's possible I suppose. It depends on if the Bills think they can still make him a fit in our defense and if the kid can improve. I don't think the kid is done but if the Bills don't value him or don't think they can make him work then I would expect at some point they will try and get something for him. He was a 1st round pick. I think it's dumb to just let those guys walk. Get something for him if he can't play here. Anything is better than nothing.
  7. I never thought the Bills were in play for a big time WR. They are in a reset year and had to dump a bunch of our talent due to age and or cap hits. Their strategy right now is to get the cap back under control and draft well IMO. I do think they are players to possibly move up to get a potential star receiver and if they do so they are probably good for the next 5 years. Providing they actually get the right guy.
  8. Not saying it wasnt time to move on but I'm definitely going to miss the Hyde-Poyer combo. Everyone is. Same with Tre White. I'll miss what Diggs brought to the table but not what he brought last year. Morse seemed to get pushed back fairly easy in some games but he was solid center. Our oline has sucked for years and now they are playing with it again. Center is the one spot that needs to be on point communication. Ill never forget Morse going out and Josh fumbling the next snap.
  9. Why do people do these “calling it now” or whatever other corny stuff type headings. Like just make a normal thread. This adds nothing except that maybe you have some possibility of looking like a fool down the road. People call ya fool and move on. Less manufactured drama. More better posts. I was banging the table last season that Shakir was our most explosive receiver on the team.
  10. Just seems like wasted cap money to me. Thats fine when there is cap space but there isn't. This team always seems to rather have 5 bottom end cheap guys than 1 guy who is good to great at his position. I know there needs to be camp bodies and backups or whatever but that should be a min contract guy.
  11. Because that’s who made us an offer. It’s not like teams were breaking down our door for an over 30 declining receiver that might be a cancer. It is what it is. Doesn’t matter who we traded too. Was KC worried about trading Hill to Miami?
  12. I’m not talking about the additional. It’s meaningless change. I’m saying that we are paying for a guy that isn’t here. Much like we paid for Darius who wasn’t here. That’s the way it is. I don’t really want to argue about it because like I said, I am fine with it. I’m not going to act like it’s invisible and didn’t happen though. It’s 30m or whatever for an empty hole. That’s reality.
  13. im fine with the move but I don’t look at dead cap as additional money like you suggest. It is however not the same as if he were here…because he isn’t here. We are paying for a player that isn’t here and we have to fill that position now. Hopefully that’s with a stud from the draft. Hopefully also it’s the right type of receiver. Again, I’m fine with the move but that’s how I look at it because that’s how it actually is.
  14. Not sure if it was posted already and not reading this entire thread to find out
  15. It was a nice job by Beane. He built a team that competed for the superbowl for a few years. It should have been able to get there but they blew the opportunity. Now it's a reset reload year to try and do it for the next few. I missed the comment. What was it?
  16. RIP. You were far too young.
  17. The guys just weren't prepared. As soon as Josh made what should have been a game winning TD they all thought the game was over and lost focus.
  18. Glad he caught on somewhere and for decent money. Sucks that it isn't in a Bills uniform but the cap is what the cap is.
  19. I prefer the original kickoff as I am sure most do. I think this looks better than what we have currently though.
  20. Great, another way to give a team a free first down on 3rd and forever and win the game for them.
  21. A pancake and all 3 of em get injured?
  22. Glad for him that he got another gig but damn its sad that its the Dolphins.
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