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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. So awesome seeing Marv. I actually teared a little. Thanks for this. They didnt show it on the broadcast.
  2. I just read that entire thread. Man those guys are delusional. I get it that they are Miami fans and maybe I had some Homer in me when Fitz looked good or something but I was never talking about how Fitz is just as good or better than Brady lmao. These guys actually think Tua is the best Qb in the league based on one quarter of good football. We have some injuries. They have some dangerous weapons and its possible we may even lose. I dont think we do but Im not going to sit here and act like its not possible. I think those guys are in for some dissapointment this season and about Tua. I think Tua is decent but that guy is not nor will ever be elite IMO.
  3. Agree. Hyde is the guy that would be running in under the duck that Tua trys to throw downfield for the INT.
  4. Titans look like they could use a RB. Maybe we can trade Moss to them.
  5. I’m lost here and don’t understand what this tweet is about.
  6. Nothing really concerns me after that blowout other than the injuries. I could nitpick some stuff but you guys already covered anything I woult nit pick. No team plays perfect. I still dont like Moss getting carries though.
  7. I could have sworn somebody else also did it but im not 100% positive. I honestly dont care about MVP. Just get us that Lombardi. Josh will win at least one eventually.
  8. Hoping just a cramp. Maybe a hammy. Hopefully not worse but I havent heard anything about it.
  9. That was an amazing job by the defense last night. Titans arent exactly the same team from last year but it was still an amazing job.
  10. Maybe but Beasley doesnt have the YAC type of play of those guys. I think Beasley will make their offense better but he isnt catching the ball and running 10-20 yards after the catch.
  11. I got a neck injury at work. I didnt even know it was severe at first. It felt like a muscle pull. Two weeks later I started getting numbness and tingleness in my left arm. I was still working at that point. Long story short, I ended up needing a pretty massive surgery. It didnt happen until 4 months later because initial mis-diagnosis. About two weeks before my surgery I couldnt move my left arm anymore because my discs were severly pressing on my spinal cord. There was definitely a long slow progression of just getting worse and worse.
  12. I honestly miss the old Fish rivalry we had. Its good that its back. For a week anyways.
  13. Never thought I would see the day. I'm impressed. Depending on how our injuries work out this game did get easier for Miami though. Bryant is not bad but he is no Phillips. Hopefully Milano and Hyde will not be big injuries and be well enough to play. I dont think Miami has the D to stop our O but with all the injuries, we might not have the D to stop their speed either. This could be a very high scoring game. Have to see how our injuries pan out. Our rooks still did a pretty damn good job last night.
  14. Im sure Beasley will be a decent target for Brady but I think he has lost a step. Hope Brady isnt expecting Edlemen out of him.
  15. It wasnt constant. It was annoying as hell though. They did it on all three channels too I think. One time they did a split screen to show a coach gabbing on his headset... and it was just a damn kick off for them. I dont like it at all and hope I never have to deal with that crap again. I'll be honest, I thought the play was just a genius drawn up fake.
  16. Thank God nothing major!! That seriously made it hard to get back into the game for me. I dunno how players push through that with how close and tight knit they are. I am just a fan and it was hard.
  17. Honestly in the heat of the moment I did to but that passed about 2 minutes later when I came to my senses.
  18. Its more than one player though? Oh sure now hes all nice when people arent throwing ***** at his nuts.
  19. Something about to come on NBC about the new stadium. "after the break find out how the new stadium could battle the elements" or something along those lines she said.
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