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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. It wasnt fourth and short it was 4th and 4. FG is the right call there. Not McDs fault basomatic missed a chip shot. Yep Im pissed that wasnt called then they called defenseless on us when it was the receivers momentum going into our back where the hit wasnt even head.
  2. I didnt expect much. He doesnt have much time in that offense. There is a reason he was unemployed and had to continually beg Brady for a job though. Beasley is on the downside of his career.
  3. I heard he got xrays hours ago. I also heard afterwards McD said his hand was fine. Heard both second hand in the thread somewhere.
  4. I think he is better than Murray but like Watson, Murray got a contract he shouldnt have. Lamar is not an elite QB and got a very fair offer. Thats the last I am going to respond about that. Lamar is not going to get a fully guaranteed contract. If he does then the Ravens are fools.
  5. Yeah, im not blaming the refs for this loss but they were definitely one sided today. No call on Knox, yet they called it on us for less egregious. I was pissed about that.
  6. Was the other team also without almost their entire starting secodary, 2 of their top performing interior dlinemen, starting center, backup center, hobbled starting #2 receiver. backup to hobbled starting#2 receiver, all of their oline minus the LT. Did the other team sit in the sun all game or did they have a nice shade... yes that shade makes a huge difference. Our team fielded a preseason roster. We lost by 2 points. Get over it.
  7. True. Arizona were idiots giving Murray that contract too. However the full deal for Lamar was 20 million more. Just less guarantee. You're acting as if Lamar was insulted though. $250 m with 133 m guaranteed is a very solid contract offer for him. He isnt an elite QB. He may be an elite athlete but not QB. You may disagree with that and thats fine but thats my opinion.
  8. Yeah so have I. I know its painful. I have broken my leg, had all the ankle sprains, broken my pinky right across the joint, most recently I had a severe neck injury at work a year ago with 6 bad discs compressing my spinal cord more than 50% and two neck surgeries a day apart. I didnt go screaming like that. The guy looked like he had his leg taken off. It doesnt matter. I dont really care. Some people can deal with pain and others get crazy over a papercut. I was just making a comment.
  9. Is that all it was? An ankle sprain? Man that kid really is a sissy if thats true. The idiot Browns giving Watson that contract is distorting this. The Ravens offered Lamar more than he is worth. He isnt going to get fully guaranteed 1/4 billion dollars. Stop the non sense.
  10. This team fielded a preseason roster and lost by 2 points. Id say that makes the coaching look pretty damn good.
  11. A division loss is never meaningless but I dont think people should be down on the team because of it. We fielded a preseason roster out there and faced incredible heat and humidity. Full strength Miami would have gotten destroyed. I am not worried about our season as long as we start getting healthy.
  12. I dont think it was their intended strategy. It was more like what the D was giving them and the time Josh didnt have in the pocket.
  13. Probably because our offense had guys popping in and out of the game because of heat. Receivers going in and out. Davis wasnt really ready but Kumerow got hurt. Our entire line was different besides Dawkins. I think we were on our 3rd string center at points of the game. Diggs and McK going in and out of the game. Those things seriously disrupt everything.
  14. Ugh I hope not. If his hand is broken our season is over.
  15. Really? They barely edged out what basically amounts to Josh Allen and our preseason roster.
  16. I dont care about people that criticize the team. I criticize things too. My idea of troll is the guy that ***** all over the team like they are garbage. They then disappear completely when the Bills are dominating only to show up after a loss talking trash again. Is that clear enough to you what I consider to be a troll?
  17. You GTFO. They didnt lose because McDermott didnt prepare them for the heat. There is no preparing for that other than what they have done.
  18. Lol I think I am going to stay off the board this week. I can already see the trolls coming out of the woodwork with their pitchforks all week long. Its one game on a bad week. The team will be fine.
  19. So? You think we lost this game because we didnt bring our broken ass injured players down 4 days early?
  20. All they can do is give players fluids. WTF you expect. Miami players were cramping and dropping too and they are more acclimated and in the shade. Give it a rest.
  21. How so? We barely fielded half a team and the other half had heat exhaustion. This game isnt knocking my attitude down at all.
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