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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. He went to the playoffs with Tyrod Taylor and Nate Peterman as QBs while they had Zay Jones and Kelvin Benjamine as the starting receivers. Think before you post dingus. Rick Dennison was the OC who I believe his last job was an offensive line coach for the Vikings.
  2. Its definitely frustrating but I dont think the refs were intentionally slow.
  3. He even said it during the broadcast right when the guard came in that Josh would have to go into shotgun the rest of the game so its not like he said it in hindsight. He said it before any of the plays actually happened.
  4. So you point to a post where you back hand criticize McD lol. Obviously I dont just pay attention to posts I disagree with. What a bad statement. I know who is generally always negative and who is positive around here so your statement cant be further from the truth. I also agree with some of the criticiz=sm and dont agree with other criticism. I know who is a troll around here and who isnt. I dont think you are a troll btw. I just think you hate and criticize just about everything. There is a difference. I think you are entitled to your opinion but I also think your opinion is more wrong than it is right.
  5. That is what you call it. It wasnt prevent defense. In saying that, I dont think they should have rushed 3. They should have done what they did all game. They needed to pressure Tua into a quick throw and make the tackle. Thats my opinion on it. This team has been burned quite a bit on 3rd and long. All I did was correct that guy. It wasnt prevent.
  6. I do buy it. Look how much trouble our 2nd string center had. The guy snapping the ball after our 2nd string wasnt even a center. He is a guard. Snapping the ball may seem like an easy thing to do but its not. There is a lot of timing involved which is why we had several miscues on snaps over 2 games. Our 3rd stringer had no practice with it. You obviously dont agree but Ill listen to the guy that had been a great center for us for a long time.
  7. That wasnt prevent defense. They started in single high safety and rolled into cover 2 after the snap.
  8. Sal C and Eric Wood explained this. They had put Josh in shot gun because our 3rd string center is actually a guard and gets no practice in snapping the ball. Wood said this is very common because teams dont have enough practice time for all of that. They do this so there isnt a bad exchange of the football like even our second string center who is actually a center had a few bad exchanges in two different games.
  9. I would have challenged it and I thought McD should have as well. They may not have over turned it but I think that is a catch and I think it that situation it is worth taking the risk of losing a time out. The rule is: a. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and b. touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and c. after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, performs any act common to the game (e.g., tuck the ball away, extend it forward, take an additional step, turn upfield, or avoid or ward off an opponent), or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so. He did both a and b. The question is did he do c. I think he does. He turns upfield, even though he is already in the endzone, before the ball is knocked out. Not sure if he got a third step before the ball got knocked out but that would also qualify. Id like to see a replay on that to be sure because I am not positive on when the ball actually starts to come out and I only seen the replay once.
  10. Please show me your positive posts. All I ever see is negativity and complaining from you.
  11. Yep I hate this board after a loss. All the trolls come out with their pitchforks. This team has been a contender going on its 3rd season now and some trolls just wanna complain about everything.
  12. So far yes but he hasnt played anyone of note yet. He needs to be able to prove he can win throwing the ball when they cant run the ball. He needs to be able to prove he isnt a regular season stats hero and can win in the playoffs. So far he hasnt. Even in the Miami game, part of the reason Miami was able to come back was because the Ravens did nothing on offense in the second half.
  13. I think Frazier is a great DC too but I didnt like that call either. Sure you can say they broke down and it was down to execution but this team seems to give up 3rd and forevers pretty often. The Bills were stopping them most of the day. Why change what they are doing? Give a QB all day to throw and eventually he is going to find someone to throw to. Those receivers are too good to not get open like that. I dont care how many people are in coverage. They needed to get pressure on Tua there and make him throw short of the sticks and then make the tackle. Thats my opinion on it. Other than that play though I think they did an amazing job with what was basically a preseason roster back there and on part of the line too.
  14. This. I dont mind the team has the sun advantage. When it comes to actual player safety though then they need to be allowed to do what it takes. If they arent allowed cooling misters and stuff then thats just plain wrong. Just like if teams come here in super cold temps then I expect the visiting team should have the same heated benches and heaters on the sideline that our team does. If weather is a bigger issue then games should be postponed. Hell it wasnt even safe for the fans.
  15. Because he was fools gold that had multiple excellent years and went to a super bowl? Lamar is on his 5th year and has one playoff win. Look, I dont care if Lamar gets paid or not. If he does get a fully guaranteed contract then good for him but I dont think he is going to get it. I think any team that pays him that is an idiot. He eventually will lose those legs. Its been shown over and over that a team that can shut down his running has shut down that offense. You need to be able to pass the football at an elite level. He just doesnt. If he takes that team to a superbowl or even the AFC champ game then I was wrong. Until then this is my opinion. Its just like Murray. They were fools giving him that contract. He hasnt proven a thing. They are going to regret it.
  16. Not every contract has to out do the previous contract. Again, the overall contract was for more money. It was less guaranteed but it was still more money.
  17. Some of these handoffs seem to take forever too. That doesnt help.
  18. Sorry but I disagree. Time and time again coaches have lost going for it in what analytics say. Also you are assuming analytics say go for it in that situation... down, distance, score, time left, etc. There are many variables to it than just down and distance. That field goal is typically automatic... especially for Bass. Its unfortunate he missed but IMO it was still the right call. If McD went for it on 4th and 4 and they didnt get it then people would be talking about how not taking the points there lost the game and you know it. and 4 is not short. Its almost half the distance. Short is 1 or 2.
  19. Yeah, I dont think he is a good passer. Sure he makes some throws but I dont think he is complete as a throwing QB. Dont ever call me racist punk. That is one thing I am not. This is not elite
  20. I think in a vacuum that might be true but the center sucked then went on to the third string center. Brown was turnstile until he went out with sickness. Replacement wasnt much better. Later in the game the entire oline was replaced except Dawkins. Different receivers in and out of the game every other play to the point where our fullback is running receiver routes like a WR. Considering the circumstances I think Allen played pretty damn good. I dont think any QB looks like an MVP game in the situation he was in.
  21. It use to be called. Havent seen that called in a while unless its thrown when the play would have been automatically reviewed.
  22. People have died of heatstroke in that type of heat with that kind of physicality. I think people do complain of weather... they all get mocked for wanting a dome.
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