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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yep its the recievers making that offense, not the QB. I'll say that Tua is probably better quick strike. Bridgewater is probably better reading the field and can throw it deeper. On a side note, Miami might need another QB. Can we trade Keenum straight up for Waddle?
  2. No it wasnt really that dirty. Pretty viscious but it wasnt anything wrong with it according to the letter of the NFL law.
  3. Honestly... I dont think Burrow is all he is hyped to be. Seems like just a average QB to me.
  4. I dont buy this one bit. If it is true then they need to change some letters in their "law"
  5. I didnt have much of a choice. My spinal chord was like 50% compressed from like 6 bad discs. I had discs, cages, and fusion done. I was paralyzed out of surgery so the next day when I wasnt much better they brought me back into surgery and shaved bone off the back of my neck to decompress the chord more. The other option was I just ended up worse and worse until paralyzed by not getting the surgery. Decision was easy for me. I still have tons of problems and always will but I get by. I pray for you. I dont want to give you any advice but I will say that yours doesnt sound anywhere near as bad as mine was. Sounds more like my wifes was. She had like 2 discs done with fusion and she is absolutely fine. Dealt with pain and swelling for a couple months but she came home and was hobbling around the house by herself the next day. She was going to the bathroom by herself in the hospital the same day. Whatever you decide I hope it works out for you bro
  6. Totally agree. Its pretty serious if he is going to level 1 trauma. The NFL needs to not cover this ***** up though. If they did their job last week this might not have happened. Here is the other thing... if his back got hurt so bad that he collapsed on the field but didnt find it necessary to get xrays, mri's, ct scans? Come on now.
  7. Cant tell me now that it wasnt a concussion last week. (never thought it wasnt)
  8. I think Miami is better with Bridgewater lol good kicker
  9. Head and neck. I feel terrible for him but this is stemming from last week. See how they cover that ***** up now. What was that defender doing? He was in the perfect spot then moved and let Hill get open
  10. Oof man I dont want to scare you because I had pretty severe two surgeries days apart and I was paralyzed for a while. Its been a year and a half and I still have problems. Entire left side of my body is numb tingly. Cant feel temp. My right hand was paralyzed so long that my joints are so tight I cant make a fist. I cant really feel touch anything with my right hand. My neck is in constant pain and I cant stand more than like 15-20 mins because the pain gets unbearable. Too many things to keep listing. To make you feel better my wife had a similar surgery on like two discs instead of like the 6 I had and she was fine. Walking the same day. I didnt hear it because I was talking to my wife but spine and nerves are also neuro. Although I still think he was concussed last week. If this comes out that it was Tuas head last week then Miami better get some serious ***** like loss of all draft picks and huge fines. Drs should lose their damn license too.
  11. Those only because our offense ***** the bed and gave them the ball on our 10 yard line. Come on man. That game is totally different full strength and no blistering heat.
  12. I know that was a pretty solid hit and he landed hard but the dude is still made of glass.
  13. That actually could be his back. His fingers were locked in weird positions. Mine do that all the time just from stretching after my neck surgeries.
  14. So its a penalty to pull a QBs foot now? Tuas ***** im sure he'll be back in though
  15. Yeah its going to work sometimes. Other times its going to get them burned.
  16. They gonna die with it alright. There is a reason nobody blitzes that much.
  17. I wonder how long it takes Miami to figure out that blitzing all the time isnt going to work all season?
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