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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yeah I post as I read. Too hard to go back to find posts to reply to after reading the whole thread. Doesnt really change what I said though. He still went back to practice. Doesnt even look taped up. Likely he is out because he was out getting second opinions first and didnt practice all week.
  2. I guess the second opinion that he wanted didnt go well for him. The surgery to repair his leg after the shark bit it off was a resounding success. Who comes back from a high ankle sprain in the matter of days after that face? Cant fully tell from the picture but the ankle doesnt even look taped. Those look like just socks. I think the injury isnt as severe as his face. However, that is the Patriot way. You dont quit on Belichick. Jones changed his mind too late. Already in the dog house.
  3. See like I said in the other thread... calm down. You are so worked up you can't even read what he said. You are just on a rampage to be on a rampage. You are going to give yourself a heart attack over disagreeing with people on a football forum. Chill out dude. The 13 seconds is what lost the game. Yep. Thats true. Changing the OT rules because of a coinflip is also true. Two different things though. I dont think that article was written by Bills fans. Even if it was so what? Show me on the doll how that affected your life.
  4. You should calm down. Jesus you are in at least two threads whining about excuses. Yeah the Bills choked. Thats true. Allen choked on the pass to McK in the endzone. Gabe choked on the TD catch. Bass choked on the FG. Dawkins/Singletary choked on the block that cost the fumble as well as the center that snapped the ball too early. The center choked on a few snapped footballs. Milano choked on the INT. We get it. The team lost because they didnt execute on the plays they needed to. None of that changes we were missing half of our team by the 4th quarter. Some of those were 3rd stringers. One of those was playing on oline with a torn ACL. Diggs had an IV in both arms. Other guys also got IVS. All the receivers were in and out of the game to the point that the WRs were a rookie RB, a FB, and some random other person. None of that changes that being in the shade for half the game which was probably 15 degrees cooler is a huge advantage. When teams play here in the snow, wind, and rain both teams deal with that equally. That is not the case in the Miami sun. The Bills lost. Get over it and move on.
  5. Yes during the week when they are in concussion protocol they have to be cleared by an independent to go back. During a game the NFL website with the rules says this: You can say they do not put players out there but you dont know that for a fact. The decision is entirely up to the head team physician. Yes, I think they would be in a world of trouble but that doesnt mean it never happens. People do stupid ***** all the time whether they are professionals or not. We dont even know for a fact he was actually physically examined by the independent. Was that stated anywhere? Lawyers break the law and do shady ***** Doctors break the law and do shady ***** Politicians break the law and do shady ***** CEOs of big corporatiosn beak the law and do shady ***** Feds break the law and do shady ***** etc etc etc Everybody does shady *****. The NFL most certainly does shady *****
  6. Im sure he is getting medical treatment at this point. Yes, players need protections from themselves because they want to compete and be on the field. These guys are use to getting battered in a game and are use to brushing it off as nothing. They dont worry about the consequences until they actually happen. Unless they are Mac Jones who gets an ankle sprain and acts like a shark just bit his leg off.
  7. Hmmm good question. I think thats a grey area because I think the penalties arent even called right half the time. There are a lot of head shots never called for instance. Some of them are even fined after not being called on the field. Others seem to me a weak call. For instance I thought the Milano call was weak. Im sure its a penalty by definition but I see that also go uncalled all the time. I believe that shove caused a concussion and I was ok with the flag but it seems pretty weak to throw someone out of a game and or suspend them for. Also, looking at the play that actually put Tua on a stretcher and in concussion protocol, there wasnt anything dirty about it. Not a penalty. Yet it caused a concussion. Does that guy now get a suspension for it? I dunno. A little grey.
  8. He lies to the interviewer and our face in this video by saying the independent and team physician have to both clear him and he said it multiple times to reinforce it. From NFL's own website: http://NFL Concussion Diagnosis and Management Protocol https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/resources/fact-sheets/nfl-head-neck-and-spine-committee-s-concussion-diagnosis-and-management-protocol https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/health-and-wellness/player-care/concussion-protocol-return-to-participation-protocol
  9. Yeah like the NFL is going to admit anything. Same NFL that destroyed spygate tapes and covered up concussions for decades.
  10. The problem is Tua is a competitor and likely will do anything he can to stay on the field. This is why players need protections from themselves. Also why he likely would look for second opinions that would let him play instead of second opinions that say he cant
  11. Agree with this. Although concussion symptoms can take hours to days to show any symptoms so I dont think its all that hard to fool a neurologist in that case. This is why the protocol does need to change. As an example I got a concussion at work. After about a minute of dizziness I was fine and worked the rest of the day. It wasnt until later that night I started getting bad headaches among other things.
  12. A neurologist doesnt have to clear him though. He only has to be cleared by the teams head physician who isnt necessarily a neurologist. The teams head physician is who decides whether he can play or not.
  13. I am unaware of any player ever being checked for concussion symptoms daily while NOT being in the concussion protocol.
  14. From the NFL website: A blind man can see that wasnt orthopedic. He was able to laugh during a movie? Ok hes good for next week.
  15. Welp FilthyBeast prediction of the Bills not beating the Ravens because they cant get over the emotional loss to Miami is incorrect. Guess he will change that to the Bills screw around too much at practice now.
  16. It means they werent on the injury report as anything other than like vet rest day
  17. You realize that the independent neurologist doesnt make the final call right? The team doctor makes the final call. The independent neurologist is just there to consult. Yes I am saying they didnt do their job. Many players, analysts, and other Neurologists share that opinion too so its not just me. Any of this sound familiar? The team physician makes the call not the independant. Independant is just there to consult. People are confused by this because its the independent that makes the call to return if the player was actually put in concussion protocol but not on gameday They did not do their job period. Anybody that watched that display of Tua grabbing his helmet, slow to get up, shaking his head, and GMI causing collapse to the ground knows this was not back muscles or legs which would be orthopedic where the head and spine is neurological. All of this was taken from the NFL's own website.
  18. Ok he is talented. So is everyone in the NFL.
  19. Two top QBs of their own styles. I feel like this is not a battle of QBs but a battle of whose defense plays better.
  20. IMO there is zero chance Tua didnt get concussed on Sunday. What he displayed is not a symptom of back pain. It is however definitie symptom of concussion. We know 1: he violently bounced his head off the ground 2: he grabbed his helmet for a bit before he got up 3: he shook his head after he got up 4: he lost motor control and collapsed to the ground Any competent Neurologists would have taken him out regardless of whether or not he passed the "how many fingers am I holding up" test (yes I know thats not the real test.). I know you are a professional so you are a little biased in defending other professionals. I totally respect your opinion and I know you are a smart guy but Im not going to agree with you on this one. Full disclosure, I am not a doctor but I am smart. I have also had concussions. I have also had back pain. I have also had severe neck injury and surgery. I currently deal with a large amount of neurological problems. I feel that is good enough experience to give a educated opinion.
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