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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Oh look he ignored this in two threads so he can keep going in other threads acting like our Oline is the worst in the league.
  2. Ok I will go this far with you... the NFL tests aren't good enough in this day and age to accurately determine a concussion or not. When I say the examiners were incompetent I dont mean that they are stupid at their job. What I mean is they didnt use common sense because they are trained to follow the NFL rules and not what a doctor should actually be doing. That is where they failed Tua. Do no harm. They should have enough common sense to err on the side of caution and not just because NFL rules allow it.
  3. I was 12 at the time. Probably old enough for some but at that point I didnt understand football enough to even know who the coaches or players really were. I remember Joe Fergusson but thats about it from before the Kelly years. A prime Freddie on this team would be incredible. The dude could do it all... run, block, catch.
  4. Man I miss Jackson. One of my favorite Bills ever.
  5. Thats fine. It happens. Quick pun... people make mistakes 😃 (that was meant for humor not a dig or arguement) I added this part in anticipation of that response actually: There is nothing anectodte about the obvious symptoms Tua displayed for millions to see. Why do you side with NFL doctors over other top Neurologists that have said from day one it was a concussion? Are those doctors just making a mistake? They are trained to see the visual signs. Tua hit 3 or 4 of those signs on like a 6 list sign. A concussion test is meaningless and just meant to appease everyone for the NFL. Concussion tests can be fooled just like lie detector tests can be fooled. We have players speaking out about that happening. They can be fooled because concussion symptoms can take hours to days to show up.
  6. Wait. Where did I say doctors are "educated guess making prescription peddlers?" I said nothing of the sort. I said two things: Drs make mistakes. They make mistakes all the time. So does everyone in every job. I also said there are a lot of corrupt doctors out there. There have been 1000's of doctors put in jail just over prescription fraud with opioides. There have been 1000s of doctors put in jail, lost their license, etc of insurance fraud. This is undeniable fact. Im sorry you want to think all professionals are well... professional just because you are one and you arent corrupt and dont make many mistakes. Thats just a bias. Mistakes are made all the time. There are corrupt doctors everywhere. I said nothing about "educated guess making prescription peddlers" There is nothing anectodte about the obvious symptoms Tua displayed for millions to see. Why do you side with NFL doctors over other top Neurologists that have said from day one it was a concussion? Are those doctors just making a mistake? They are trained to see the visual signs. Tua hit 3 or 4 of those signs on like a 6 list sign. A concussion test is meaningless and just meant to appease everyone for the NFL. Concussion tests can be fooled just like lie detector tests can be fooled. We have players speaking out about that happening. They can be fooled because concussion symptoms can take hours to days to show up.
  7. So everyone is a contender except the Bills. Got it.
  8. I am not. They need protections from themselves. Concussions lead to serious brain damage even if not right away they do down the road. How many lawsuits, early dimensia, other early neuro problems, suicides from the problem at a young life need to happen? Its like seat belts. No one would wear them if it wasnt a law. Kids in the back seat wouldn't even be buckled.
  9. Considering they sent questions to be answered on Sunday and by Thursday they still werent answered... you know the lawyers are trying to come up with the best language to answer those questions. Already shady in my book.
  10. Sorry but I dont agree. Someone on that sideline should have stepped up and said "no" regardless of the rules. That is incompetence at its finest. A top neurologist said they are trained and they know the signs and those signs were clear. A player needs to be protected from himself. Everyone in the world could see the concussion signs just by watching on TV. That should have been an automatic regardless of what the player said or the passing of a test in a case where symptoms can take hours to days to show. Thats incompetence. If you are putting a player back on the field just because the rules say you can and not because he is definitely fine then that is corrupt. Even if you think for one second "oh its just his back," the loss of motor control to the point that he collapsed should be enough on its own to pull him out because there is something wrong there.
  11. I agree and I dont. What I dont know is if Tua just went to the sideline and claimed from the get go it was his back. Its obvious to everyone it was not. The doctors may have been corrupt or Tua just might not have shown any symptoms in their tests so they went along with the "its the back." Its really hard to know what really happened. One thing I can totally say from this situation is that the protocols need to change to remove that loophole so that when someone shows those signs its just an automatic "no go" no matter what. Tua was 100% failed in this situation and that should never happen again to anyone.
  12. 10-20% Here I'll give you how rare it is. Its so rare that my neck injury with 6 bads discs that was compressing my spinal cord by 50% was misdiagnosed as a shoulder injury and that I should just go do some physical therapy and I'll be fine. I didnt buy it so I got a second opinion but that took me months because workers comp didnt want to approve it until I tried physical therapy. I fought it. All the while my body was degrading to the point that I could no longer lift my left arm. I finally paid for the ***** doctors visit myself to get a different opinion. He gave me the MRI that I originally wanted that the other doctor refused to (just did a shoulder xray cus god forbid they do something that might cost workers comp some money.). Dr told me it was so bad if I went to physical therapy I would likely be paralyzed or dead right now. I have a ton of problems and a lot of that has to do with how long my spine was compressed because some doctors around here wont do the right thing and do the needed tests when its on workers comp because workers comp doesnt like paying for it. They like to do the minimal necessary then work there way up. A lot of doctors follow that corrupt ***** instead of just doing what they know is the right thing because they dont want to deal with comp. Yes I was told that by the new doctor too. Story two will be much shorter. My mother when I was a teenager use to play softball. She slid into home plate and messed up her knee. I dont remember what the exact injury was but it needed surgery. The doctor operated initially on the wrong knee. So dont sit there and tell me mistakes are rare. They arent rare. They happen all the time. I dont care if you want to use some well its a small 10 -20% thing. Its happened twice in my lifetime. It happens to 12 million people yearly. Call it rare compared to case load, I don't care but it still happens all the time.
  13. I think you have a funny definition of rare and then double down on extremely rare. Professionals are corrupt in every industry and its not just a bad egg here and their. You live with blindfolds man. What do you mean "start and assumption yadda yadda". I didnt say you saw it on tv. I said you didnt see it on tv so you dont notice it.
  14. In the United States, 12 million people are affected by medical diagnostic errors each year. An estimated 40,000 to 80,000 people die annually from complications from these misdiagnoses. Women and minorities are 20 to 30 percent more likely to be misdiagnosed.
  15. If the Bills staff handled Josh that way I would be just as pissed as I am about the way Miami handled Tua. This ***** is no joke and the NFL not taking this stuff seriously instead of being about the views and the money destoys peoples lives. It could have gotten Tua killed. For what? A meaningless week 3 game. Even if it was his "back," which I don't buy for one second, he never should have been put back in the game and he should have had medical scans and xrays of his "back."
  16. That display is an automatic no go unless its ruled orthopedic. I dont believe for one second that he was having back spasms. Those examiners are either shady or incompetent. Either way they did Tua wrong.
  17. Its rare? It may be rare on mainstream media but its not rare at all. Here this is just a first on google that just happened in March. You can find fraud doctors over thousands of pages just on google. Just because it wasnt on your local news channel doesnt make it rare Again, you are a professional so you have a bias to think professional won't risk their license by doing shady *****. Thats completely false. Money is a funny thing. Even to people that have it. I understand you wanting to see hard proof. For me the hard proof was the display on the field. Any thing other than being ruled an orthopedic cause is an automatic no go. Coincidentaly they said it was his back. None of that display is symptoms of orthopedic. They were clear signs of concussion symptoms. They either did shady ***** or they are incompentent af. Either way they did Tua wrong.
  18. I mean they are both good football teams. Both teams are banged up. The weather is going to suck. The Ravens are at home. The game could go either way. Im a Bills fan though so fk the ravens.
  19. Guess I will leave this here for you too since you ignored it in the other thread to continue your narrative. Lets do some stats through 3 weeks keeping in mind that week 3 by the second half sometime we were down to 2 starting linemen, some of them 3rd stringers, and one guy finishing the game on a torn ACL. Hurries 7 - 19th fewest in the league Knockdowns 6 - 22nd fewest in the league Sacked 7 - 12th fewest in the league Blitzed 30 - 13th most in the league Pressured per drop back 13.1% which is 31st lowest in the league. Also keep in mind only 4 teams have more pass attempts than Josh and 2 of them have an extra game. Yeah, you might see some turnstile and missed blocks here and there but all teams have that. Yes, Josh even helps make the line look better. Even still the line is also why those stats are in a pretty good place. Mahomes for example is way more pressured than Josh... 31.4% of his drop backs which is 4th most in the league while only being blizted 7 more times than Josh. Yes I would like to see them use some resources in the oline but they arent as bad in pass blocking as you are acting.
  20. I dont think they are great or anything. I dont think they run block very well. As far as pass blocking they do a relatively good job compared to the rest of the league. People see a whiffed block here and there and think it doesnt happen to other teams. It does. Cant have stars everywhere it just isnt cap possible. Would love to see some investment in a piece or two in the draft but they were pretty good the first two weeks. Miami you cant really say anything because they lost most of them. It seems pretty clear that Morse is pretty important to this line and offense though. To me they are trying hard to get to the superbowl and they feel the best way to do that is with a better pass rush. I tend to agree with that because our offense did its job in the playoffs. There are only so many moves you can make each year.
  21. One might think this game is a battle of the QBs. Others might think this game will come down to who has the better defense. I have thought about it both ways myself. I have changed my mind. In the Miami game it came down to who had the better waterboy. This game will come down to who has the better equipment manager and puts out the best cleats.
  22. Lets do some stats through 3 weeks keeping in mind that week 3 by the second half sometime we were down to 2 starting linemen, some of them 3rd stringers, and one guy finishing the game on a torn ACL. Hurries 7 - 19th fewest in the league Knockdowns 6 - 22nd fewest in the league Sacked 7 - 12th fewest in the league Blitzed 30 - 13th most in the league Pressured per drop back 13.1% which is 31st lowest in the league. Also keep in mind only 4 teams have more pass attempts than Josh and 2 of them have an extra game. Yeah, you might see some turnstile and missed blocks here and there but all teams have that. Yes, Josh even helps make the line look better. Even still the line is also why those stats are in a pretty good place. Mahomes for example is way more pressured than Josh... 31.4% of his drop backs which is 4th most in the league while only being blizted 7 more times than Josh.
  23. Could be. I didnt see any video. Just looked at the picture and my vision is always blurry from my eyelids droopy... from the medication I take so lol. You are probably right. He still a big baby IMO though.
  24. First thing I think when I see new member is someone thats been banned and just made a new account. Now, thats not always true obviously but thats the first thing I think. Years of conditioning from the old BBMB where it happened regularly.
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