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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I agree but I also agree that they need to start finding a way to win some of these games. Its been a while.
  2. Are you kidding? It can be some of the best comedy ever. Just dont be drinking coffee while listening in your car or you'll be needing a detail. Thinking they should forfeit the game is ridiculous though. That is never going to happen.
  3. LFG!!! Hopefully so do Morse and at least Poyer. Oliver would be great too.
  4. Well now it makes sense why Josh got the flag for it. Yes but grabbing someones winkie isnt one of them
  5. Ok I've had the worst week I could imagine. Kick some ass today Bills and cheer me up!! LFG!!
  6. That face... Josh actually transformed from Sugar High Josh to Pyschopath Josh. I blame Dorsey.
  7. Yeah I dont like him. Totally agree with is statement though. I tried to post it earlier but for whatever reason I could not get the link to work.
  8. Again... if they were confident in their diagnosis on the field then why would they check him every day for concussion symptoms? If they weren't confident in the diagnosis to the point that they felt they should check him every day including game day morning then Tua never should have been put back on that field.
  9. Looks like Dolphins are already saying Bridgewater for week 5. Now they take it seriously 🙄 Or it could just be an assumption. I have no idea who that guy is.
  10. Woot woot. I did it today because my wife is making me chili for the game tomorrow
  11. This absolutely needs to happen. Just please dont leave the call with the referee. I can already see QBs being taken out of a game because they tripped on a billdo or something and it was misconscrued. It needs to happen but DONT LEAVE GREY AREAS NFL!! Except for the loop hole that allows them to call it a back injury and put the player back on the field. They do use it during the sideline tent evaluation. In fact its mandatory. Somehow that doesnt apply if they get taken straight to the locker room though.
  12. Welp Belichick has that bad boy now. Way to go champ.
  13. Damn I had Dibellas today. Now I wish I had Wegmans. It was still good anyways.
  14. Thats strange I copy and pasted the link. Let me try again. https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/resources/fact-sheets/nfl-head-neck-and-spine-committee-s-concussion-diagnosis-and-management-protocol There is also this one https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/health-and-wellness/player-care/concussion-protocol-return-to-participation-protocol Both official NFL links
  15. He firsts has to rest 24-48 hours before he can do anything. That starts the second he is put in protocol. Then he has to go through 5 stages and be cleared by an independent. The chances of doing all that between Sunday afternoon and Thursday, especially for an away game, are slim to none. Im betting he will play. They may keep him out as some sort of "see we do care" measure but at most he will miss one game. Its really not all that hard to get through concussion protocol. Its just time.
  16. Yeah I posted it a ton of times lol http://NFL Concussion Diagnosis and Management Protocol https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/resources/fact-sheets/nfl-head-neck-and-spine-committee-s-concussion-diagnosis-and-management-protocol That actual state it several times to make sure its absolutely clear
  17. Oh and btw you have said its rare for doctors to make mistakes then doubled down later and said very rare. This is not the case as I have shown its 10-20%. Some others sites say 5-10% so we can go by that. 1-10% is considered common. .01-0.1% is considered rare.
  18. Mitch Morse. I dont care what anyone says that dude is what makes our line go. Our line gos and Josh scores points.
  19. Nah this is about player safety. Id rather incompentent people just get fired and lose their license while the team gets heavily fined and loses draft picks for the next two years because I dont think they have any this year. It should be heavy because this is the second time they failed to follow protocol. They are simps. They still will think its a witch hunt. They dont give two ***** about player safety.
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