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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I agree. It looks like they are sleeping on the field
  2. FFS McK shoulda had that first down easy. Moss and this line is not a power back offense.
  3. Well I think this one is over. Only first quarter but they played right into Baltimores hands
  4. Funny because this crew is known for PI and the league said they wanted to focus on that this year. I expect we get a PI call this drive.
  5. LFG Buffalo!!! Get that conference win and potential tie breaker
  6. Yeah I am fine with that. Ravens are a top team too. Lamar is tough to deal with as is Andrews. I just hate when people act like the Bills are some mediocre team going against some juggernaught.
  7. The Bills are one of the best teams in the NFL. Im not saying we wont lose but calling it a miracle if we win is highly exaggerated.
  8. I mean I've seen so many times our DL look bad against first time rookie starts or backups in. Watch this guy look like a damn all pro. Screw that... this is Von Miller. Feast you Beast!
  9. So strange how life works and how one decision changes everything. Pegulas would have kept Marrone but he opted out of his contract so we went and got Rex which was a clown show so he got fired. That lead to getting McDermott and Beane. If Marrone wouldnt have opted out he still likely would have been fired but the chain of events changed. We likely dont have Mcd or Beane so we likely dont have Josh Allen either.
  10. We are definitely trending in a good direction with all the injuries. Lets hope today isnt another step back.
  11. Im not big on Lamar the QB. I am big on Lamar the athlete. I just dont think he is that great of a passer and I dont think that style of play is going to win them a superbowl. That said, the MVP talk for him is justified at this point of the season.
  12. Well at least we got Morse, Dane, and Poyer back as well as Davis playing
  13. Chris Brown just said its a good chance Poyer is playing and Oliver was out there and it looked like his ankles were taped to play a game.
  14. Chris Brown just said its a good chance Poyer is playing and Oliver was out there and it looked like his ankles were taped to play a game.
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