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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I was already thinking to myself as I read that... werent the Bills also the first team... then I read the rest.
  2. Yeah I am not shocked really. Belichick is always going to have a solid team and like I said, I dont think GB is that good.
  3. Yeah Romo said it earlier in the game Relax. I was making a joke. They did a good job considering the rookie but GB isnt that good IMO. Blown out by the Vikes. Beat the crappy Bears. Struggled with a hobbled TB with no weapons. They'll look good by end of season because outside of a few games they have a really soft schedule. Then they will choke in the playoffs like they always do.
  4. Was this the last game of NE's extended pre season or is that still ongoing?
  5. Pats shoulda got called for defensive holding that play. Dude grabbed the receiver and rode him like 20 yards.
  6. How do coaches not get flagged for that? If a player jawed at a ref like that and threw stuff on the ground throwing a temper tantrum they'd get a 15 yard penalty. I mean I get why he is mad and all coaches do it... just curious why they allow that for a coach but not a player.
  7. hes not a terrible coach but he hasnt won anything without Tom Brady other than a lucky WC seed where he got embarrased. Not looking too good this year either. Ancient football of running and stopping the run will only win so many games.
  8. I swear everytime Rodgers over throws a ball he shakes his head like its the receivers fault.
  9. I dont follow GB either but they are freaking terrible at run D today. They are leaving multiple huge gaps for the runner to run through then cant even get to the runner.
  10. FilthyBeast will be talking him up all week. If he even shows up after a Bills win this week where he predicted the Bills getting blown out.
  11. Another game where the Pats dont have to pass the football because the run defense is terrible.
  12. Belichick nailed it again Tom Brady. The next Tom Brady in Mac and Cheese. The next Mac and Cheese in Zappe
  13. How the hell was that not delay of game. It was like 2 seconds past the play clock
  14. The consensus is a disagreement. Some guys wanted to let the Bills score so their offense would have time to try and match it.
  15. Oh god if GB loses this game I will have to hear FilthyBeast again all year talking about how the Pats are contenders and are going to take the division knocking the Bills out of the playoffs. Already going to have to hear him pump up his Dolphins and the Jets now too.
  16. We got two holding calls that I remember when they didnt matter because we made a first down anyways.
  17. boohoo. The Bills won. Sorry that upsets you. Move on to next week where you predict the Steelers will win based off last year.
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