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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. One of their media members said a few days ago that Bridgewater was going to start against the Jets.
  2. Yes they can as long as he isnt down at any point and the momentum keeps moving so the whistle doesnt blow.
  3. There were people that didnt even want Diggs when the trade was announced and thought Beane was stupid. There was at least one poster that thought Beane was stupid for extending Josh Allen when he did.
  4. Sure thing vs Unknown. Rookie vs a team that needed some experience at the position.
  5. I dunno. Id have to read your actual posts in all those threads to see and I am not about to do that. Not worth my time. Thread titles dont account for your entire post history either so you thinking you are going to pass a handful of thread titles compared to your 1.3k posts and pass it off as you are only 20-30% negative is being disingenuous.
  6. I dont think there is a poster on the board that thinks McD is perfect. Everyone knows the guy makes mistakes. Most people recognize that he is also a damn good coach and probably one of the best in the league. Andy Reid was fired. He was also criticized heavily for coaching decisions in both Philly and KC until he won the big one. Even during Mahomes first couple years.
  7. Yeah like I dont even care you had that opinion. Its just how long you went on about it and I got tired of hearing it. All good man. I get passion. Another example... we had a guy in another thread complaining about the clock management in both the first half and second half where we scored a TD leaving 9 seconds on the clock and ended the game with a game winning field goal. Thats some trollish ***** right there.
  8. Differing views is not the problem. I have a lot of different views than other people. I dont feel people call me troll or anything like that. Its because I listen too. When I feel I am wrong I concede. When I feel I am right then I just agree to disagree. What I dont do is spend all day every single thread saying the same thing over and over even when the evidence points otherwise. There are certain people that do that. Not saying you are one of them. An example would be like people making a huge deal out of the "0-7" in close games that completely ignore the season just before we were 5-1. Still carrying on that same mantra even after today when we are 1-1 this season. Thats the type of stuff that gets a little troll worthy label in my book.
  9. You spent like 2 hours crying about a roughing the passer call bro.
  10. Nah if people got banned for the smallest of technicalities then FilthyBeast would have been banned long ago. This moderation team is pretty good and for the most part lets people say their peace about the Bills. On BBMB you couldnt say anything without being banned. I was being stalked and harrased by someone on that board. Dude literally followed me from thread to thread harrasing me and I got banned instead because one day I got tired of it and I stood up for myself. You had to walk on egg shells there because there were clearly mods that had power go to their head and certain posters were friends of them and untouchable. You also dont seem to understand the difference of opinion and people that have agendas that have to drive it in every single post they make. People that make posts criticizing things when it doesnt even make sense to criticize because they have tunnel vision about their opinion. I've seen people get pure negative on the team after the Bills blew out the other team the same day. Im sorry but thats just insane. Thats not just opinion. Thats agenda.
  11. You should really self reflect on your posting if you think you are only 30% negative. I asked you to show me a positive post before and you linked me to a post where you were positive about something meaningless and then criticized McD in the same post. You could have shown me any post you wanted and you chose that one. SMH.
  12. It was also 7 if Lamar looked to the left off the snap with a wide open guy.
  13. Rex Ryan. What does it matter? McD got this team to the playoffs with Tyrod Taylor and Nate Peterman at QB with Zay Jones as the #1 receiver and some other nobody.
  14. People are being paid off to make room for OBJ. Well done Von Miller. Well done. In all seriousness ouch for Crowder. People may complain of him for his drops but he has also made some clutch catches too. Shakir gets his chance. Hope he makes the most of it.
  15. I dont know either but I see those arm bars go uncalled all the time and more egregious ones than that. It happens in like every game across the league. I never really care about the refs as long as they are calling/not calling things the same both ways.
  16. Didnt he spend like the first half of the season on the inactives list? I mean I seem to recall people mocking the Bills because they cant even dress the 2nd round pick that people also felt the Bills didnt need.
  17. The TD on that INT was there to be made for him right off the snap to the left. Glad he didnt even look at that side of the field.
  18. Not saying it shouldnt be called but I see those type of arm bar holds go uncalled all the time. Not just our team. Even worse one when the tackle is at the back of the player and still doing an arm bar around the front. I do not know why these dont get called.
  19. They invested a 2nd round pick. Boogie Basham was a 2nd round pick and hardly dressed at all.
  20. Again, I dont want to argue but to be fair Cook has more yards than Shakir. Shakir really is only playing because the Bills didnt really have much choice after losing both McKenzie and Crowder. This is what I cant figure out... Shakir wasnt being dressed until we are down WR. Likely because they don't trust him to use him yet except out of need. Why are they dressing Cook every week if they don't intend to give the kid some chances. I dont view that one play coming in the middle of the game cold off the bench as chances. Like why dress him as a third RB when we barely run the football and Singletary is going to get the lionshare (as he should) and Moss is going to get the rest. Im hearing things like... he is distant with the other players and he puts no effort in during things like pre warmups and stuff. That just doesnt sound like a McD player. I dont even think they really know how to use him at this point. They might as well leave him inactive and dress someone else that has a better chance to contribute.
  21. He was mad because they reset the play clock when there was no delay to the play one of them.
  22. Im more curious why they keep him active if he isnt going to play. Is it just in hopes that the Bills get a blowout and he can get some experience in garbage time? Hearing things that he is distant and doesnt really make an effort doesnt really seem like the type of player McD would keep active.
  23. This year Singletary has 1 fumble on 34 attempts. Moss has 1 fumble on 16 attempts.
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