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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I mean usually they are ready to play right after halftime.
  2. How many points have they scored in the second half over the last two weeks? I dont care how many points you score in the first half. If you dont move the ball and put up more points in the second half the other offense can do the same thing. They would have only had 7 points in the first half if not for the gifts from our offense just like Miami.
  3. Heat exhaustion. The guy was on the field for 90 plays and threw 63 passes in 100 degree humid temps. Guys were dropping all over the field. Josh said he didn't feel right until Friday. That drive was 19 plays with 8 straight passes followed by 3 runs for 17 yards with a couple 1 yard RB yards mixed in and lasted over 8 minutes of game clock. The dude was so exhausted he laid his head on Tuas shoulder. You really can't see why he might have lost some arm strength in those moments? Come on now. Ever do physical labor for 3+ hours in 100 degree temps? If ya have you wouldnt need to ask.
  4. He had a guy wide open on the left side of the field from the snap all the way though the pressure. He didnt see it because he never looked to that side of the field.
  5. I think the style change is a mixture of coverage he is seeing, the time he has in the pocket, and possible a little bit of a difference in Dorsey design. Maybe that explodes when needed.
  6. Is this the same guy as the 300 yards guy? lol.
  7. Ok now remove the "back door covers" for all teams from the last 3+ years and let me know where everyone ranks.
  8. Hey Id let him do it if he actually went back through every teams games and removed the close ones with whatever imaginary criteria he uses for the Bills and then see where it stacks up. He should respond to that in a few years time.
  9. Show your work because the other poster has a different idea about what 3+ years of games actually means. Are you talking Earth years, Football seasons, or years from the planet Zolton?
  10. Ok so I see. You want to include months that arent actually football months. Makes complete sense to count February, March, April, May, June, July, August when talking about football statistics. You are manipulating your argument to make something sound worse than it is. With that I am done because its just nonsense.
  11. Been saying it about two or three years now but nobody agreed with me =(
  12. No *****. Thats what I been telling you this whole time. The Bills are not 1-7 in the last two years which was your original claim. This is your exact sentence "1-7 in the last two years and 0-13 under McD when trailing by 10 or more at the half, but all previous data now invalid." You drunk or something?
  13. They definitely cant if we draw the line at the last 5 home games. Seems like its the only relevant measure.
  14. First you talk about only including two years in which you say the Bills are 1-7. I show thats wrong. Now you are telling me to go back 3 years. Take a break. Your lost.
  15. Ya literally just did. Take a break. You dont even know your own argument anymore.
  16. Ok again bias. When it comes to one score games you say that the overall body of work doesnt count but his record for games when down by 10 at halftime his overall body of work somehow does count. Thats some serious mental gymnastics. Maybe you should take a break. I literally just looked at the exact last two years of games. It is not wrong. This year + last year is not two full years. We are four games into the season. I skipped the first four games of 2020. You need a break bro.
  17. Again that wasnt 3 years ago. Thats two years ago + 4 games. Do you call yourself a year older when your birthday isnt for another 5 or 6 months?
  18. It doesnt stand because you are drawing the line to your bias. You also said the last two years. It hasnt been two years. Your stats are 1 year +4 games. The least you can do is be geniune on that drawn line of two years which would be 4-9 not 1-7. This year you want to count last year but last year people didnt want to count the year before. Thats complete bias.
  19. The first int the ball was tipped enough that Knox barely got a finger or two on it. Davis wasnt trying to body catch. The pass to the sideline his hands were out to catch and the ball went right through them. Edmunds had a stellar game. I do recall one run play where he took the wrong path but outside of that played excellent unless I missed something which is possible.
  20. Bro seriously stop trying so hard. They literally just lost to the Colts last week and the Colts have been dog**** this year. Im not saying the Chiefs arent a great team. They for sure are one of the best in the NFL but your back handed try hard slaps against the Bills are getting ***** disgusting. On a more important note... Did Beasley get his 100 yards and 4 TDs yet?
  21. So you roll your eyes at my post @BullBuchanan. I take that to mean you have no further argument.
  22. Its not 1-7 in the last two years. Its 1-7 in the last year + 4 games. The season before last they were 5-1. So in the last two years +4 games they are 6-8. Thats one game from .500 which is normal in the NFL. You are like the guy thats spends $1000's at the casino every week but has one day where he wins 500 bucks and thinks he actually won. Ok so where is that line drawn. Same group of people at the begining of the season were all about just the 0-7 and the 5-1 one season prior didnt matter. Then this year starts and we were 0-1 suddenly last year matters. The truth of the matter is you are drawing the line at your own bias. Same as people can manipulate stats to say whatever their agenda wants them to say.
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