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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. We just dominated them two years ago. How much different are they? (I actually dont follow them) Investing in Oline.
  2. I mean true but not true. Id say a little early to tell. Just last week they lost to the Colts and only scored 17 points. The Colts have played like dog ***** outside of that game. They will always have a good offense with Mahomes, Kelce, and Reid though. Geno Smith would have to be my biggest surprise yes.
  3. Its possible because I am unsure either. Just seems a little strange to me. This is the first time I have ever heard of a player getting continual testing after being ruled not a concussion. Not saying it hasnt happened... just saying I have never heard of it.
  4. This guy is as open as it gets in the NFL and he was from the snap of the ball. Lamar never even looked to that side of the field because he was locked in on his target the entire time. Lamar could also easily escape through the gaping holes in the line with his athletesism but he doesnt even see that because he was locked on his target.
  5. He is pretty much the same as he has always been. People said this same stuff last year too about how much better he was at passing. Its the same Lamar Jackson. Half field reads, seam passes to Andrews. Good enough to beat a lot of teams because they cant handle coverage and his athletic ability but that doesnt fly in the playoffs.
  6. How long before PFF tweets that this guy is better than Josh Allen? Maybe they just kind of know its a throwaway season really because they dont have the talent, so they are trying to get him some experience and see how he does.
  7. I actually had thoughts shortly after the 1st quarter thinking the game was likely over because it played right into how the Ravens almost always win games. I never do that. Not even in our drought years. You're all welcome. It was my added negativity that helped win this game. Maybe the Nancies are actually onto something.
  8. Fitz was top of the NFL after like 5 games that one year. That was playing well in all 5 games, not just one half of one football game.
  9. They still have a couple good pass rushers and we still have an oline that can be a turnstile at the worst time. I dont see losing this game though. He isnt as far as we know. McD wouldnt comment on it last I heard and I havent seen anything saying he was removed from PUP list.
  10. I responded to your comment asking how a big elite QB could lose arm strength or something to that affect. Not once did I say or imply that he hasnt or couldnt make a mental error. I dont not think I wouldnt want that
  11. Even if you just look at his play just this season and ignore everything else, his "elite" stats mostly came from less than one half of football out of almost 4 games of play. Almost half of his yards came from less than that one half of a football game. 6 of his 8 TDs came from less than that one half of a football game. Out of just the 4 games played just this season you are calling him elite with less than one half of football body of work compared to his play in roughly 3.5 games. I feel for Tua and hate the situation but your hype is unwarrented at least at this point.
  12. Why? Im disabled. I have nothing better to do lol.
  13. So you are saying you wont ever enjoy a game this season until after the Bills win a super bowl and you will try to enjoy it then but probably be concerned we can't repeat. Got it.
  14. I knew it! They only picked up Tribuski to get information on the Daboll offense. Belichic I mean Tomlin has outcoached McD again! Ok so any given Sunday is the same for every single team in the league. Got it.
  15. Are we sure he wasnt on the field in Tuas uniform for that concussion? This dude can barely talk.
  16. Just wait until this dude gets burned once. People will be jumping out of the woodwork with their concerns citing stuff from training camp.
  17. Frankly I am out raged. McD purposely held our offense back just so he can add a 1 score game to his win column. We need to run this guy out of town. Starting a gofund me for a billboard. I'll drop a link after its made.
  18. Wide open on the left. Lamar never even looked to that side of the field. He was watching his target the entire time. He also could have stepped up through that gaping hole but backpeddled instead because he was too locked in on that target.
  19. If he got another concussion again this year he would be lucky to be able to feed himself still much less play NFL football again. To be fair most people are back from a singular concussion within 10 days. If they keep him out more than a week, I think its proof positive (which I already believe) that the hit in Buffalo was also a concussion.
  20. Yep they are all complaining this is some conspiracy and Tua is fine and should play because he is ready. Anyone argues against that and you are attacked with "You dont care about Tua you just want him out of the NFL." Try to tell them that they are the ones not caring about Tua because they are putting football games ahead of his health and they just ramble about some gibberish. Same fans were trying to run Tua out of town after the first half of Baltimore.
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