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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Wrong. It was 2.5 seconds before the pressure got to the point Lamar started to move. Thats plenty of time for an NFL QB to scan the field. Never even looked because he is a half field QB.
  2. I dont think you get my meaning. I know enough about football that I care to know. I've played football and I have been watching football for 40 years. I dont need to know every intricate detail about every facet of football to watch and enjoy the game. I especially dont need to know what exactly is his reads are... hint unless you are him or greg roman you dont know either... to know a receiver is wide open, he didnt get him the ball or even look at him, and he doesnt read more than half the field almost ever. Also that he locked on his target until he threw a flutter ball to Poyer. I dont need to know everything about football to know what I see. Im not a coach. Im not an NFL player. I know too many other things that are relevant to my life to have room to know stupid ***** that doesnt matter one iota to me. If you want to be a football coach then go ahead and be all high and mighty that you think you know what you know and go apply. Otherwise STFU with your epeen about it. You're on a fan message board not a job interview. People dont need to learn anything more than the basics. I dont give two ***** what that play is called. I dont give two ***** what exact routes those receivers were supposed to run. I dont give two ***** about what his progressions are. He didnt even go through any progressions. If he had then he would have found the open man and got him the ball. You have said nothing to dispute that with all your football wisdom. With that, I am done with this conversation with you. Your knowledge about football is only impressive if you have a job in the field. I have knowledge of industrial maintenance, plcs, electricity, machine repair, automated paint control, pumps, pneumatics, hydralics, automotive repair in all aspects because I was a master technician before switching fields, plumbing, HVAC, CNC repair, CNC coding, C++, Python, javascript, html, css, swift, swiftui, uikit, etc, etc, etc no room for mastering everything football.
  3. I really dont care how football works. Lamar is not a good passing QB. Andrews has more catches than his two primary receivers combined. Its really ok to recognize that receiver is the play here and he didnt look. You think Allen dont look that way? You think Mahomes dont look that way? You think Brady, Rodgers dont look that way? You think any of those QBs are locking onto one target only? Meh. I think Lamar is just a one to two read half field guy.
  4. It doesnt matter. The receiver is open as any receiver is every going to get open in the endzone. Good QBs get that player the ball. Fact is he locked onto Andrews and only Andrews until the very end because thats really just about all he throws to.
  5. He stuck to only one target Andrews until he ran out of time during his back peddle. Thats not progression at all. You cant tell me the most important play in their game only had one read. Lamar is a half field QB. Been his whole life and that hasnt changed in his 5 years of NFL play. It doesnt look worse than it is. It doesnt get anymore open than that. Yes the coverage would roll but a good QB gets that ball there. Enough excuses. He is trying to get the ball to Andrews. Thats where your argument fails. If you are saying the coverage would roll to where he is looking then why is he looking at the target he wants to throw to the entire way? He already has the coverage moved to where he actually wants to throw. Its time to read the field. The read was there. The play was there. The receiver is as open as it gets. He never once looked.
  6. Yes but he never even looked. As I said, Josh Allen would have gotten him the ball and so would many other QBs. It doesnt get any more wide open then that in the redzone in the NFL. Motor gave himself up because he was in the process of fumbling the football that the Ravens almost punched out. But yes, I think they would have gotten the TD if needed.
  7. Usually people don't get this obsessive over what they consider a good backup QB. Sorry I assumed. It seemed like you were trying to say he was a good starter.
  8. Great. Now we have two aliens on the team. I think they can call up a PS player 2 or 3 times but dont take my word for it. I didnt follow all those rule changes and dont know if its changed again this year.
  9. Could you imagine Moulds in his prime with Josh Allen. Sigh. That guy was so good.
  10. Every QB has a highlight reel. Except for maybe Peterman. He has the anti highlight reel. RZ is all about highlights. Tons of bust QB's have some nice looking 300 yard games. If he was some great QB he would have been starting.
  11. yep. Guy is wide open on the left. Gaping holes for Lamar to run through to the left. Instead he back peddled because Andrew was the only read he thought about. This is why Lamar is not an Elite QB, just an Elite athlete. That open guy was open from the snap all the way through the endzone. Josh would have laser beamed him.
  12. I dont think so. If we were in that goal to go situation against the Chiefs and McD kicked a FG there only for Mahomes to march down the field for a game winning TD you would be here fuming about it. Thats why Harbaugh went for the TD there.
  13. I get that opinion but I dont share it. His first game he fumbled the ball on one carry and never saw the field again. His second game I think was the game he got some carries in garbage time and did ok. His third game he got some catches and he was the best pass catching RB on the team. His last game he had 1 target and he dropped it. It was pouring rain and it was an over the shoulder throw. Total of 7 targets with 2 drops. As far as Shakir goes... he didnt do good in his first game "opportunities" either. He is only in now because of the injuries. Yes he made a couple clutch catches but thats the point. He wouldnt be there to make them if he wasnt in there out of necessity. This kid needs touches IMO. Cant keep benching rookies just because they make a mistake or dont haul in something difficult. Our receivers drop balls. Our other running backs drop balls. Our other running backs fumble. Singletary almost cost us the game this week with his fumble early and his almost fumble on our last drive. Our TE dropped a ton of balls his first two seasons and still drops some. The difference is those guys are either vets or they are in because there is no other option. This is 2022. I dont agree with the mindset of heres your one chance and if you dont make it you sit another week. Thats crap. These guys need touches. They need to learn the flow of the NFL game. Cook is our fastest and most dynamic RB on the team. They need to find a role for him and get him some touches. RB is the easiest position to learn in the NFL. Stop using second round picks just to not use them for half of their rookie contract. They did this with Davis. They did this with Basham. Now they are doing this with Cook. Let him get some confidence. One touch a game or even a couple is not enough to write the story. This is the perfect game to do it in. Steelers are not on our level. We are banged up in the receiver department hard. Cook could potentially be the most dynamic offensive player on the team. They used a second round pick on him now make use of him. I think that maybe Dorsey doesnt know how to use him honestly. Singletary has been the best at running the football on this team and i have banged the table for him over Moss for two years now. I honestly never want to see Moss on the field again. Our oline isn't helping the situation but Moss is just bad. Singletary is also the biggest mistake making RB on the team. He is just bad at ball protection and while he has been better at pass blocking this year, he still has big time misses too. Sometimes he even has poor vision running. With all his mistakes they keep him in because he is a vet and because he runs better than Moss. They need to get over the mindset that a rookie might make a mistake so lets just keep him on the bench. Especially when the vets are making the same mistakes. IMO the Chiefs offense is beyond our level. Its not because the QB is better. They are of equal level. A little different than each other but the same level. The playmakers on our team are about equal. The difference is their offensive design is way more dynamic. They make use of their offense to the fullest. Our offense is good but compared to the play design the Chiefs are on another level because Reid. We barely even motion our offense. We use no jet sweeps or anything of the like anymore. Dorsey needs to start adding this type of stuff in if they want to compete offensively. I dont know if he just doesnt know how to do those things or if he is just holding it back until they run into teams like the Chiefs.
  14. This is why they need to get Cook going this week. I don’t care that he fumbled his first ball. I don’t care that he dropped a couple passes. They are not giving him enough opportunity. Stop coddling rookies. They need to play, not sit for half of their rookie contract. They did this with Davis too.
  15. Ooof I didnt see this before. This is why Singletary actually went down I think. He almost lost the ball. What a disaster that could have been. The ball bounced our way for once in this game.
  16. Yeah I dont think thats how it worked out but hey ya never know what happens behind closed doors. In either case... Tom Brady, two games, 15 yards total on I think 4 catches. He isnt that good anymore. He is old and lost a step.
  17. I heard something about here from training camp. Someone was at the Baltimore game and posted here about it in one of the threads. I dont know if its true or not. If it is though it is a bit concerning.
  18. I dont know why I keep thinking he has to be removed before he can practice. I made that same mistake like a week or so ago.
  19. If they were moving on from him then why would he ask to be traded? He didnt like something so he wanted out. Its that simple. That means he dont want to be here.
  20. What dont people understand about Beasley asked to be released. That means he doesnt want to be here. He has Tom Brady and played in two games and has 17 yards.
  21. I dunno. He has been a head coach before and he is old. Most teams want a young offensive minded guy. Although Bowles did get the TB gig.
  22. Powerful story. You could tell she is genuine and passionate about it because she was fighting back tears.
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