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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Just an FYI, I didnt form my opinion based on a still photo. I took the still photo. The guy was uncovered from the snap. You can barely post a picture here because the max file size is 204 kb and I had to reduce the image from 144 resolution down to 18 just to post it.. much less a video clip. Thats because the one of the things he is good at is setting the edge and playing contain.
  2. How common is it to have surgery on ankle sprains? Watkins/Byrd had lisfranc or whatever its called, is that considered an ankle sprain too?
  3. I am not too worried about facing any of their QBs honestly. Just a general statement saying it works both ways.
  4. Oh nice I wonder what database he is pulling that from Not really but I can see where he is coming from. Sometimes when there is no tape or its generally a QB that doesnt run much so you dont expect it then they dont prepare hard on it so they could get burnt. Tannehil isnt really a running QB but he has burned us for instance.
  5. I agree kinda. Probably their best shot but I think it makes it easier on us too. We know Mitch. There isnt much tape on the new guy.
  6. If you look at his game by game snap counts that logic doesnt fly to me. I don't care what Sal said. They sure had no problem sporadically upping his snap counts anytime someone else had a booboo. Even a high ankle sprain is 4-6 weeks. The NFL season is much longer than that. They used him just like I said... when they needed to for other booboos, in relief of receiver needing rest, and when they went wide sets. Im certainly not a McDermott basher.
  7. You watch your mouth when you talking about Josh Norris. He will kung fu kick your... oh wait. Wrong Norris. Carry on.
  8. Alot of that was while Brown was out. The rest of it was in spell of Brown or 5 wide sets. It was either him or Kumerow. As for the following year, Gabe had between 20+ snaps in almost every game that year. He wasnt held out because of his ankle. As an example of this there was a 3 week stretch... Gabe had 19 snaps, the following week Beasley must have got injured because he only had 9 so Gabe got 30 snaps, the very next week Gabe went back down to 19 snaps. It was similar all year long. He wasnt held out all year over his ankle when he was getting almost 20 snaps per game and it spiked up everytime someone went out.
  9. Milano might pick it off. It doesnt get more open than that though. Not unless a dude falls down or something. The field is too small. Im just going to agree to disagree with you at this point. Other QBs make that play. I'll never change my mind on that.
  10. Right because they fixed it. Our pass rush was mediocre last season. This year its good. We also addressed corner which was obviously needed. They also addressed the line to some extent. They also tried to get a dynamic back that could help in the passing offense. They also tried to get a TE. Only so much they can do. Who is sitting on the sidelines for other teams if their 1 or 2 go down? We had Crowder/McKenzie/Kumerow/Shakir. Who do others have?
  11. Im curious to know what teams have some #1's and 2's sitting on the bench just in case of injury. Pretty sure most teams have pretty much jags like we do.
  12. You can tell he is lacking his burst and his cuts arent that great. However, I do agree. He did get open. He did get targeted on the money. The ball went right through his hands. That wasnt from his ankle. Even happened to Diggs though. Probably rain had something to do with that.
  13. We dont even know how Shakir will do because as much as I love this staff they do not like to play rookies unless they are forced to. They wouldnt even play Gabe when it was clear he was a good receiver.
  14. Obviously something is wrong with him. He has had an ankle injury for weeks. Its pretty common knowledge. Just because Josh hasn't gone deep as much as last season isnt necessarily indicating his injury is the reason. It likely is but there are other factors. Biggest one being new OC with his own ideas on play design and play calls. Second could simply be the defense we are facing, the gameplan, etc. Im sure his ankle plays a part of it. Nothing anyone can do about it. It will heal when it heals.
  15. First let me say that I didnt say you couldn't post here or anything of the sort. What I said was I dont need or want an education from you. I dont need a masterclass in football. You further pushed the issue as if I was some moron. Im not a moron. K? Im very educated. I probably have more education then a lot of people on this forum because I have worked in multiple trades and I constantly have to retrain or seek new training as technology grows which is every year of my working life for the last 34 years. Im glad you know football really well. Good for you that you are a coach. I mean that seriously. If that is what you wanted to do with your life then you are right where you belong. As someone not in that field, I simply don't care to know the ins and outs of everything football related. I have eye balls and common sense and enough game knowledge through both play and watching football for 40 years. While I appreciate that maybe you wanted to teach me something, when I say I dont care then that means I dont care. That doesnt mean give me a one liner like Im a moron. If he looked to that side then he really sucks because his guy was as open as it gets in the end zone when you are on the 5 yardline. Do you dispute that he was open or nah? Do you dispute that maybe sometimes your read should change based on presnap and post snap or nah?
  16. He went from a refreshing guy that predicted plays and pointed out stuff presnap to basically Chris Collinsworth that just drools over a couple top guys over and over.
  17. Yeah, I want the actual real details released publicly not just "findings." By saying that they can just come out and say we found that they followed protocol or didnt follow protocol and say nothing more.
  18. Im guessing because we didnt actually get knocked out of the playoffs because of anything on offense. I would love to see some investment in the line though. As well as another top flight wr.
  19. Maybe. Im of the opinion that snow isnt that big of an advantage. Wind and rain are worse IMO and that effects our offense just as much which evens it out a little for other teams. Id rather see our offense in good conditions because thats when it has the potential to be the most explosive. Cold is just cold. People can layer up, have heaters on the sidelines and stay warm by actually playing. That portion of the schedule itself is easier though.
  20. Cover 2 takes a safety out of the box so it wont be as effective against teams that can both run the ball and beat you deep.
  21. Your answer is correct to the question but he only threw 3 passes. They could have put the waterboy back there with the same outcome.
  22. Still crazy to me that only 2 of the first 6 games are at home. Thats rough.
  23. At one point this season Josh avg time to throw on the season was 2.3x seconds. He had 2.5 seconds there before he had to move. He also had two gaping holes on the left side of the pocket that he could have gone through but he didnt look. I mean I dont really care. Its not my QB and Im thankful for that. He is a star athlete but not a star QB.
  24. Well good for him then. I'm not and dont care to be
  25. Wrong. It was 2.5 seconds before the pressure got to the point Lamar started to move. Thats plenty of time for an NFL QB to scan the field. Never even looked because he is a half field QB.
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