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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. depends on if it’s a back or ankle injury.
  2. Lol I take lyrica for nerve damage pain.
  3. He was 7-6 in Denver last year. Miami is a solid team and they play a pretty soft schedule. They will win some games. Id also bet that Tua is probably back next week. I dont really think there is that much drop off. Tua is better at quick strikes on the first read. Bridgewater is better at getting the ball downfield. They are roughly about equal in turnovers. Tua a little better in the TD%.
  4. I didnt want to start a new thread but I thought this was hilarious so I am just going to drop this here
  5. I think McKenzie will have to practice tomorrow or he wont get through protocols in time for Sunday. Unless they hold a regular practice on Saturday. Gabes ankle looks better in those clips.
  6. Where does he think he is going to get playing time elsewhere? He would have been signed by someone if someone wanted him. Unless he plans to goto a different league like the CFL, the dude just gave up a paycheck for nothing. Although I guess this does allow him to seek tryouts to be signed on someone elses practice squad in hopes to have an opportunity that he wasnt getting here.
  7. Yup. Beasley was a big contributor in our turn around. He just doesnt have it anymore. Father time gets everyone. Everyone except Brady who looks like he will still play when he is nothing more than a skull.
  8. It means that he isnt ready to return to practice today. Not much more can be said with the almost zero information we get.
  9. Duh. He has no gas left in the tank. Anyone with eyeballs could see this last season. This is going to make a couple people upset that the Bills reunion isnt going to happen.
  10. Week one we were 90% on third down and scored on every possession we didnt turn the ball over. We also out scored the other team by 21 points. Week two we had two drives that ended on a short yardage down and we out scored the other team by 34 points. I fail to see how at that point they were inefficient in short yardage. It was two drives out of two games. You seriously wonder why people mock you and think you are negative?
  11. I am actually getting tired hearing McD about the running game too. If you want a running game then address the oline. Otherwise play to the strengths and stop trying to bang Moss into a brick wall for the sake of trying. All that does is put more pressure on Josh because we are behind the sticks. I understand the need for having a running game but this team does nothing to address it.
  12. Fins fans will just implode by whining about. Tua was fine and could have played if not for a big conspiracy against him and they lost because he wasnt allowed to play. They're already all over twitter acting like this.
  13. It does look like that yeah. I see no way to search like that or query for specific results. Maybe they just scraped it from there.
  14. Mahomies definitely makes that flip. Allen might just decide to bull doze his way there at that point.
  15. Hes played really well this season. I dont know the Bills find cap room for him. This team is going to be making tough decisions for the next decade. They just have to draft well. Can't keep everyone. If its me and it comes down to Oliver or Edmunds then Im taking Oliver.
  16. Do that for all teams. How many other teams one score games were "back door covers?" Third time I am asking. Secondly in at least the Rams and Indy games the other team did have a chance to win it at the end. The Bills held. Dont remember the NE game so I dont know. Losing close games isnt always indicative of coaching. A lot of times its execution. Is it McDs fault that Josh didn't score in the Titans game? 13 seconds I lean towards it was his fault. He should have made sure his players were in position to stop that. Especially after using time outs. You whine about something different every year with McD. One year its McD's fault that Josh doesnt have 300 yard games. This year it's because of last years one score games. The concept isn't over anyones head. It just doesnt matter.
  17. Yeah its tough to tell. If he stumbled there it would explain it as him losing balance and that is why he went down. The only other explanation I could see is if it really was a business decision and he knew he wasnt going to make it. I dont think the dude is a good QB but he is an amazing athlete and I would expect that he would try to juke some shoes there normally but I dunno. Wish we had an endzone angle on it. Could probably tell for sure then.
  18. At the end of the day all that really matters is how many 300 yard passing games Josh had in those one score games. Unfortunately its about all I got left. Im bored af. Its this or TV.
  19. It wont. The Oline is the problem with the running game.
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