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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. So an int is not as egregious as a dropped pass ok lol. As far as the fumble, McK wasnt expecting the ball because the play was a screen to the other side of the field. Whats impressive was your talk all week sucking Mahomes balls and claiming Josh is not on his level and could never beat the Chiefs.
  2. All teams leave points out there. The Bills and KC are the two best teams in the league. This was never going to be a blowout. No it wasnt. It was a result of a missed tackle in the open field resulting in at least 10 extra yards of offense as well as a free clock stoppage out of bounds.
  3. Brown is not Diggs no. He isnt the best of the best. Acting like they havent had any receivers though is wrong. He just doesnt throw to them. They get open just fine. Brown has 100 less yards in just 6 games this season as he had in 14 games last season. Murray isnt exactly an elite passer either yet he was on pace to more than double his yards with a different QB than Lamar. Time for the excuses to end. Lamar is a great athlete. What he is not is an elite passer. I dont care who you put on that team. Lamar still has to throw to them. Something he isnt good at. Even Sammy Watkins had his worst career year there.
  4. Andrews is their Diggs. They have had good receivers there. He just doesnt throw to them. Guy is 5 years in. The excuses are old.
  5. Murray is still going to be Murray with a team that were fools to give him that contract.
  6. Bills and Chiefs are the class of the AFC. The AFC is not as strong as expected. Everyone else is just a regular team beating up on each other. A few are bottom of the barrel.
  7. One of the Bills players after the game even called for it. Forgot who it was but he said something like "see you guys at the airport!"
  8. Oh no Bills fans being happy and excited about their team. How cringe!
  9. I also hadnt realized Diggs had that many yards yesterday until someone posted it.
  10. Tough to say. Could be a timing thing. Its possible Josh tossed it early and McK wasnt ready. Nobody knows this stuff but the Bills.
  11. Agree, I thought the same thing. I loved when they did that. Having personality on the football team is important and as great of a signing Von Miller is, I think getting Phillips back is underated. Lawson too for that matter.
  12. Yep Im waiting for the tweet to show Zappe had better stats in his first "x" amount of games than Brady to somehow try and prove they got the next Brady a third time.
  13. Unless they get really lucky again, they will. BB is too good of a coach to lose enough games to draft a top QB. His way of winning with a mediocre guy isnt good enough in todays NFL to win anything meaningful. That team is going to be where the Bills were in the drought probably until Belichick retires and the team tanks and rebuilds. Im really surprised Belichick didnt retire. I get that he probably wanted to prove something post Brady era but its not going to happen. He doesnt have to prove anything. The guy was and still is one of the best coaches ever. Coaching alone just isnt good enough in todays NFL. You need a star QB. They have a couple decent ones but thats not good enough.
  14. I think you just read into more than he was saying and took it harder than he meant bro. After all the drama, I have to know... where did you end up finding your wallet?
  15. Dolphins fans are already in their delusion thinking Tua is the best QB in the NFL because "Mahomes cant beat the Bills but Tua can." Lol
  16. Yeah that dude just flip flops for clicks. Last week Bills fans click the hatred. This week KC fans click the hatred.
  17. Nah they wont. Its a long season. They are a good football team but I think they are the worst best undefeated team type of thing. Meh let Miami have it. Closest to the SB as they are going to get. We will beat them at home and bring them back down to earth.
  18. Are you sure thats not the play Allen got tackled in the endzone but Allen got forward enough to get the ball out? One of the defenders signalled safety too but Allen clearly got the ball out by like a yard.
  19. He's old, arrogant, and they traded away his receiver because Aaron needed more money. Honestly as good as he has been, he has been almost as big of a playoff choker as Rivers though.
  20. I've alwasy liked Nantz. I liked Romo better when he used to call out plays before the snap and things like that. I still like him better than Collinsworth and Aikmen but Romo is getting like Collinsworth with his ballwashing sometimes.
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