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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. This ref crew is trying to put this game in OT lol
  2. These refs are just as bad as our game yesterday
  3. Is this stupid game going to go to OT like the other stupid games did?
  4. Honestly I am starting to think Herbert is over hyped for being better than he really is. I havent seen a ton of games of him but he hasnt been good in any game I have watched. Hes made some really good passes but overall just not that good in the game. Plus dude cant make the playoffs.
  5. You would think but so far draftkings is safe. Sounds like a safer 80k bet than that poor Chiefs fan sucker though.
  6. I wasnt sure if it was or not. Just assumed it wasnt because the few coaches I seen doing it were acting like "please hurry this the hell up I gotta get back to my team." Type of thing.
  7. I agree it was weak but it is to the rule. Arm was fully extended. Thats the rule. Kelce gets away with worse all game every game anyways. Serves him right to get called once in a while. Their defenses holding calls were equally as weak anyhow.
  8. Again, Wilson has targets. He is just bad. Washed up. Probably why Pete never wanted to let Russ cook.
  9. wow these RTP calls are out of control this year.
  10. They did McD while the game was going. You can tell they in a rush to get back to the game. I think its BS coaches have to do that.
  11. So Dallas backup finally loses a game and all of a sudden Dak is ready to return the next week lmao.
  12. Man I been watching Berman for like 40 years and I still love watching his stuff.
  13. This ***** aint on Hackett. The TD was there to be made.
  14. had the hang time of a punt and chargers still couldnt get there in time. I dont think the chargers are going to make the post season again. Like Miami or Jets might make it over them.
  15. That ball might have actually hit the moon before coming back down
  16. Hopkins still having hammy problems?
  17. Their right tackle is as bad or worse than ours lol
  18. Thought the same thing on that play. He coulda ran for an easy first down. Why take a covered shot. That PI call was bs too.
  19. Oooof thats worse play right there than Brown
  20. We coulda had Mack instead of Watkins. Thanks Whaley.
  21. It still happened. Saying it will never happen again as an excuse is BS. It can and will happen again. Can you point to any games we won just because of weather over the last few seasons? I cant think of one that we wouldnt have won that we still wouldnt have won in a dome.
  22. So like the Pats game last year? There is no homefield advantage anymore. The sun in Miami is worse than snow. All the weather does is slow our offense down and make it more even for other teams. Did the Colts lose here in the playoffs because of the weather? Did the Ravens? Did the Pats get destroyed here because of the weather? No, I dont think any of those teams losses had anything to do with the weather. How many wins can you point to over the last 3 years just because of the weather? I can point to at least one loss.
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