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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. This is why Allen will never be better than Murray. Murray wouldnt waste time at a Padres game when he could be playing Call of Duty instead.
  2. Backham and it isnt even close. As long as his knee is good to go he would make a way bigger difference than CMC and cost far less assets.
  3. Well they hardly have any fans to begin with. No one cared they won the Super Bowl either. The ones that do will care that Stafford is in decline and pretty much toast with a new hefty contract, no cap space really, no draft picks really. Sure its great to win a SB but I like Beanes method much more knowing we will compete for one every year for the next decade instead of being one and done. I would still rent ODB this year on a reasonable deal though.
  4. I want to see the games this week and then I'll toss in my prediction which will likely be mostly wrong haha.
  5. I cut it off because I didnt want to make the list a mile long. No other reason. The Panthers have a better run blocking line than the Bills. Thats just a fact. Doesnt matter what you pull up, it will show the same. Our backs get hit in the backfield as they are getting the ball half the time yet Singletary is neck in neck in ypa with CMC. In rushing, no. In passing yes. You think teams are doubling CMC out of the backfield position? They are not. He is getting the same coverage. He has only lined in the slot twice. Yes, CMC is a far better back. I've said that. He still isnt getting significantly enough more production than Motor to justify the cost. I wouldnt even throw a second round pick at a half year rental. Regardless of someones made up contract in someones head this team cant afford to pay a running back. Thats not a priority pay position when you have the best QB in the league. Especially not paying CMC the contract he would want with the cap hit/dead cap he would incur for a running back thats going to start declining in two years and already has a lot of wear and tear and injury history to boot.
  6. Agree on those picks never going to happen. I dont think the Panthers will cut him though. There is no reason for them to do so. They can use him as a good piece during a rebuild or they can get some "reasonable" compensation to help rebuild.
  7. Thanks for dropping by. These two teams are in a class of their own and its going to be a great matchup for the next decade. I bet it rivals the Brady/Manning match up.
  8. Just media dropping hype probably because Beane did his due dilligence and made a phone call inquiring about a price.
  9. Still have to be able to run block for him or it wont matter. Panthers have a way better run blocking line.
  10. "Panthers line sucks" - Team run block win rate 1. Baltimore Ravens, 75% 2. Denver Broncos, 75% 3. Las Vegas Raiders, 75% 4. Kansas City Chiefs, 74% 5. Philadelphia Eagles, 74% 6. Arizona Cardinals, 74% 7. Minnesota Vikings, 73% 8. New Orleans Saints, 72% 9. Dallas Cowboys, 72% 10. Tennessee Titans, 72% 11. New York Jets, 72% 12. Cincinnati Bengals, 72% 13. Carolina Panthers, 72% Thats tied for 8th place and 3% off first. The Bills line is 27th. "Defenses are keying on him and him only" - Defenses dont key on one player and one player only. They still have to defend the field. "If you dont think that CMC would compliment this offense..." - I never said that. I said what he would cost is not worth the difference he would make. People have blinders on wanting to trade for this guy with visions of him catching all these passes and him taking off for 20 yards after the catch all the time. Its not going to happen. He isnt going to take away catches from Diggs and Davis for one and for two he really isnt going to get much more yards than Singletary. RB's are dump off pass options mostly. Singletary is only getting 0.8 yards less per catch than CMC is and no its not because defenses are keying on CMC. As for your last bit - why dont you tell me what you think a significant upgrade is. As I explained earlier, CMC behind a way better run blocking line is getting 0.1 ypa more than Motor is. As a pass catcher used in the same way Motor is, CMC is getting 0.8 ypc more than Motor. Obviously CMC is an upgrade. I just dont think one that is significant enough to throw away high value picks on a rental. Paying his salary regardless of restructure is going to mean losing one of Davis, Oliver, Poyer, Edwards. Two of those are probably already not getting re-signed. Im not losing someone like Davis for instance to keep CMC.
  11. I dont know what miracle contract you worked up in your head here but they arent going to get CMC on some 6mil per year deal. He is going to want market value. You might get his often injured self on a cap hit of 6mil for one year with a lot of dead money and bigger cap hits for the length of it but he isnt going to play on a team for 6 mil a year when he already has a contract for 12mil for the next 3 seasons and if cut he will get a better contract in the open market. By this point he will be almost 30 which is not a good age for a RB. Which is why you dont back load the contract kicking all that dead cap down the road. Thats a waste of draft capital. No the Bills dont need to draft a running back 1st or 2nd. There are many many other options. The Bills do not need nor can afford an elite running back salary.
  12. Nobodies missing that point. The dude is a RB that isnt getting that much more than Singletary in the passing game. Its not that much of an upgrade that people think it is. CMC is not going to come in here and just start getting the ball left and right and take it out of Diggs or Davis hands. He isnt a slot receiver. He is a running back no matter how many times people want to say it. Sure he is good in the passing game but he is still a running back. That little extra he would get over Singletary is not as significant as people want to believe. As a running back McCaffrey is getting 0.1 ypa better than Singletary is and the Panthers are way better at run blocking. As a reciever McCaffrey is getting 0.8 more ypc than Singletary. People are in dream world thinking CMC is just going to catch passes left and right and take off for 20 more yards every time. Thats not going to happen. Its not a big enough difference to throw away first round picks on. It just isnt.
  13. The Bills are not going to pay 12 million dollars per year on a RB. KC said they freed up space for practice squad stuff and things.
  14. A concussion is the brain slamming into your skull. There is no technology that can stop that momentum. Yeah its pretty delusional thinking its just some big conspiracy against Tua or Miami. Miami did get hosed when Bridgewater got pulled out that first game though.
  15. I dont know about Pickett but Tua has been out for 3 weeks already and has been seen by multiple doctors. He should be fine. If Pitts had TJ Watt though it would not suprise me if Tua was knocked out with some kind of injury again. He just isnt built for the NFL. If he does happen to get another concussion anytime soon the dude just flat out needs to retire.
  16. https://thebuffalofanatics.com/buffalo-bulletin-the-bills-shouldnt-trade-for-christian-mccaffrey/ There is zero chance that Beane is throwing away first round picks on a guy for just this season. We dont have the money in the future for a 12m per year aav oft injured running back unless you want to lose all of Poyer, Edwards, Oliver, Davis. We are probably already losing two of those. I wouldnt want to lose all of them for some over priced running back just because he might get a yard or two extra than our cheap guys. Running back is not the position you put money into when you have an elite QB. I dont care how good he is.
  17. No a partial year rental is not worth a first round pick. We havent often struggled in those areas. The struggles we do have are usually the result of poor oline blocking. CMC is not going to get much more production then we are already getting that make it worth throwing away a first round pick that could be used on improving our oline or receiver group next season or potentailly a replacement for cap casualty which we are going to for sure have.
  18. You called the eball a liar because he made a joke. I pointed out you were wrong.
  19. No, there are still fans on here that think the Bills can't beat the Chiefs in the playoffs. Those same fans probably wont believe we will win the super bowl if we get there no matter who the opponent is.
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