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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Wait until he blows up when Andrews still gets the bulk of the targets. I think it was a good signing by the Ravens but probably not a good choice for OBJ.
  2. I dont think he is a good enough passer but I also agree with what you are saying to a certain extent. Where you lose me is acting like its a surprise when other QBs have gotten paid. Outside of the Watson outlier those QBs didnt get paid what Lamar is looking for. Lamar could have had a contract in Mahomes/Josh area but that wasnt good enough for him. He wanted to be max max contract. He isnt good enough for that contract. Its his own fault that he hasnt gotten paid... he turned down getting paid. Its fully guaranteed. At some point the restructure will cost them the entire salaray cap.
  3. I think they should at least get another outside receiver to compete. But they can only do what they can do. Cap strapped, who knows how the draft will play out, player in draft could be good or not be good.
  4. Fix the O line. Get a stud receiver opposite Diggs. Have a better gameplan/calling. Do that and the run game would be fine. KC/Bengals/Philly/Rams/Tampa/49ers(at the time)/NE/ATL didnt have a star RB. That covers the last 7 SB. Could probably go further I dunno.
  5. I pray this is an April fools post. If not then I need to think of something to call you without being banned.
  6. Gabe is like a #2 WR. The disconnect comes because we expect a #1 WR opposite Diggs like a few teams have. Miami kinda has two #1s. Bengals have two #1s. I dont expect Gabe to demand a contract like Diggs because he is not of that caliber.
  7. Glad he is back. One of our better line players when healthy.
  8. They have obviously been trying to coach it out of him and I could see Josh tried. To me it made Josh worse. He was indecisive about running a lot of times and it cost yards and first downs and also got him hit ironically. Maybe he wont run so much if he had better protection and better receivers. Running is part of Josh's game. Its never going to be coached out of him. He will do whatever it takes to win. Thats his mindset and what I love about him.
  9. Yeah like BB is going to give that guy a 250+mil fully guaranteed contract. They paid Brady peanuts.
  10. Weird use of resources considering the holes elsewhere on the team.
  11. I dont think so. The dude flat wants a contract better than Watson and wont budge. Thats the waste of time. No one is paying him that even without the picks. If he was worth that much to a team then the picks would be worth it too. If the Ravens were willing to match a contract that Lamar would sign then they would already have given him that contract.
  12. If another team wanted him they could get him. There is no interest in him for 2 first round picks and a contract better than Watson. That should be clear to you by now. He isnt good enough for that deal plus injury worries.
  13. Really tired of people turning everything into racism. This isnt about racism. This is about Lamar is not good enough to demand a contract better than Watson full guaranteed. Watson should not have even gotten that contract. Lamar was offered a reasonable contract. He declined. He is stuck on getting max max and thats why no one is offering him a contract because it would be a waste of their time. He simply is not worth two first round picks, retooling your entire offense around him or praying that he can run a conventional offense, while also giving an oft injured QB a fully guaranteed contract. Black, white, green, blue, brown, purple it just doesnt matter.
  14. Yeah thats not even close to the same thing and you know it.
  15. Im not as high on Lamar as some. I do think he is a great football player but I dont think he is a great passer. I agree on the rest. He misplayed this and should have had an agent. He is never going to get the contract he wants and he is just costing himself money. If he continues to play this wrong it could cost him his career.
  16. Yeah but you miss the point of they might not have. Signing Hopkins doesnt guarantee anything. He could blow an ACL, we could lose in the playoffs to a bad ref call, someone can make a 13 sec mistake. Anything can happen to ruin those plans.
  17. Thats actually kinda what I think would happen.... they pay for Rodgers, they become WC fodder at best, Rodgers retires, they have nothing to get a new QB.
  18. Yeah that would be crap for sure.
  19. It does matter though. Over paying for someone that is this old can ruin the team. Look at the Rams. Yeah they won the SB but they were terrible last year and now they are blowing it up because they have no resources. They are going to be terrible for a while. Sure, you can say "who cares they won the bowl," but what if they didnt? It took a lot of luck for them to do that. One play going the wrong way and they might not have even made the SB and they would still be where they are now... a bad team thats going to be bad for a while. Why you think their coach considering retirement? Cus his team is going to be dumpster fire and he doesnt want to deal with it. That can happen to us... make a bad decision, dont get the luck to win the whole thing, blow the team up, team is bad for years to come. Ours wont be as bad because Allen is not a decrepid broken Stafford but it still wont be wc fodder if they have to blow up.
  20. I know you are excited but you do know that Beane isnt reading any of your posts right? I'm pretty sure if Beane thinks he can make it work he will. He aint the type thats going to overpay for someone. This stuff takes time.
  21. In his defense, Roman is said to have the most complicated running playbook in the NFL and he seemed to grasp the offense. Unless it was dumbed down for him but I dont ever remember reading that. Maybe he is just one of those people that are really smart at some things and not so smart at other things. I know there are things I am absolutely dumb at that I dont even try to understand anymore but I am pretty smart at a few things.
  22. Diggs was 3-4 years younger than Hopkins is now when we gave up a first for him.
  23. As much as I want Hopkins here, you dont give up a first round pick for a player that old. Arizona didnt even give up a first for him. You cant let emotion let you overpay like that. If KC gets him then they get him.
  24. Thats not quite what I mean. Im not saying dont improve it if you can. Im saying they spent the last few years trying to improve it and they have a lot of money and high draft picks already tied up in it. At some point you cant ignore the offense in favor of one position group. IOW's... dont not sign Hopkins just because you want to try and find even more dlinemen. These guys should be good enough. KC made it work with basically Clark. Yep on the draft. I think Von will be fine. Even a slightly lost step he is still elite. The guy works his ass off. I dont see Von being a JAG out there.
  25. Who in FA are the Bills getting to improve the OL? The Bills have already done what they are going to do on the oline, barring the draft. The oline will be ok when Josh has star receivers on both sides of it, a better slot most likely and hopefully better plans from Dorsey other than just sending guys deep downfield all day. As for Dline, Von will be back. Wasting more resources on Dline isnt the answer. They have done that multiple years now.
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