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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Good for him. There should be laws against woman falsely accusing people like that. It can and has ruined people. She should be doing jail time IMO.
  2. That sucks. He was good on returns.
  3. Titans fans right now: Super Bowl!!!!
  4. I didn't check this for accuracy but I seen it and thought it would fit this thread.
  5. Thats because his underneath guys actually get YAC. Ours don't. They get the ball and they are tackled or they fall down.
  6. Shocking. A thread full of whiney babies with bad takes. Just don't watch then if you think McD can't get it done. I mean if it's the goal, why bother?
  7. Well that should slow down all the BS talk about how he is on the hotseat
  8. This is crazy. The Jets might have gotten the best scheduling advantage in history https://twitter.com/SharpFootball/status/1658526917820022810?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1658526917820022810|twgr^32e71cacb53a7f1f802655033bc27860a0c66b2f|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.si.com%2Fnfl%2Fbills%2Fnews%2Fbuffalo-bills-screwed-rig-schedule-help-aaron-rodgers-new-york-jets-warren-sharp-rest-days Read through the whole thing. Probably have to scroll up.
  9. I think thats too early for a bye myself. What I dont like about the bye is its sandwhiched between two away games. We will have a home game 11/19 and not another one until a month later 12/17. Thats kinda crazy. Also don't like the start of the season. We have a home preseason game, then two road preseason games, and then start on the road. I know its just preseason but we start at the Jets which is technically our third road game in a row.
  10. We have a legit #2 receiver. People just expect that #2 to be a #1b. Getting Hopkins would have been a 1b, not a legit #2.
  11. Who cares what you like. It's his life, not yours.
  12. Don't worry, I am sure he will be back when the season is about to start and using his same troll. He will be easy to spot. Just look for the guy pumping up Miami, Jets, and the Pats while dogging the Bills.
  13. Some games to be announced Wednesday and the rest on Thursday https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/bills-will-have-parts-of-2023-schedule-announced-wednesday-thursday/ar-AA1aWqwe?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=9753d37a86ba4a98a0346eb1d1873ff8&ei=23 Also apparently games can be played on any station now so we wont necessarily be on CBS most of the time https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/buffalo-bills-may-work-less-with-tony-romo-jim-nantz-in-2023/ar-AA1aUXws?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=9753d37a86ba4a98a0346eb1d1873ff8&ei=25
  14. I think his weapons are a bit underrated. He also had a top oline, a great burner at rb that was shifty and fast, and Andy Reid.
  15. Its just an article that popped up in my MSN feed so I thought it was a fun read and linked it. I don't scour the internet or see every article on Bills stuff. Also, just about every journalist writes stories that are based off others stories. I get your meaning but how am I supposed to determine who wrote what and took what from other articles? You just linked me two articles after someone else already linked information about that as well. If I never seen those two articles, which I haven't, then how am I supposed to know this? Again, most journalists all write stories about the same information.
  16. Mahomes will scramble when the play breaks down too. Wilson was an out of pocket passer. Even Big Ben scrambled. About the only one who didn't was Brady.
  17. I dont think he means just running. I think he also talking about taking what the defense gives when he needs to. Also, I dont think running is ever going to be out of his game. Nor do I think it should. It's part of what makes Allen special. He just needs to learn to avoid the hits more.
  18. I'm happy Lamar finally decided to sign essentially the same contract he was offered last year. He was never going to get a fully guaranteed contract. I still don't think he is that great of a passer. The new weapons will help but I don't think he is going to succeed as an elite passer. We shall see how he does in a new system without Roman. Maybe he proves me wrong.
  19. Decent article about how Allen is willing to change his approach to the game. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-news-bills-gm-glad-with-josh-allen-willing-to-make-major-change-in-2023/ar-AA1aNByo?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=febbd7a84f9243298cf8730389c79025&ei=13
  20. You know how many times I have heard people say easy money on these forums and they lost their ass? Enough times to know it’s never easy money.
  21. Yeah it’s not the mouse, mousepad, or drivers. I have two brand new mouse pads. I tried two different mice and my drivers are fine. It’s either forum glitch or it just doesn’t like Edge. Edge works fine on every other forum I have been too. I’ll have to deal with it I guess but it is annoying.
  22. Yeah, I actually made another post somewhere that included Allen in the equation
  23. Imagine barely being picked in the draft but you still have a shot on one of the best teams in football. Thats still gotta feel great.
  24. PFF finally got their corner
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