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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yeah. He will likely get decent money on a short term contract, but I dont think anyone is going to give him a long term deal.
  2. Diggs will be 31. Aiyuk just turned 26. Big difference.
  3. Now all you "omg Beane go get him" people know why he wasn't traded. Also why Beane wouldn't have gotten him if he was. I mean you arent going to get 120m but have you never looked for another job, told your boss and then gotten a raise to stay? Hell, I have just pretended I had other offers before and gotten a raise.
  4. Thats all you got? Guy was playing well on a team and he is shocked he got traded? I'd be shocked too. So what if its crickets. Guy is doing his job. Do you think he has been doing a bad job? Thats all that matters. I agree about heart but if his heart wasnt in it then I think it would show on the field. It hasn't.
  5. Im stoked for the season but I expect a slow start on offense. New system, new players, no pre season time. I know people think that dont matter but I think it does. Perfect practice makes perfect. There is no better practice than live game time. If they were all vets and in the same offensive system then it probably wouldnt matter as much. Neither is the case this year.
  6. @4merper4mer you put a disagree mark on my post yet you still havent answered the question you were asked 5 times now. Lazy posting bro. If you are going to post your opinions and make statements as fact then you need to back them up.
  7. I don’t care about your opinions but I seen at least 4 people ask and you still haven’t answered… what is so obvious about Douglas not wanting to be here. I’ve seen nothing to indicate that. also you contradict yourself. On one hand you say get rid of all the players that don’t want to be here. If any player was supposedly obviously not wanting to be here that would be Diggs, not Douglas. Yet you mad they traded Diggs.
  8. I’ll take a place kicker first. Relying on Bass scares me more than a shanked punt here and there.
  9. I haven’t played in a long ass time but Jets, Miami, Browns, Cowboys ahead of us? Hell no. I can live with the rest but not those teams. I don’t even think Eagles should be ahead. I bet that team slides off more this season. I know it’s just a game but still.
  10. What were the quality of the teams/defense he faced those last 9 games? I really dont know but that stuff matters. Im not saying anything about Love but he had one season. I wouldnt call that a safe extension after just one season of play.
  11. Jackson getting it last year was a joke. I think he earned his first one though. Its all about getting the 1 seed. That was proven last year if it wasnt before.
  12. Not that it matters much but they also beat the Ravens in 2022. Wouldnt that be 3 wins?
  13. He may be weird but I actually think he is a good coach. He is obviously smart on the offensive side of the ball. Tua was a dumpsterfire bust before he came there. Now they have a dangerous offense with him still at QB. Yes it takes speed to make that offense work but it works. I think they will be fine without the motion thing. It gave them an edge but it doesnt change what their offense can do. I dont think they will do much better than what they already have done, but I still think he is a good coach.
  14. Good to see Samuel back to practice. Couldnt care less about MVS. To me he is just a disappointing Davis that is going to drop a clutch pass and lose us a game.
  15. Im glad no one claimed Hardy. Im glad some of the rest of that list is on the ps but mostly I dont care much about any of them. I just don't see how this is possible. The guy is barely reliable inside the 40 and for xtra points. He couldn't kickoff well within the new rule changes either. I know they see this so this has to be about his contract.
  16. So who is the kick/punt returner now? I know he got injured but I thought Hardy was pretty good as a returner and also as a corner. I woulda thought he would have gotten the IR tag over a running back we dont need. Edit: I see now we made a trade with the Jets. Still, I think Hardy was worth keeping.
  17. Trubisky sucks and im not opposed to giving up some late round picks but not for this guy. He is terrible and isnt going to get better sitting on a bench. Its pointless. Also, I really dont care much about backup QB. Id rather be looking for a kicker.
  18. Couldn’t care less about backup Qb. Although Mitch does suck. I’d rather they scour the wire for a kicker.
  19. I loved bass two years ago. Early last year I said something was wrong with him. People rolled their eyes and said hes normal and that all kickers miss kicks. Now everyone finally notices that Bass has been bad. Not being able to trust a kicker to make a kick is the same as not being able to trust a running back to hold onto the ball. They need to find a replacement before he again costs us games. The dude can't even kick the ball off with the new rules properly.
  20. I'm on the internet. Of course I can kick his ass. I kick anyone of your asses too! *hides under keyboard*
  21. I been saying it since early last year when everyone rolled their eyes at me… Bass is toast. He is nowhere near good enough or reliable. They need to bring someone else in. Unacceptable for a team of this caliber to not have a reliable kicker. he is going to cost us… again.
  22. I mean maybe if there is a team in that situation but it would be likely we’d only get a receiver on par or worse than what we already have and then we’d have the same problem just with a wr instead.
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