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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Sean Payton has had Drew Brees for almost his entire career and hasnt done anything McD hasnt done since 2009. Dorsey isnt getting any looks.
  2. This seems pretty out there. Was his only competition Nick Wright or something?
  3. What? There is not much "objective" in that post. He has been dooming and glooming Miami, Ne, Jets since he got here.
  4. Still evaluating. Will know more in 24 hours. Probably get back to the media on Wed.
  5. I bet that answer is something along the lines of "we are taking it day by day."
  6. Your initial post was doom and gloom like he knew something. This post indicates he knows nothing other than he is being tested, which everyone knew and he is speculating. Come on man.
  7. That was a fluke. Have you seen Keenam play since then? Im not even talking about his terrible Bills play. Im talking his terrible play everywhere else too. Keenum is not good. Not you man... im talking stupid Tim Graham and the guy that wrote that.
  8. He isnt concussed or shaving points. Making a bad decision or throw doesnt mean either of those things. I dont care what you saw live, in person and from above. Its different on the field when you have guys flying around you 100 mph.
  9. While I agree the Bills need another receiver, enough of the Beasley talk. Beasley lost a step. Father time caught up to him. He asked for his release here, the Bills accomodated. He spent a long time with no offers, begged Tom Brady for a shot, got one, then got released after two games of nothing, and retired. Beasley is done. This post isnt directed at you. I know you are just saying Beasley "type" receiver here. I'm just getting fed up with hearing his name lol. Yes the Bills need another difference maker at receiver. People keep saying the difference between Mahomes is blah blah blah. The difference is that his receivers bail him out on bad balls. Ours dont even catch ones right in the hands or dropped in the bucket. Thats the difference. Kelce caught one yesterday that he had to extend completely backwards to grab because it was that far behind. Their other TE jumped to his limit in height to grab one, bobbled it while coming down, and still caught it while being hit and tackled. Our guys drops ones in the numbers unmolested. I honestly dont even think Josh trust these guys anymore or something. Its Diggs and pretty much no one.
  10. You can see it here. It was a BS call IMO. Or he just didnt see the field well while under pressure. It happens to all QBs. He made a bad decision, bad throw. Doesnt mean either of the things you suggest.
  11. They won the game because... Every other play was a free first down defensive holding call Had the ball back every minute because the other team went 3 and out every possession Mahomes had two TEs make miracle catches instead of dropping a pass right in the bucket Didnt have a fake holding call on a miracle catch at the end of the game Had 3 shots at a 2pt conversion It wasnt because Mahomes played like a superstar. What was the excuse for the pathetic play KC had against the Colts? Does that not count? That was against against a 0 win team.
  12. Mahomes played as bad as or worse than Josh Allen did last night. Dunno what game you watched but it wasnt Titans game. Kinda helps a QB when they get a free first down from the refs every other play and a free shot over and over at a failed 2 pt conversion. Also helps that he has receivers bail out his off target balls unlike Josh having receivers drop ones in the bucket. Also helps when every single possession the Titans had since their TD early second quarter they basically went 3 and out.
  13. oh look the fear mongering just like you did last year when you though the Pats would win the division, after of course thinking Miami would win it and it was already clear you were wrong, and earlier also pumping up the Jets. Then did this the year before too. Stop fricken trolling troll.
  14. Yep. Bills need to aggressively go after OBJ and hope he can play. This WR core isnt cutting it. Davis is a disappointment and not a #2. McK is McK. People think Shakir is going to be better but hes actually done nothing and yes, he is getting snaps. Knox is invisible. Either Dorsey's offense sucks, Josh isnt reading the field, or our WR's are just that bad. Either way they need another talent opposite Diggs because Davis aint it. Double Diggs and man Davis and our O goes nowhere.
  15. Im not sure as I dont track those things. Im hoping that we sign OBJ and he can play well enough after his injury. In the meantime I hope we can stack some wins before that happens. Hopefully Hines can also learn quick and get some chemistry with Josh. He really is a good pass catching back.
  16. Allen needs a legit #2 or a legit slot receiver. I really thought Gabe would do well but he aint it. A #3 maybe or relief #2 but he aint a full time receiver. Drops too many have to have passes. Its too easy to defend this receiver core. Knox has disappeared almost completely. I dont know if its Dorsey's new offense/play calling or Josh isnt seeing the field well right now but its concerning.
  17. I agree Josh was the reason we lost but IMO Mahomes was just as bad. He just got more opportunites with the football. After the Titans second TD, every drive they had was either 4,5, or 6 plays with a punt. They only scored that field goal because of the turnover where again they only had 4 plays. The Titans pretty much went 3 and out the entire game. Mahomes also had some bailed out throws which Allen didnt have and some ref help along the way. Mahomes played every bit as bad as Allen today, if not worse.
  18. Davis has been disappointing this season. Below is a video analyzing Josh possible injury. I hate that youtube blocks stuff like this and makes you goto youtube to watch it. Its only about 3 minutes.
  19. It was an interception. Probably something they dont overturn though.
  20. Also pretty sure the NFL has a different philosophy in paying WRs and not running backs. The only way this team gets an Elite back is if they luck into one in the draft or get one at the tail end of their career. This team cant afford to pay an elite back. Especially when the o line is terrible at run blocking.
  21. So what happened in the Colts game or Bills game then? How about 2nd and 8? They did this on like 3 or 4 series. He gets tackled for 2 yard gain and they let the bumb QB try and play QB.
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