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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. All the speculation is pointless. He either will play or he will rest some weeks. It is what it is.
  2. Allen injury is never a good thing.
  3. I may have missed an update but im not reading through 20 pages from where I left off last night lol. My opinion is that they should just sit Josh and let him heal up like they did his rookie season. Id rather have Josh 100% for the remaining games and into the playoffs than to have a struggling Josh trying to get a #1 seed that we still might not get and then also a struggling Josh in the playoffs. Playing with this tear, he likely wont be as accurrate anyways. He wont have grip of the ball that he normally does. Someone said it in a tweet somewhere that I read... throwing a pass or two is one thing. Throwing 30-40 passes is another. If we have to go on the road so be it. Playing KC is still playing KC. Doesnt matter if its on the road or at home, its going to be a dog fight. I dont think home field advantage is that much of a big deal anymore in the NFL. 100% Josh vs any other % Josh is a bigger deal IMO.
  4. Love armchair QBs like Bull. Somehow Knox was going to get a first down on that play yet cook at the bottom of the screen here with no one even close only got like 8 yards. People do not understand how fast a defense swarms to the ball by the time it leaves the QBs hand.
  5. Its a shame it went threw the arms of <50% catch guy. That pass would have been highlighted for years.
  6. Gabe Davis. Everyone knows McKenzie is just an average piece. Most people thought Gabe would be a good number 2. He isnt. He is a one trick pony that drops footballs.
  7. Its easier to find a running back than it is to find an oline that can block for him.
  8. Probably because its after practice? Better off after practice than before. We might get something better than "we are taking it day by day with Josh." Doubtful but we might.
  9. Then thats a gabe davis skill problem. Ball went right through his basket. Defender draped on him or not, other receivers around the league catch a ball thats in his basket. Saying there is no way ever the ball would be completed is just idiocy on your part.
  10. This team just doesnt have enough talent on the offensive side of the football. Its Josh, Diggs, and a bunch of average guys. Josh and Diggs can not do it all.
  11. Because if they didnt he would have been out the entire season. Guy just needs to get in football shape. That takes time.
  12. Not all of them. There are a lot of fins fans and kc fans and other fans all wishing Josh well. Likewise there are a lot of scumbag fans laughing at it. This isnt a fan thing. This is just a some people are scum of the earth thing.
  13. Im not worried about losing a couple games. All teams lose bad games most years. I am worried about Josh Allens injury though.
  14. Yeah, I seen the clear footage. A ref telling him that is BS. It might have mattered. We dont know what change happens when something else before it changes. Maybe all the playcalls change and the int doesnt happen. Who knows?
  15. A lot of people thought McD should have challenge the BS ref call on the clear Edmonds int. I seen this tweet today
  16. Im not even watching this one. Saints and the Red Rifle... I think I know how this one ends.
  17. Keenum can and would be way worse. Sure, he might catch a team by surprise because no tape in this offense but thats about it. Allen masks alot. Our oline, running game, and WR talent is all masked by Josh. Keenum is a bad QB that struck lightning one time in his career similar to Matt Cassel.
  18. I'm not stewing over the loss against the Jets but I almost rather do that than think about Allen's injury. Hopefully its nothing serious and is just something that will heal on its own. Its going to be good news: Allen will be fine just a bruise Not so good news but not terrible: Allen will be fine but has to sit 4 weeks or so Bad news: Allen is done for the season The way McD is we will probably just hear Wed that Allen is day to day or something and wont really know until Sunday. Yeah let me go get mad about the Jets game or something else.
  19. Not behind this oline and running game he isnt. He has played like ***** everywhere he has been outside of the one season the stars aligned which was what, 6 years ago?
  20. I had a sports medicine doctor diagnose me with a shoulder that just needed some physical therapy. Then I had an MRI to reveal my discs from C1-T3 were heavily compressing my spine so there's that. Nobody knows anything until imaging. Had I done the physical therapy I could have been paralyzed or killed btw.
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