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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I see Duke made a nice run but 5 active RBs is kind of silly.
  2. Man I overslept lol. I woke up to some dumb dance in the endzone by the Vikings.
  3. Lol I was going to post this. Glad I read the whole thread first haha.
  4. I was always just in wait and see mode. To say what my thoughts were on it, I would say towards the begining of the week I was of the probably not opinion. By Friday I was thinking he probably was going to play. I took all the media with a grain of salt because nobody actually knew the full details on the injury. All speculation. I did think all along that if he could grip the football he would play. Someone on twitter said that early on in the week. I forgot who that was but that made sense to me because I have those kind of nerve problems and they mess with my hands a lot. Dont understand the Duke call up. Even if we plan to run the ball a lot. I cant see them activating 5 RBS just to run the football. Tomorrow will be interesting finding that out. Someone isnt going to be active. That might even be McKenzie for all we know.
  5. Before we started taking defensive injuries up the ying yang this team was good at stopping the run. Henry did nothing to us. Nor did any other back really. I think fully strength they are good. Without all of Milano, Poyer, Hyde or some other starters on the line being in and out they are not so good.
  6. Well Im sure he does but that doesnt mean he will get one. Its a tough sell to give a player a multi year deal of that price which would probably also be a hefty guarantee for a player coming off his second ACL injury. We shall see what happens. Somebody will sign him. I personally hope its us.
  7. Not sure. Depends on the money and where our roster is at. I think he is a good player. This team needs some offensive talent too though.
  8. Possibly. That move doesnt make sense to me right now. Guess we will see tomorrow as to why.
  9. Prorated at about 5mil for the rest of this year... yeah that could happen. Why not? This team needs offensive talent not named Allen/Diggs. Regardless of what people think about OBJ, the guy is more talented than any receiver not named Diggs on our roster. Imagine having Diggs/Beckham/Davis/Knox/Hines on the field. That is a lot tougher to cover than what we have now. Its a lot tougher to just bracket Diggs and man Davis if OBJ is also on the field. Which is what teams are doing now. Want to take more pressure off Allen and make our offense better this season for a run then this is the best and only move left the Bills have to make. This team needs more offensive talent. It just does.
  10. He had A injury but it was probably not as severe as the media speculation about it was. My guess is mostly nerve pinching that may have been throughout the week with swelling or something. He may even have some micro tearing or something that he is going to tough out. Nobody knows what injury he has/had except the people around Josh and his doctors. Josh had something though. He didnt practice all week long. He had taping and a compression sleeve type thing for his arm. This isnt staged crap to try and fool the Vikings.
  11. Obviously thats why they called up Duke from the PS
  12. I hope to see Hines more active in the game plan this week. Other teams trades have contributed already. Time to stop babysitting these athletes and let them play football. Hines is no rookie.
  13. Will be interesting tomorrow. The duke thing doesn’t make sense. Either they needed a ST guy or we have an unexpected inactive RB. Can’t see the Bills having 5 active backs.
  14. Is someone on ST out? That could be another reason for calling up Duke. I can’t see us having 5 active rbs and
  15. There is no way they wouldn’t elevate Barkley if they weren’t comfortable with Josh playing.
  16. Its more like 50% chance which is about the same as KC playing here. They are both good teams and stadium isnt going to matter much to either team.
  17. IIRC we also used the pick we got back from Minn on Dane Jackson.
  18. No idea. I heard Von Miller could do a few things at QB 😃 Yeah I agree with that. That is my line of thinking. No Barkley activation means Josh is playing most likely.
  19. that is what I think too. I guess its also possible that Keenum starts and they use Josh as the backup. Not likely in that scenario but possible. I doubt they dress 3 QBs though.
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