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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. McKenzie 4 of 5 for 37 yards 1 carry 18 yards. 3 of these were for a first down. His carry was for a first down. The other catch was for 8 yards on first down. Knox 4 of 6 for 57 yards. Didnt really look into the deets on Knox catches but 2 of them were on the final drive of regulation and for first downs. Both of these guys were instrumental on the last drive of regulation that tied the game. It isnt lack of Beasley. Its lack of Dorsey's offense and lack of Josh reading the field.
  2. But they only rushed 3 on that play
  3. Terrible coaching Eagles. When is the livestream of Dolphins popping their champange?
  4. Did Dorsey start calling plays for Washington? Run game was tearing up the Eagles and they stop running the football.
  5. Sloppy Eagles sloppy. They believe too much of the hype and arent focused. Coach lost the locker room.
  6. Uh yeah he was inbounds but his head was targeted.
  7. All washington needs to do really is have another 8 minute drive that results in a TD.
  8. No, he isnt going to plow through a defensive front but Singletary has made plenty of plays this year. Eagles are pretty sloppy today.
  9. Not getting run plays called. Our running game worked yesterday until Dorsey lost the playcard with run plays on it. Its worked most of the season. They just dont call plays.
  10. Yeah you are right I think. I was assuming the same rule applied to defenders. I know McK wouldnt have been able to catch the ball because Peterson pushed him OOB.
  11. This was the overtime play. They were in zero danger of running out of time. The thing is that still shots are decieving. The picture I posted above is what people are talking about. They say Allen should have thrown to Singletary instead of what ended up being an int. Below I am going to show where Singletary actually was at the time Josh already made a decision and started to throw the football. As you can see, Singletary wasnt even past the los and available yet because he helped block a bit first.
  12. Thank you. Im glad I am not the only one who sees this. I've said something similar in other threads. Dorsey is not helping Josh, he is actually fostering the aggresiveness when its not needed. Dorsey is just as aggressive in his mindset. Also whats with abandoning the run game that is working? Why did the team try twice to get a pass catching back and barely utilize either one of them? Why was TE a priority in the off season and doesnt seem to be a utilized position either? Knox made a ton of plays last year and he has only made like 3 plays in 8 games this season. This is all on offensive coaching. Its bad.
  13. They could have activitated him and put him right back on IR for another 4 weeks as long as they put him on the roster first. Sal said this as it was nearing the deadline.
  14. Yeah they also missed that Peterson stepped out of bounds before intercepting Josh. By rule, he cant be the first to touch the ball after stepping out of bounds so that INT should have never happened.
  15. As far as just looking at losses this one is worse to me. The Bills should have had this game in the bag being up 3 scores and they blew it. Dorsey completely abandoning the run in situations that they could have easily run the ball was just terrible playcalling. The run game was working. They activated 5 RBs for christ sake just to sit them on the bench. Also Josh not taken whats given in those scenarios. Its one thing to go for the throat when you have to but he is too often going for the throat when he doesnt have to yet. He needs to learn this. Dorsey needs to be on his ass to get him to learn this. Instead Dorsey is part of the problem because he also like to go for the throat. I just dont think he is a very good OC. At least not yet. Hopefully that changes. How has Knox turned from a guy making a lot of plays last year to a guy that has about 3 good plays in 8 games. How does it take so long for them to get a very good receiving back utilized in this offense? Every other teams trades have made plays for those teams. I just dont think these offensive coaches are very good.
  16. Maybe the rift is Beane drafts and bring in players and they sit on the bench. Maybe its weird to activate 5 running backs and then abandon a working run game putting everything on Josh again.
  17. Didnt the sneak in the Titans game last year lose yards? Not every sneak makes it you know.
  18. Im not a fan of Dorsey atm. He seems to have the same problem that Daboll had. He doesnt mix the passing and run very well and also completely abandons it. I thought in the first half he did a good job mixing stuff up. Then came the second half where he just dropped running plays out of the playbook. They can not expect Josh to throw every single down. The run game was working. They had no reason to stop using it.
  19. They can still turn this around. Im hoping this is just a slump that they break out of this week.
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