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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. No he should instead keep his mouth shut unless he can concretely share something. Being vague only leads to rumors and bs speculation. Its poor form to start that *****.
  2. No I dont try to constantly be condescending except to maybe 1 or 2 known trolls. Unless the person is an ahole, I try to treat them with respect. You on the other hand just think you are better than everyone else. You arent. Nor are your opinions. No, our offense has not performed well in all but just 3 second halves. Our first half offense has scored 19 TDs. Our second half offense has scored 9 TDs. Thats a huge difference. Our redzone offense is 52.94% on the year which is good enough for 21st in the league. Thats not overall "very good." Last season it was 66.28% which was 1st in the league.
  3. I know we got into it before and sinceraly I appologize for that. The medication that I take sometimes makes me not myself so I am sorry about that. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on our offense. To me it seems like defenses have figured out our concepts as a lot of plays I have been able to look at our guys have pretty sticky coverage. It also doesnt seem that Dorsey likes to use TE's or pass catching backs very much even though it was a focal point of the off season. Is this because he isnt using them or more so because our O line is so bad they use them to block more often than they should need to be? 2 of our fastest guys are sitting on the bench. Is our O really that complex?
  4. Yes probably. I think our formations and play calls are simple. The complexity part comes post snap where the receivers route changes based on coverage and the QB and receiver both have to read the same thing to know which way the route is run. I think this is part of where our O might be struggling and this is just my imagination here but Im guessing that defenses know this too and have figured out all our route concepts. They technically can dictate which route the receiver runs by their own position so they know exactly what a receiver is going to do... making it easier to defend.
  5. Davis is decent but we need better. Im not really dissing him but he's not a top receiver. Hines is very fast and because of that can and has been explosive with the ball. I sure hope so
  6. Yeah I agree with most of that. While Allen has his share of mistakes, I do not blame the "hero ball" entirely on him. Between the oline breaking down in protection on a lot of plays and also the receivers having little to no separation often on those plays he is the only one left to step up and make something happen. Some people just dont realize how good Allen makes this terrible offense look. A lot of other QBs in this league would be taking sacks and or punting 15 times a game because the only other option is the checkdown for 2 yards or throwing the ball away. Even our screenplays are blown up from the snap and we dont even run them much. Thats just bad.
  7. Probably sitting next to Cook, Shakir, and Hines. But I thought people loved this home field open air stadium!
  8. Man every day I find more that makes me think Dorsey just aint it. Some of these route concepts are just bad. Josh Allen has to overcome our own offensive deficiencies. I watch other QBs around the league throw to guys that no one is around for 5 yards. I watch our QB throw to guys draped all over them. Between the poor blocking, the lower skill for receivers, and now some bad offensive design to boot. Yes Josh is making mistakes too but our O almost requires our QB to be on the money 110% of the time. I wouldn't fear that from Allen. He shakes that ***** off.
  9. Yeah, I think they will figure it out. I think that Josh will chill on the turnovers too. It just doesnt make sense that our potentially two most explosive players pretty much ride the bench because they supposedly cant figure out our offense.
  10. That team wouldnt even exist without Ralph Wilson bailing them out back in the day. I doubt they are that cash poor but I also dont think they want to be paying two coaches that no longer work for them. Pretty stupid hire to begin with. McDaniels choked in Denver then followed that up with screwing over the Colts and the crew he hired to coach with him. Why would anyone think its a good hire. SMH.
  11. True there does seem to be miscomunications here and there but when I hear Peterson say that he knew what play we were running and where Josh was going to go with the ball just based off our formation... it leads me to believe our O is not that complex. The dude spent less than a week watching Bills film and can say that. Exactly.
  12. Oh yeah, Im not saying he dont fit. What I am getting at is it shouldnt be this complicated to work him into the offense. They spend the off season looking for a pass catching back. They got Cook in the draft. Rarely use him. They get Hines and after two weeks havent really used him. Meanwhile other teams made trades and those players have made plays for their teams 4 days later. I really dont believe we have dummies for players. I also dont believe that our system is so complex that a rookie running back after rookie camp, training camp, and 9 weeks into the season... and a vet running back dont understand it enough to be involved outside of just a few plays. It just doesnt make sense. The other thing of note is they also spent the off season trying to pick up another good TE. So it seemed as if TE would be a point of emphasis in our offense as well as pass catching back. We have a TE that made a lot of good plays last season but hardly any this season. So now two points of emphasis for our offense in the off season are not utilized hardly ever thus far. These are the types of things that make me think Dorsey isnt doing good enough job.
  13. Is our offense that complicated that a 5 year vet cant get some plays? This is one thing I dont like about our coaches. They dont trust anyone to play football and have to coddle everyone. Teams around the league had players make plays after only being on the team for like 4 days. Not our team though. Our team needs rookies to get close to the end of their rookie contract before they see the field unless out of necessity. Our team wont have Hines ready until next year.
  14. They struggled against a Titans team playing with the worst QB to probably every start an NFL game. Im not even sure the Titans got a first down the entire second half. Any given Sunday. They could lose to anyone. That doesnt make it a fluke. Even the best teams lose.
  15. Why would it play any different? The only difference would be the kickoff instead of them starting at the 30. I fail to see what would change based on this alone. Vikings were still behind. Why would they not still get stuffed on 4th and goal just because we would have kicked a FG instead of throwing an INT? Its not like the Vikings werent already going for it on 4th down. Its not like they still werent trying to score TDs. Its not like they were able to run the clock. I dont see anything else changing. I guess they could have ran back a TD on the kickoff instead of starting from the 30. How likely is that to happen?
  16. It was a bad throw. The space was vacated and Davis had a step. The throw was way behind where it needed to be. If thrown on target thats either a catch, a drop, or at worst the defender gets a speed burst and makes a good play to knock the ball away. Singletary was clear by the time the throw actually left but Josh made his read and decision before that fact and was already in throwing motion. QBs throw when they see what they want to see. Hesitating means the window is closed. This is what people dont get. He saw the TD so he threw the ball.
  17. Im fine with the decision either way but what people neglect is that by kicking a FG yes, we would still only be up by two scores but lets say the Vikings went and scored a TD... us going down and just scoring another field goal would again put us up two scores. Also in this particular case, it kind of goes to show that while the math of the analytics may be right... had we kicked the field goal we would have won in regulation so was it really right?
  18. Yup. Just correct the turnovers and also get off the field on 3rd and longs. I dont understand this defense sometimes... they do so well and then completely break down and give up things like 3rd and 18. Maybe its just me being pissed about it and not realizing how often it happens to other teams but that seems to happen to us way too often.
  19. He needed to make a better throw. It was there for the taking.
  20. Any given Sunday. They lost to the Colts. Any team can lose to any other team. If we dont get the one seed then we dont get the one seed. Neither one seed made the SB last season. The two seasons before that only one of the one seeds made the SB. One seed isnt end all be all.
  21. Thats huge getting Poyer back. Man I just hope come playoffs we can finally have our full defense (minus Hyde obviously.). Can we just get healthy damn lol.
  22. Josh thought he had a TD. If he thinks he has a TD he is going to throw it. Windows are small. Decisions and actions are split second. If you watch the play from either the redzone look or the behind Josh look the play was actually there. There was a hole in the endzone and Davis had a step on the defender. Josh threw the ball behind which allowed the INT to happen. It was just a bad throw. That is all.
  23. Can we get Shady back out of retirement? Dude is a beast in the snow. It doesnt even slow him down.
  24. At the time Josh made the decision to throw and started to #### his arm, Singletary was still blocking another player. People see one still shot and one guy claim "Look Singletary was wide open!!!" and dont bother to look at the actual play. Watch the entire play, not just some guys still shot trying to make himself look like a genius.
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