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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. At some point Cook/Hines/Shakir have to get more than just a couple looks right? Even Knox for that matter. Otherwise wtf is this coaching staff doing? Either Beane is giving them really bad players, Beane and the staff are not on the same page, or this coaching staff just doesnt know wtf to do with them. I can see Shakir because he was a late rounder but we drafted Cook high, we traded for Hines, and just gave Knox an elite contract. They obviously wanted a pass catching back and obviously wanted to add to the TE position and here we are... all under utilized. Based off this coaching staff and the way they act with other players... unless injury is too much, I doubt Klein plays. You know... he has to work himself into the system that he has already been in and all.
  2. It is interesting but I question how many of those teams fired their coaches after 2-3 years that would have won one anyways if they stuck with said coach. Also how many of those coaches walked into an already good situation that would have won one further down the road if they had to build some first. I think whats more amazing to me is how many coaches only win one. Belichick/Brady really screws our perception of how hard it actually is to win one and how many things including luck have to happen.
  3. If they dont abandon it because of a couple stuffs.
  4. Allen is so bad ass that he pushed the storm with him to Detroit. Top that Chuck Norris.
  5. He is probably one of those posters that loves to join the GDT when things are going bad for the Bills but completely disappears when the Bills are dominating. There are a few of those around here.
  6. This is exactly why its terrible journalism. The original Wawrow tweets imply there is currently internal conflicts, struggles, whatever the f. This post here indicates he isnt talking about now at all but last season. All this speculation in this thread about what this "internal struggles" are, are the reason its bad reporting from an accredited journalist. This journalist is doing nothing but causing drama and conflict amongst us Bills fans for no reason. If you have a story then report it. If you have some vague BS then just keep it to yourself.
  7. Most likely not but any given Sunday. Bills pretty much need to beat the rest of the schedule to take first place in the division. Miami is offensively on fire right now. Jets are a well balanced team as long as Wilson doesnt make mistakes.
  8. Darn. I guess I should just stop watching until they replace McD with the new retread fad.
  9. already happening since 15 minutes after they went up for sale lol.
  10. More like mostly of course people trying to buy for 20 bucks and sell for 200 bucks. Dont be an idiot. Cant predict any of that. Still would need 200 people shoveling snow out of the stadium too. You there with your shovel? You wanna come help shovel out the 4foot of solid rock snow at the end of my driveway. There is too much logistics to this that your palm tree sitting ass can comprehend.
  11. Chubb will get his yards. I dont think its going to be enough to beat us. Really the only bad rush last week was that big run for a TD. If not for that one single run then none of the rest of the rushing would have mattered. The Bills just need to stop that big one from happening.
  12. Im 6'2 and about 200 so no Im not nearly that big. However, since my neck injury and two surgeries I can't really feel temperature. I go out with no coat all the time. Yesterday I went out barefoot because the snow blower died while wife was using it and she needed help getting it started. She yelled at me for it but I felt nothing lol.
  13. My snowblower is a pos. I cant get through the end of my plowed in driveway =(
  14. I get it. You are disappointed. Me too. This could still be the year. Its not looking as hype as before the season but its still not over yet. What I do know is that this team is good enough that any year can be the year. This team will compete for that every season so long as Josh Allen is here and is healthy enough to play. He is that dawg despite his mistakes. I believe he will get them cleaned up. Its from pressing to make plays when no one else is having the dawg besides Diggs.
  15. Yeah I hope so too but Im not confident even if we can get him. He might barely be ready at the playoffs with out "offense is so complicated cant get Hines on the field after two weeks and Cook has 2 plays a game after all of the camps and 9 weeks of season."
  16. All good. Not sure if this is our year or not but it could be. They can certainly get back on track. Allen and Dorsey need to fix their mistakes, especially in the redzone. Most of their investment is on the defensive side of the ball and unfortunately that has been decimated with injuries this season. Hopefully those guys get healthy soon. I just wish this team had one more playmaker on O like Diggs. While 13 seconds I blame on coaching all the way, I still feel McD is a great coach and can get these guys a trophy. It takes more than just coaching. It takes the right team build and it takes the ball bouncing the right way for us when it matters most. Thats why it took Reid so long. Its not because he wasnt good enough. Its because all the other things just didnt fall into place for him yet. Im going to enjoy the season regardless. Our team is good. Last week, even though we lost and was a heartbreaker... was a great game to watch.
  17. Judging by the dashboard thats a new silverado. 😃
  18. Shocking. All the hot takes and garbage can stop now.
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