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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Rant? These aint no rants. This is outright I dropped my binkie out of my craddle and cant reach it.
  2. Honestly the whining this year and the people in need of group hugs is getting annoying. Its football. Just watch and enjoy it. The Bills will get the one seed or they wont. It isnt going to end your life if they dont. The Bills will get to the superbowl or they wont. Life wont end either way. Just watch the games and enjoy the season. Some of you guys act like its the end of the world if we dont blow teams up by 40 points every week. Neither do the Chiefs. Neither do any other team in the league. Just enjoy the games or dont. JFC.
  3. Depends on the surgery and the person. Im almost two years into my neck surgery recovery. Im never getting better from where I am now though. It is what it is. He is probably fine to work a normal job but I highly doubt he will be ready to play football again this season.
  4. Im still hoping for OBJ but thats unlikely and even if it happens he wont be ready right away. Im also hoping Hines gets more involved in the passing game. That dude can fly if they get him the ball. At this point thats all that can be done.
  5. Shakir's snap counts actually up from recently. He has a 22% snap count on the season but was 25% yesterday. McKenzie was down a little at 40%. As much as we all want to see Shakir the dude is invisible when he is on the field. Either he isnt doing enough to get open or Josh just doesnt trust him because no rapport with him. Ill be honest... I thought McK would play better and Crowder would be ok. I also didnt expect Gabe to have a 17% drop rate. I wanted and still want O line upgrades but yeah, it wasnt long into the season that I could see we need better skill position.
  6. Diggs has the 3rd most yardage in the league on less targets than the two guys in front of him. He also has the third most TDs in the league. 1st in 40+ yard catches. 3rd in receptions for first downs. I think he gets plenty.
  7. IMO there are a few reasons for this... 1 Dorseys offense is not quite the same as Dabolls so there are still learning and adjusting to it 2 Allen obviously does have an injury and it does effect him 3 Due to said injury he hasnt even thrown balls at practice during the week. I dont care how good you are, you need to practice to stay in sync 4 He doesnt quite have the talent he had last season 5 this week specifically no one hardly practiced at all. I thought they did pretty good considering all the circumstances this week including not playing at home and being last hour helped from their homes just to get to Detroit I think like last season, the Bills will find their way.
  8. Its just totally strange we all kind of joked about Davis being on the hands team for the first onside kick and low and behold he almost blows it for us on the second one. You almost cant make this ***** up.
  9. It kinda is when they didnt call obvious OPI on the first big pass play of that drive and throw away from the pocket when under duress not being called grounding. Honestly, I dont even really care but the NFL refs do constantly effect the outcomes of close games in the moment when they hold flags all game long. That one to me was ticky tacky. I would hope that even you would not deny the type of crap Kelce gets away with only for the refs to turn and favor him in a call. Thats why these type of calls are more BS to other people that are not Chiefs fans. Dude constantly grabs and pushes off and is rarely called only for it to be called the other way. Look at your game a couple weeks ago where he tore someones helmet off in the endzone but only a defensive penalty there. Yes the defender did hold but that should be offsetting. Its not even just the Chiefs here. Even the Bills get a benefit here and there. It happens around the league. All I ever ask for is for refs to call a game equal for both teams througout the entire game. Not all of a sudden just find a call when that call matters most. Im not really a conspiracy theorist but there is some merrit to WWE type talk in some of these games. Some refs are blind as ***** bats. We had an INT taken away even after review. We had a ball taken away from our offense when the receiver had clear possession and at best was 50/50 simultaneous possesssion even after review. These arent ones that had no angles either. They clearly had good angles. There is some hogwash in this league. May not be outright game fixing but there is stuff going on. I mean I call this stuff all the time. I can see some team totally get away with pass interferrance and I say outloud ... you watch they will call PI on us on the next drive. Low and behold it happens. That happens quite a lot.
  10. They may be athletic but they still dont sell well or make the blocks well IMO. Selling a screen is like artwork. Its not just about getting there fast.
  11. Our Dline isnt getting home all that much despite how deep it is and signing Von Miller. Yes, injuries but this team invested more into this dline than anywhere else. I expect better. If they dont get better than they should have invested more into the offense. I am a fan of the Miller/Phillips/Lawson signings but what I am not really a fan of is this constant need to have 200 man dline rotation. Get some good players up there and roll with it. So many picks and FA pickups into it my god. They dont even look thaaat much better than last year outside a few games.
  12. Lets see 7th round pick and a 6th round pick were our outside corners. 6th round safety. 3rd round LBer with hardly any experience. Not to mention the other backups in the game and pretty much no practice this week. Backups are backups for a reason. The other poster is right. Next man up is kind of horseshit. Did people say next man up last season for the Ravens last year? I remember many making excuses for them because of all the injuries they had. When you are missing a guy or two next man up is a thing. When you have an injury report a mile long and no practice its not a thing anymore. One of the problems IMO is the Dline despite all the picks and FA signings into it and the 200 man rotation there to keep them fresh just doesnt get home enough.
  13. Today I read in the GDT someone bitching about him clapping and then later on someone bitching that McD just stands on the sidelines with no emotions.
  14. Come on man this is pretty far out there. McD is nowhere near losing the locker room. This team barely had any practice this week at all. Their practice walkthrough was a zoom meeting. Their home game was taken from them by the weather and they scrambled just to get players out of their homes and to the airport in the last hour. The D is decimated with injuries. Josh hasnt thrown a ball in practice since his injury. Gimme a break with this. This isnt normal for a game week at all and yet we won the damn game.
  15. Because we have the best MB in football and the Chiefs board is toxic as hell. Like I think their forum is run from a prison full of rapists and murderers type bad. That board is the scum of the earth and has no moderation. If reddit had a darkweb underground (they might I dunno) it would be the Chiefs board.
  16. That may very well end up being a playoff matchup. Not sure how seeding will work out but I think Miami is making the playoffs. Unless their O falls apart hard down the stretch.
  17. I dont watch a lot either but just my opinion from what I have seen... Herbert throws a pretty ball and has a few amazing throws per game but he isnt very mobile. Even when he tries to be he is soft. Sliding before a first down marker with no defenders within at least 2-3 yards for instance. Ive seen that several times. I also dont think he really reads the field all that well. His line is similar to ours. Often has Jailbreaks but he doesnt have the Allen ability to escape.
  18. Thats because you cant touch Kelce. Either he gets a hold flag, pi flag, or he pushes off and doesnt get called. I mean Kelce is great I hate him so that means Id love to have him on our team but what I said is still true. He even ripped someones helmet off in the endzone and they called a defensive hold only.
  19. I dont care what anyone says. The refs affect the outcome in close games. Very first big pass play happened because KC shoved the dime back to the ground. No call. Little ticky tack on Kelce on the same drive a couple plays later and free first down.
  20. Of course. Offense PI not called but they call this
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