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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. They put up 21 points against the Bills practice squad I mean... I dont lol 😃
  2. Lamars last 5 games as a starter that season 19.2 ppg Huntley 5 games played while Lamar was out 20 ppg I dont view 28 yards of offense that big of a drop off when you are talking about a first round supposedly elite QB vs and UDFA backup. As I said... there was barely any dropoff on offense. Winning is a team stat. I agree with pretty much all you said here but if Lamar were the Bills QB, I would want better.
  3. Yup and the week of the Bills game White said something like "I should have been a first round pick." He then proceeded to throw 4 of them. I believe the Bills will make a statement these next two weeks and win by 2+ scores.
  4. Yes because Lamar is not a good QB. The excuses for him run thin. That team wins because the team is good and the coach is good. Lamar is a great athlete that can run with the football. He is average as a passer and you cant really point to anything that says he isnt. Blame the GM for not giving him 10 star receivers. Blame Roman for being a running game coordinator. All excuses. The guy has had multiple good receivers and no other coordinator is going to make him read the field and pass the football better. Its the same thing it has been his entire career... any defense that can cover Andrews and contain Lamar from running will shut that team down. They will always run into one of those defenses in the playoffs unless the stars align on a full red moon and Jupiter is passing Mars. Thats why they will never be anything more than playoff fodder. Completely average Their offense barely dropped off with Huntley last season. They had practically the same ppg. incoming standard red x.
  5. I agree it does feel like our guys get there a lot and just dont finish. Injury aside it was quite humorous watching Phillips trying to chase Jones for like half the football field and that happened twice on the same drive!
  6. For us the hardest QB to tackle seems to be Mac Jones 🤣 I didnt watch the video yet.
  7. This. Sometimes they do blow it dead a little early too though.
  8. He is already with the best coach he can be for his skillset.
  9. Because Lamar and the Roman offense is figured out and Lamar is not a good enough pocket passer to compensate. It was actually figured out two years ago but not enough defenses had the horses to contain Lamar and cover Andrews. Josh doesnt really run all that much. Its just that when he does he picks up like 20+ yards. Thats more the reason he is our leading rusher.
  10. The Bills are capable of making this run if they get and stay healthy. Even if they dont, I am not scared of playing in KC and no one else should be either. KC is a tough out either way and we have shown we can beat them. Stadium doesnt matter. I dont care about the "but but but we havent beaten them there in the playoffs." We havent beaten them there in the playoffs... yet. I do want the division though. I think I would puke if Miami won the division.
  11. Id like to see that Jets play in our playbook. Not sure what they call it. It was when the back ran towards the sideline and the QB acted like he was going to throw downfield but then went to the back who had no one around him and he was able to pick up 10 yards. There was a play sequence where the Jets ran that 3 times in a row yesterday and it worked every time. Twice to one side and once to the other. Vikings finally clamped it down on their fourth try. That one looked to be going to a TE instead of the back though. That is a great play to pick up some cheap yards. All the offenses run it to some extent. I think we have even run it as well but I think Josh isnt patient enough with it and he looks and throws the ball right away instead of trying to let receivers clear out the area, so no one is fooled and the back doesnt get much.
  12. White was hot for a small bit last season too until he played the Bills and threw a pick to all our DBs and no TDs.
  13. Personally I think Herbert is vastly over rated. I still think he is very good but not elite like everyone thinks. He makes a couple wow throws a game and thats about it. He has zero killer instinct, pretty much a statue QB with not much mobility and even when he does run he slides way short with no need to for fear of contact. He just aint it. Got talent but aint it. Outside of the two or three wow throws per game he has been pretty average at best.
  14. Which is why people need to stop freaking out. This happens to all good teams. It’s a long season.
  15. yay another perfectly soft accurate moonball for a TD. This happens every single game. How can no one stop this
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