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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Absolutely. It was so touching to see how much class and compassion both the Bengals organization and their fans shown through this.
  2. I dont think this game is getting played. There is no fair outcome for this. They just have to do the most fair thing they can for all teams and move on. Teams will just have to deal with where they are seeded. It is what it is and I don't really care. Life is more important than football.
  3. Personally I dont think they will play this game at all. They will use a win% formula or something to decide the seeds. It wont be fair to some teams but it is what it is. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do knowing it wont be fair to someone and move on because there is no perfect outcome in this type of situation. There are too many logistical and costly nightmares to move all the playoff games and superbowl. Costly to not just the NFL but also people that pay to attend the games.
  4. Of course I was not happy with how easy they moved the ball but thats what you get when you play an elite offense. The Bills would have adjusted. Cinci would not have scored every drive. It was always up to our offense to keep pace and our defense to make a few key stops. Thats how these games will usually go. Look at our KC playoff game last year. Its the same for the Bengals. Its up to their offense to keep pace and their defense to make a few key stops. Thats the type of game you get with two super bowl contenders.
  5. Personally I think that particular play came in so late that everyone was rushed and they just couldnt execute. That one is on Dorsey IMO. I also disagree. The ball was catchable. A tough catch and I dont blame Cole but catchable ball that other receivers do make all the time.
  6. Of course this was going to be a tough matchup. Thats what happens when you play a super bowl contender. There is no way to tell how the game would have went if they played it in full. Both teams would have made adjustments through the course. I highly doubt Cinci would have scored every drive. I dont think we would have either. The game would have come down to who made the least mistakes. Maybe even who gets the ball last.
  7. I've been fine all day long. Only get nervous for playoff games. I just started getting nervous lol. LFG BILLS!!!!
  8. One thing is for certain... An hour from now we will be in the first half game day thread freaking out. We all know the game is decided in the first half hour lol.
  9. He is able to give you a spoiler alert because while you were able to live in glory with Tom Brady, our team has gone through the likes of Trent Edwards, Lossman, Taylor, Fitzpatrick, etc, etc, etc. We have seen it. Trust me, Mac Jones is nothing more than a middling QB that will keep your team in purgatory. Your team will always be bad enough to either just miss the playoffs or be one and done with a lucky wildcard birth and good enough that they dont get good enough draft picks to get better. Bills fans have been there and lived through this. We have made excuses for all our middling QBs. If only we have a better head coach. If only we had a good OC. If only he didnt get that concussion. If only we had a real WR. If only we had a good Oline. If only our D was good. If only we didnt fumble that punt. Its just excuses. Your QB is who he is. A decent QB but one thats never going to win you anything but more hope. Your team is hanging on giving you hope with a great coach and good defense. Its very likely that your team will never get better until they move on from Belichick, suck up some down years, and rebuild. Otherwise this season and last season is what you are going to see every season. I dont care who you get for OC. The longer your team hangs on to BB, the longer you are going to be losers in this league. He is too old and too proud to knock it down and do a true rebuild. You arent going to find that once in a lifetime gem at QB in the 6th round ever again. You arent ever going to have the right draft position to get a shot at a top QB. Thats the reality.
  10. Yes, hopefully the tackling is better today. The Bills do a good job keeping the ball in front of them, outside of some blown third and longs. What they havent been good at like in the last two seasons is getting to the ball and making the tackle.
  11. You get a lot of flack for your post. From me included. This one I actually agree with you on. Ive said for years that Allen has a tougher job than any other top QB in the league. Tougher than mediocre ones even. Rarely do I see our guys just flat out open in busted coverage or schemed flat out open. Rarely do our guys make contested catches or get a lot of YAC. Other teams that happens all game sometimes for them.
  12. Must be bad since Tua has already been out a week and Bridgewater just suffered a head injury in this weeks game.
  13. Yep I know bro. Been dealing with his toll as long as you have 😃 If you actually look at his twitter you can tell he is a racist homophobe too. That might actually get me a warning or ban but its true.
  14. Not a chance. Dont lie. That twitter handle posts exactly like you do here. Just own it and stop being a fake *****. Please do for the love of all real Bills fans. His next account will be easy to spot. He has been doing this since the official BBMB's. Did the same ***** there and got banned numerous times there too.
  15. Also if the Bills win tonight and KC loses on Saturday GB is not going to the SB.
  16. So the #1 seed could be determined before the Bills play next week.
  17. and yet your precious super bowl contender Miami is only one game better than the Jets right now. Jets could end Miami playoff hopes next week.
  18. That statement isnt true. The Jets are eliminated from the playoffs. Miami makes the playoffs by beating the Jets next week. That makes Miami closer to just making the playoffs.
  19. FilthyBeast might be the one person on the planet where the saying "even a broken clock is right twice a day" doesn't apply.
  20. Should be hearing soon. I think they have until 4pm
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