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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Maybe they will and maybe they wont. Thats not for you to decide how they deal with it. Its for the people involved that Hamlin was like family to ,to decide.
  2. No they continue to give the Bills an "L" for forfeit until they decide to play. If they forfeit even week one of the playoffs then thats the case. There are answers and ways to do anything. You might not like them but there are. There is no "have to" do anything.
  3. They give the Bills "L" because they forfeit and move on. Life isnt always fair buddy. Sometimes you just do what you have to do.
  4. I think the Bills will play. If they chose not to, I wouldnt have a problem with it. Who am I to judge or be mad at a team that pretty much just watched their brother die on the field and is currently fighting for his life in the hospital. Thats a lot of trauma to witness and everyone reacts handles those emotions differently.
  5. Whether they play the game or not some team or multiple teams are going to get the short end of the stick. There is no perfect way to deal with this that is fair to everyone. People just need to accept that. I am fine with whatever happens.
  6. It isnt. Ever heard of HIPAA? No information can be shared unless authorized by Hamlin or maybe in this case, his parents. Also, this is a very slow process and a long waiting game. There likely isnt much to share even if authorized.
  7. He could be in that stage with no contact practice. Then contact practice. Then evaluation. Its possible that he clears before this game and plays.
  8. Just stop lying. No one is wasting their time "imitating you on twitter." Thats you. Just ***** own it you loser.
  9. YouTube videos and Twitter tweets you can just paste the website link and it should do it for you
  10. I really dont think this team is going to just pack it in. If they arent right mentally and thats what they felt is best for them then I would stand by that all the way. I just dont think they will. I think they will get on the field and give it their all like they do every week.
  11. Everyone is different but sometimes normalcy like things help people get through tough times.
  12. How would that be? We would still be division winners with 11 wins. No one else in the division would have more than 9.
  13. I second this. My wife was a nurse for her whole life and blew her own shoulder out trying to resusitate a patient. That ended her career but the patient lived.
  14. I think the Bills and Bengals will do what they feel is right for their team and players on it.
  15. Then neither is the post I responded to. I'm emotional over this just like everyone else. There is so many cross threads I dont even remember what thread I am in anymore. My appologies.
  16. This would be pretty much the only thing they could do if they intend to play the game. They can't put players on super short weeks. I think there is two weeks between the champ game and the SB no?
  17. Chill out. I just made a comment replying to a comment. If you dont care then move on. I dont care.
  18. I think they will still play the Pats yes. There are still teams fighting for that 7 seed that this game affects. I guess they could just forfeit if they arent up for it mentally. Difficult time for everyone.
  19. They could but thats difficult to do. If they move one then all the rest have to move as well. That would eat into the week off before the SB. At some point either they would have to just get rid of the week off before the SB, move the SB out a week, or some team if they make it all the way would be playing a short week somewhere. Its just a logistical nightmare. To spark maybe a further conversation, maybe they should think about the future here and not just this one time incident. There really is no room in a football season to account for this. Maybe they should add a bye week for all playoff teams at the end of the season and any single games that have to be moved can play that week.
  20. They couldnt do that because at least one if not two teams would have to play in the playoffs a few days later. That isnt enough rest or prep time.
  21. I would. Last thing you want is a failure when its needed. You might at least check the battery. Our unit has a button on it for a battery test. You might even be able to check that yourself. Look into it at least.
  22. We have an AED where I work. It is regularly checked by the company that provided it. Im sure the thing is regularly checked in the stadiums. These units are checked at least monthly. Oof. These should be checked monthly. I would try to change that if I were you.
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