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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Because those two statements contradict each other.
  2. I didnt watch the medical press conference in full but I could have sworn that they didnt diagnose him with that yet and further said that diagnosis comes from pretty much ruling everything else out and they havent done that yet.
  3. Agree. He hasnt done anything in like 10 years with Brees as his QB and generally a good roster behind him.
  4. Same way they call the games every week, every year.
  5. There is no fair outcome for everyone. Someone or multiple someones is going to get the short end of the stick. Just have to live with whatever happens and move on.
  6. I hate facebook streaming. Its buffering like crazy every question. I dont have this problem with any other streaming service
  7. I agree with this. Daboll and his staff has done a hell of a job for being a first year head coach.
  8. "They out coached us" seems to have become a popular cliche over the last few years. Most people saying it are just saying it because they have heard someone else saying it but dont actually know specifics to make it a valid statement.
  9. I am not superstitious at all. If I was I think I would tell you that the only way to break the curse is to pop that bottle open right now and beer bong that sucker while doing a cerimonial dance.
  10. I wouldnt fire him yet but he did take over a team with a winning record and improved the talent on the team. He failed to improve the record of the team though.
  11. Our season has been difficult all year with everything that piled on our team this year. The Bills still pulled through. I am not counting this team out no matter what seed they get.
  12. I was reading something today that said something like they are considering having the 1 seed pick either bye week or HFA and the 2 seed would get the other. That seems interesting. There is definitely no good option where someone or multiple someones dont get the short stick.
  13. Should be and should have been years ago for ending the drought. He wont be though.
  14. Ok so now I have to argue with you too. Well done. I am not going to re-type it all so just go a few pages back and read my comments. The game does not have to be played no matter what and they arent going to go find 22 people off the street to play it. Thats ridiculous.
  15. Yes, everyone knows the world goes on. I dont know what your point is. Its the same point I have made... everyone grieves in their own way. The players are a million times closer to this situation than we are. Nobody knows what they are going through. If they dont play then they just forfeit and the season moves on. All things I have said and the dude is still arguing with me. So, and I mean this politely... if you didnt follow the conversation then dont jump on me about it and start arguing too. Yes. They play army soldiers with fake guns too so war is a kids game as well.
  16. Perhaps you didnt follow the conversation. The dude is out here claiming "they have to play the game." Also stating what the players want. They dont have to play the game and none of us know what the players want because none of us, regardless of our feelings, are going through what they are.
  17. Yes, they have to move forward but that does not mean they have to play. I expect they will but they dont have to. I expect they will. Doesnt mean they have to and aint no fan gonna make em.
  18. Yet you are trying to decide for them by saying "they have to play the game" and "the team is not going to want to throw that away." How do you know what the players want to do? You don't.
  19. Not sure that is the fairest option either considering the Bills and Bengals would have played one less game. The game itself does have an affect on the division winner between Bengals and Ravens too no? Regardless there is no completely fair option, as I mentioned earlier.
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