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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. There is no conspiracy. The rule is to go by win%. If they did that KC still would have the one seed. Only now, Buff would play KC in Arrowhead. The rule change benefited the Bills. There was no completely fair outcome.
  2. Home or away, I will be estatic if the Bills get there after all the adversity they have faced this season. Lets go Bills!
  3. You think KC fans wont travel? I mean don't get me wrong, a neutral site is way better than Arrowhead but its still travel away from home and a road game.
  4. I hope your franchise is stupid enough to pay Mac Jones 50 mil. The years of paying Brady 10 mil a season are over.
  5. There was definitely some 3's in there though.
  6. I've been telling him that all year lol. We all know what mediocre QBs look like. We had that for like 2 decades.
  7. Welp no point watching the rest of this dumpster fire.
  8. Maybe you didnt read what I said. You all complained and blamed McDaniels last season when he is a top OC in this league. Yes, your staff is a clown show. Thats on Belichick. He is in charge of that. Yes, Mac played well for a rookie. That was probably close to his ceiling and its not good enough. All true but we just played them last month. Its not like they change all that much.
  9. This. KC plays sloppy. Looks like the can lose. Raiders drop a game changing int or refs call it back. Chiefs march down for the game winning score. Pretty much like every week for the Chiefs.
  10. Yeah you all complained about McDaniels last year too and blamed him. I sat here and told you McDaniels was a top OC in this league and he is. You do got one thing right... your staff situation this year is a big clown show. Belichick was in charge of that clown show. There is no one more experienced in seeing a mediocre QB then Bills fans. Allen is our first franchise QB since Jim Kelly. As I keep telling you, we all know what ***** looks like. But go on. Keep believing. Keep believing that Jones is going to keep up with Allen, Mahomes, Burrow, Herbert, etc. All you'll have to do is build a team that takes up twice the cap space somehow. We also regularly play the Pats. This team knows that team and vice versa. I dont really think they got much less practice this week than any other either. May have been a bit more distracted but they still got the days in.
  11. He needs just dr approval to return. Has to have a full contact practice before hand. He will likely clear before the game.
  12. Im fine with whatever. There is no perfect solution. This one seems reasonable. Honestly, I think the Bengals are getting the shortest end of the stick here and I feel bad for their fans.
  13. What amazing news to wake up to. Im so pumped today now. Its like feeling reinvigorated after a ***** week. Im just full of energy. I cant imagine how stoked the team must feel now.
  14. You guys are getting short end of stick. So could the Bills be as they controlled their own path to the 1 seed. I feel for you but there is no perfect solution there was always going to be multiple teams getting the short end of it. As for your comment about "their offense was absolutely running through the Bills defense" ... so did just about every team the Bills played in the first quarter this year. It means nothing. The Bills offense ran through your defense as well. It means nothing. There is no way to know who would have won that game.
  15. This is where I am too. There is no need for some crazy solutions or anything complicated. Just revert to win% and go on with a normal playoffs. I say this knowing that likely mean KC gets the 1 seed again.
  16. Thats like saying you dont have the authority to not show up to work tomorrow. Besides all that, there is no way the NFL would force this team to play if they couldnt mentally handle it. There is really nothing they could do if the team just didnt show up. I expected them to play this game anyhow. Im just arguing because certain people make fact like statements such as "they have to play the game". That just isnt true.
  17. We didnt get screwed. A horrible incident happened. There is no way to fix it that is fair for everyone. Handing the Bills the 1 seed screws both the Chiefs and the Bengals because they both had opportunity to still get the 1 seed if the Bills lost that game. Since that game didnt play out someone is going to get the short end of the stick. All they can do is do what is most fair and move on.
  18. They didnt screw us. No one on that field was going to play the rest of that game and for good reason. The NFL didnt postpone that game. The players and coaches themselves decided not to play that game. It was too traumatizing. You have a strange view of reality which leads me back to my original question... are you 12?
  19. Who is this we stuff? This is up to the league and the teams. No amount of demanding from you is going to change that. Also, the Bills didnt finish the game for obvious reasons. That isnt any other teams fault. That doesnt make the Bills entitled to the one seed either. Too easy. How about a two-man sack race while also doing egg toss.
  20. You have been in this thread the entire time claiming the Bills HAVE to play the game. They dont HAVE to do anything. Now you are saying both that they have a right to forfeit and they have to play the game. Which is it? It cant be both. Of course life goese on. You are correct in one thing... there is no need to even be talking about this yet here you are still talking about it.
  21. You said "We know they have a right to forfeit any remaining game" and "Bottom line, games have to be played." If they forfeit a game then the game is not played. Just like the Cinci/Bills game is not going to be played. So, games do not have to be played.
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