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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. He also did a double stutter on his route. He probably wasnt where Josh expected him.
  2. In order to play he has to get practice reps. Part of the protocol is non contact practice and then a full contact practice. He cant be cleared if he doesnt. I dont see them wasting reps if they dont think he is going to play. Why practice at all? Just do walkthroughs and plan installs. Nobody needs to stay sharp or in synch. Just wrap them all up in bubble wrap. This isnt back yard ball. These guys still need practice. Why do bands practice songs that they have played 1000's of times before a gig? Everyone needs practice.
  3. Have they though? Even the Eagles had 8 one score games and had a fairly soft schedule. KC has looked just as sloppy as we have. Who are the handfuls of teams that are more dominant and have convincing stretches in your opinion. I have not watched every game but I dont see this dominance from anyone really. I would say the Eagles were the closest but they arent blowing people out. Maybe we have a different idea of what dominant means. Some of this is also about who you play, where you play them and when. Miami for instance was pretty hot but they played mostly fodder for a long stretch and they werent dominant in those games either.
  4. Honestly there do seem to be a lot of posters here that are scared if Tua plays.
  5. Because no team has really been dominant consistently this year.
  6. Stage 3 is like stuff you see our players do off to the side when they are injured... like maybe running some sprints or exercise bike type stuff. Stage 4 they actually participate in practice in a non contact jersey.... which is obviously easier for a QB because they dont get contact anyways.
  7. Last I read it he wasnt doing stuff with the team yet. May have misunderstood what I read. Anything stage 2 and beyond is doing stuff with the team staff. Regardless... to date he has not practiced yet. If he starts practicing early week then there is a chance he will play. More probable he would. Usually once stage 3 hits people are cleared in days. Although we had a player this year that made it to stage 5 and still didnt clear. That was shortly after Tua incident so they might have been more cautious. Stage 2 is light aerobic stuff Stage 3 is team drill like stuff Stage 4 is non contact practice Stage 5 is full practice After that its just Dr. clearance.
  8. Good. Let Kraft keep that dinosaur forever. That team is not going to get better until they blow it up and start getting some good draft picks with a GM that is worth his salt. Belichick 2023 process - hire Bill O'Brien back to be his OC again. Process complete.
  9. I think the solution was about as fair as gets but wanted to comment on this. Its not just about the bye. Would you rather play Miami, Bengals, Chiefs to get the SB or Chargers and one of Bengals/Chiefs? One is far far easier than the other.
  10. You really think so or just hope so? Day off usually anyways. Probably Wednesday is when we will have a good feel for it.
  11. Not sure if this was posted somewhere but even looking at this simulation it was an incredible throw...
  12. Will the Bills call up both Beasley and Brown? If so, who is the healthy scratch? I dont think they will have all of our receivers active. What do you guys think?
  13. An injury to his throwing hand. Not sure how bad or if he will play or not. Happened in the game against the Pats last week I think.
  14. It Tua starts no contact practice its pretty much assured he will play. Probably know on Wednesday. Especially if he moves on to full practice on Thursday. They arent going to waste reps on him if they dont think he will make it.
  15. This is because you are not using the same lense if and when you watch other teams. Even KC has struggled in a lot of games this year.
  16. Tua or no Tua, bring it. Bunch of damn scared kids hiding under their covers in this thread. Probably the same ones that were scared of playing NE last year cus big bad old mean Belichick and playing the same team 3 times crap. As probably will Miami because all they know how to do is blitz.
  17. It sucks but yes they get it because they finished all of their games and won more than we have. The NFL could have just went with the rules in the book and used win %. Then we would be playing them in Arrowhead if we make it that far. They werent going to move all the playoff games to continue the Bengals game. I dont even think anyone even wanted to play it. They werent going to add teams to the playoffs to come up with some way to cancel the one seed bye. They did the fairest thing they could. Just have to deal with it and move on.
  18. This is wrong. He has definitely improved on anticipations and I have seen quite a few throws where Josh throws the ball before the receiver breaks. Mostly those were to Diggs.
  19. Seems they could have just made one. This was a 7th seed either way wasnt it?
  20. At least he's immunized and grabbed another 50 mil.
  21. I mostly watched that to see if they would announce the playoff schedule. Im glad I did because what a great game. Surprised they didnt announce the schedule though. I guess tomorrow morning?
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