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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Star players are going to make star plays. Its hard to shut out a star for an entire game. They are going to make plays. We just need to make more of them than they do.
  2. Yeah I already stated two posts ago that what I said may not be factual but in my experience. What you did was laugh at me without maybe thinking how those experiences that I have had might be a touchy subject? Can we please just end the conversation. You can win the forum argument if that makes you feel all better.
  3. Ok fine. Im not going to argue this. In my experience that is not the case. I have first hand experience in all but the serial killer thing as I grew up with an abusive af stepfather. Please lets just end this.
  4. I actually had to look that word up. Thanks, learned something today. I don't disagree with you. Most people do not turn their lives around. My point was that someone like that is more likely to turn it around than the other types I listed. Maybe that isnt factually correct either, I do not know honestly, but in my experience.. an abuser or sexual predator or seriel killer never turns their lives around. Where as a thief or drug user I have first hand seen them turn themselves around.
  5. Its not just that decision. To me it looked like they were playing for 3 points and not to go for the throat. To me that was a bad decision in itself. As for the not going for it on 4th down, I dont agree with that decision either. First off its windy af and Bass hasnt exactly been the best kicker in the league. So if he misses, its the same thing as missing a 4th down but probably gives them better field position. The next thing is that I dont view getting 3 points there is much of anything. All they did was prevent a possible tie. If we missed the 4th down and Arizona marched down and kicked a field goal, all that would happen is they would tie. So they would still need a TD to beat us. Even with the field goal if they got a TD they would have beat us. If we make the first down then we either use up all Arizonas timeouts and end up kicking a fg or we score a TD and put the game out of reach. Going for it on 4th down is the correct move IMO.
  6. Understandable honestly. That doesnt change just because he is a scumbag. If he can't be mentally prepared to play though, thats the same as not being physically ready to play, so maybe he should just not played. I also just think that he isnt good anymore. Once a scumbag always a scumbag. Sure, some people can change their life. Like maybe a thief can see the light and get a job and turn it around. Usually something like sexual predator or seriel killer or woman/child abuser... those people dont usually change. Its just something mental.
  7. Lamar Jackson missed practice today. This dude misses a lot of practices for unknown reasons. In the past they said he was sick. Now they just didnt say.
  8. Can’t they train him to be a safety or something? The kid is at least fast and athletic.
  9. That’s how they get extra commercial breaks in.
  10. I hear in the new stadium they are even adding a surgical room for on the spot amputations. We'll be able to get players right back on the field
  11. Allen's passing chart for those like me that love these.... Also Colemans routes No Diggs or Worthy routes this week but here is some Gabe And Cook rushes
  12. 24/45 169 1td 2ints 45 passes for 169 yards with 2 ints to boot. lmfao.
  13. Its hilarious how much better of a spot the Browns would be in if they just kept Mayfield and not entertained the PoS pervert. Not only in cap space but also QB play. They could have loaded their team with even more talent.
  14. Pretty sure I seen him call some plays. I mentioned it in the 2nd half thread. He was talking in mic with play card covering.
  15. They were selling out to stop the run. Brady should have taken advantage of it. Cook also had at least one great run called back by penalty.
  16. We scored 34 points and had 352 yards of total offense despite being rusty af and fumbling the ball in the redzone.
  17. Yeah, they taped up his hand/wrist to mask the fact it was really his elbow.
  18. One of them is probably doing better gambling and or fantasy football. Its all they really talk about for years now.
  19. Who is going to be the first $300 million QB?
  20. Coleman was definitely worthy of a game ball today.
  21. The good news is they don’t have to really worry about a mobile QB. Tua can run but not like Murray or anyone else.
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