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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Expensive yes. Its because they couldnt find one in the draft. Still need to be able to rush the passer. Something they were doing with him and were doing way worse without him. So it did fix the problem they had and it was one of the problems of last season. I will say that just Von wouldnt have made much difference last game. Might have slowed them down a little bit but still have to score points and we couldnt do that.
  2. TBF it got us Von Miller. Just because disaster happened and he went down for the season with an ACL doesnt mean it didnt get us Von Miller. It may look bad now but at the time it was a good signing and it still can be good next year. The rest of everyones criticism is deserved at least as far as I have read thus far.
  3. Every team deals with injuries. So what if they had to deal with getting to the airport because of snow for one game. Hamlin is different but the fact he pulled through like he did should have invigored them. Im not buying any of this as a reason to lay down playing for a championship.
  4. Sign him with what? The Bills are $15 mil over the cap and have 24 players to sign to get a full roster. Even restructuring Josh barely takes care of the cap we are already over. You want to restructure the entire team to sign one guy?
  5. I been asking this for two years. Either we are drafting all really raw players, they dont trust the players, or they dont know how to develop players. They only seem to play rookies when they have to. Rookies dont seem to take a big role or show much skill until towards the end of their contracts. The staff and Beane dont seem to be on the same page either. All off season and even during the season Beane tried to get them a pass catching run back and improve the TE position. We dont use the TE much. We almost never use a pass catching running back. Both things we should have used.
  6. The difference is those teams have the players that can dictate how a defense plays. We dont. We also dont seem to utilize the guys we have. Knox has been good all year but barely used or even looked at. Our backs seem to be just guys they put on the field but Dorsey doesnt really know what to do with them. We dont have a thought out complimentary run game either. There is no rhythm to our offense. Sometimes it seems they just run the ball to say we ran the ball. I actually think Daboll had that same problem. I think even the WR routes have become predictable. Our O line is a terrible revolving door. There is always someone allowing a jail break. This team needs more talent on the offensive side of the ball. They need to get more creative on offense. They need to develop a complimentary run game. Game planning needs to be better. This offense is basically Josh being super human to mask everything. He isnt going to be that every game.
  7. 20 mil doesnt go far when you start in the negative and then have to sign like 24 players just to have a full roster.
  8. I agree. 13 seconds is a game we had no business losing. Mahomes didnt do anything great in those 13 seconds to win the game. We had a complete collapse even after time outs. That should never freaking happen ever. On the flip side this game was one we had no business winning. They just kicked our ass.
  9. Youve never seen competitive people trash talk and bust each others balls before? Edit: when I posted this I had only seen the one tweet. I have since seen the rest. Complete #######. That stuff is uncalled for.
  10. I think that is more to do with our coaches and o line. Our coaches dont seem to like to develop rookies and put them on the field. Our offense doesnt like to run the ball much so how would one develop much anyhow. I dont think Dorsey even knows how to use players like that. Our O line is terrible so the backs dont get the same holes other teams get. If a team like the Jets drafted Cook, I bet he would have looked like a stud on that team.
  11. It was this moment that I knew deep down we were toast. I always hope for a comeback but I knew this D was just not going to stop them. Not with this type of play. This D has just failed too often. Its not the right scheme for teams like KC and the Bengals. Probably wouldnt stop the Chargers either. Bend but dont break only works on QBs that make mistakes. Elite QBs dont make a lot of mistakes. There are too many resources spent on this defense for it to do this poor of a job. Time to change schemes, coaches, whatever. What it isnt time for is drafting a safety, line backer, DT, DE whatever thinking we are just one piece away from stopping Mahomes. Time for offensive resources to allow Josh to keep up the pace with these teams without having to be perfect just to win a football game.
  12. You are being defensive over nothing. The poster is saying that the team is willing to overlook a guy punching a girl in the face to get a good football player. That is a true statement. The guy punched a girl in the face. The team didnt care and drafted him. He didnt say anything about your team being full of thugs. The poster is practically commending your team for putting together a good football team and you are here taking ***** out of context. There are some people maybe weeks ago, maybe even this this week that were doing what you claim of this post but you chose the wrong post to get all defensive about. Enjoy your win. Good luck the rest of the way. I hope you win it all. Stop being a dick in my house because yes you were being one. Self reflect your post and maybe you'll see it.
  13. Nah we just got out coached and out physicaled. Him being there didnt help or hurt us. I believe him showing the improvement in the hosipital a few weeks ago helped our guys mentally but not yesterday. Im not buying this "we were exhausted" crap either. If you are exhausted then dont play in the NFL. Im not trying to sound cruel here but exhaustion from Hamlin who came through very well, some snow, a shooting while tragic and heartbreaking... those players new none of them personally, and some guys got standard injuries every other team goes through. Again, I am not trying to sound cruel and maybe some will think I am a heartless ####### but I assure you I have a huge heart... thats all stuff they should have gotten over or had no affect at this point of the season to exhaust them. Maybe Hamlin but him pulling through the way he did should have invigorated them, not exhausted them.
  14. Weird that the guy you are telling to F off is a guy saying we need to draft guys like that. Mostly what he means is tough physical guys. We have a tough time against those because mostly our guys are smaller finese guys. We beat the Ravens the last few meetings including this year and Lamar played most of those meetings. Thanks for rubbing salt and saying sorry. Most people in Buffalo will probably root for your team now that we are out. No need to come on our board and be a dick.
  15. Sadly I think someone has to go. It isnt going to be McDermott. With all the resources poured into this defense year after year and watching it be dog**** in the playoffs year after year... something has to change. Josh Allen is not going to will this team to a SB by himself. They need to put resources in offense. Other teams do that and still have a better playoff defense than we have. Either Beane/McDermott is a terrible talent evaluator/drafter, this defense just aint it anymore, or both. Something has to give. I dont want to hear during the off season on how we just need a couple more pieces on defense. That ship has sailed. No other team spends this much on defense and a lot of defenses are way better than ours. I think that this D would have done a lot better with Hyde and Von playing but we cant just fail a season over a couple injuries.
  16. Some linemen and an oc that knows how to design an offense, form a good game plan, and call plays. I would like another stud receiver too but cant do everything in one season. They need to hit on draft picks and stop spending FA money. Especially when they dont have it. Cant keep mortgaging the future and then fail
  17. McD/Frazier defense is basically force the other team to methodically move the ball down the field without giving up the big play. Then hope either the other team makes enough mistakes to punt/turn the ball over or one of our guys makes a star play. That works against a lot of teams. The problem is it doesnt work against the Bengals/Chiefs of the world. It doesnt work against guys with elite QBs because they dont make enough mistakes. Sure you might get them to punt a couple times. You might get them to kick a couple field goals. At that point its on the offense to outscore the other team. Problem is we dont have enough talent to reliably do that. Allen is not going to play perfect ball like last year in the playoffs reliably enough. They havent figured this out yet.
  18. Bring Poyer back. Sign some cheap decent guys to replace the rest. Focus all efforst on O line and another stud receiver. Its time this team puts its resources where it matters.... on the side of the ball that scores points.
  19. He is venting. Thats what humans do. No big deal. Guy is a winner and wants to win.
  20. Yeah thats what Josh was getting for time for most of the game. Couple that with our receivers being perfectly covered (according to another graph I seen in another thread) you get no offense. This is the type of bad protection Allen dealt with all season long and then people wonder why he "missed that open guy somewhere."
  21. All 3 are elite QBs. It doesnt matter who is marginally better than who. All 3 have different skill sets and things they are better at than the other. The Bills just need to surround Allen with more talent and get an oline that can protect him better. Then they will win a SB. Stop worrying about being this one piece away on defense to beat the Chiefs. That ship has sailed. Other teams are catching up. Its time to be the team that rarely gets stopped on offense and a defense that is just good enough at making a key stop here and there.
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