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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Thats a possibility but not a given. Our team was on fire last season. Especially in the playoffs. What happened this year against the Bengals is not the same as what might have happened last season. The Bengals werent even playing as good last year as they are this year.
  2. Im back and forth on this. 13 secs: We at least competed and were right there on the cusp but that was a collosal failure to lose in 13 seconds. That should never happen and possibly cost us a SB. Cinci: We didnt even compete. Our team was so outclassed and outcoached that day that its hard to think we are even SB competitors at this point. I'm not sure which I feel is worse.
  3. Is that one, two, and three? If so yes. They drag day one out so I guess thats probably correct.
  4. What would be funny is if GB used some of that capital to get some WRs after trading Rodgers. I think the Jets would be pretty dangerous with a QB. Seems to be the only thing lacking. They have good line play, good running game, stout defense overall, a lot of young talented guys.
  5. We are only 5 more DE's and 2 DT's for the rotation away from beating them.
  6. Im gonna be pissed if any of our first two days picks are for defense.
  7. As you can see there are a lot of people here from there. There are a lot more that havent replied yet too. I was one. While I miss that board, I found this place to easily be a new home. I think this board is run and moderated better IMO.
  8. I dont think Poyer will be here next year. His wife posted something on twitter to the effect of "we just packed up our house for the first time in 6 years." and basically gave thanks to Bills fans. I dont think they expect to be here if they are packing the house. Just for optimism, I will add: Beane cant think we are that one pass rusher away from beating the Chiefs, during this off season like he thought last year.
  9. Dak to the Jets makes the Jets dangerous. Carr to Dallas makes Dallas worse than they are.
  10. I remember talking about how our roster is so good its tough for rookies to make the team. Still sort of true. We have a lot of good guys. We just have not many impact difference makers. They drafted and signed too many role players. Drafted too many players of the same position to try and make sure at least one would work out and to make sure we had a 200 man dline rotation, 4 man CB rotation, and 3 man RB rotation. No focus on offensive side of the ball because Josh carried the team like superman and they thought they were one sack away from winning.
  11. Id rather Chan Gailey came out of retirement to be our OC at this point. They guy could dial up screens, run the spread, had timely runs that made sense and kept the defense off guard, and had timely downfield throws. Dorsey needs to severely up his game next year.
  12. Ive been banging this drum since last season. This team does not seem to know how to develop rookies or even use them. Either that or Beane is just the worst talen evaluator of all time and every rookie he drafted is simply just terrible. I really dont buy that. Look at Teller for example. He sucked on the Bills. He gets traded and becomes one of the best. This staff cant develop rookies and lacks creative ways to design plays for them. Id like to give Dorsey the benefit of the doubt here but I dont think he is it. Our off season offensive plans were to get another TE and a pass catching back. The pass catching back was still further in the plans when they traded for Hines who can be explosive as a pass catching back too. Neither the idea of pass catching back nor TE was utilized the entire season.
  13. To me this award should go to who did the most with the least. I thought McD should have won it his first year. This year I think Daboll deserves it. He took a garbage team with some talent but not a lot, added some Bills cast off players, and made it to the division game. That was pretty impressive IMO.
  14. Because they are 15 mil over the cap and have 24 players to sign just to get a full roster. They arent going to restructure the entire team just to sign one big name FA.
  15. offense offense offense. Fix the damn O line. Stop coddling rookies and put them on the field to learn. Kromer is one of the best in the business. Get him some good players and let him teach. Dorsey implement a real offense. Not this supposed complex crap that nobody can learn unless they sit on the sidelines for 5 years first. Give them some routes to run. Add in a real running game. Not one that is just there to say we ran the football a couple times. Learn how to flow on offense, Daboll had this problem too, and mix it up. Make the defense guess instead of knowing by formation and personel what we are doing. If I can call out a run play or a pass play and be right 90% of the time from TV then Im sure DC's and players always know what you are doing. Run more play action. Josh is money on play action. Dont sit in shot gun all game long every game. Formulate actual game plans that can exploit the team you are facing. If the team is terrible against the run but stout in coverage then I dont want to see 12 carries and 40 bombs downfield. Live with what we have on defense. IDGAF about defense anymore. We have two defensive head coaches. Make it work with the players we have. Tre should be better next year and was a former all pro. I dont believe Tre is done just because he had a non all pro season this year. Von will be back at some point. Elam is a good young corner. Hyde will be back. Enough of this 200 man D line rotation. The same goes for the corner rotation we had all year. Identify your best corners and leave them out there. Nobody is going to develop if they are constantly put in and out of the game all game every week. Put your best guys on the damn field. The experiment failed. Maybe some of these rookies would have developed better if they werent taken off the field every other snap.
  16. No heat map of all the routes but you can see all the routes run that a receiver was targeted and kind of put your own mental image together. Same place you find QB charts on nextgenstats. They dont do every week for all receivers but you can get the gist.
  17. I agree but its not because Allen can't throw short. I think its more because Dorseys plan is to take advantage of Josh's arm much like Miami's plan is to take advantage of Tuas ability for quick timing throws. They need to get back to basics and run a better offense and plan. This offense actually has been figured out. I heard a few times this season about how complicated our offense is. I also heard its part of the reason rookies and new players have problems picking it up. My theory is this... good DCs that have figured out this offense can actually dictate what our offense does based on coverage. They can basically funnel the receivers to where they want them to go based on their alignment and leverage. If they can do this then wouldnt it be easier to cover the guys if you know what route they will run and where they are going to go? I mean, I dont watch all 22 but I do watch some plays that are put out there. Our receivers are pretty covered. The Bengals especially did a very good job on coverage from the clips I have seen. It is true in part of what you are saying that Josh doesnt like to take the check down/short throw, but its not because he can't. That is also part of the tendency that some teams were able to rely on. I dont know if thats coached or Josh stubborness or maybe either his feeling of having to do it all to win the game... because he usually does have to. Just like the missed short passes are easy to be in your mind, in my mind its easy to remember the couple times Cooks screwed Josh and did the wrong thing which cause an INT both times. One thing I do know is that this O line has been terrible for two years. I thought it would be at least a little better this year because Kromer is one of the best in the business but IMO the line was actually worse. That needs to be fixed or it wont matter what offense we run. Also, just like with Daboll... this run game just seems disoriented from the pass game. There is no flow or strategy to our offense. Run plays are just put in there to say we ran the ball. They dont seem to take advantage of keeping a team guessing.
  18. Because those guys werent being covered. Our DBs played off in zone and left huge holes in the zones that the receivers for the Bengals set up in. Our receivers were covered like glue most of the game.
  19. Josh was 11/15 throwing between behind the LoS and within 5 yards of the LoS against Cinci. 8/10 1 TD last week against Miami. Not all misses are on Josh either. I can think of a couple on Cook for example that lead to INTs. I can also think of some of the bad throws he has had that probably stick out in your mind but he completes short passes more than you think. Josh can throw short just fine.
  20. Yeah they needed to do more over the last two seasons thats for sure. No they wont fix it in one off season. Hopefully they can nail a linemen in the draft and pick up someone cheap in FA that can at least do a better job than we had this year. Allen will have to be superman again for another year. Hopefully Dorsey has a better plan and the offense can execute. We get Hyde back and hopefully Von back sooner than later next season. Hopefully the defense plays good enough that they can at least stop a few drives. At this point thats all I can hope for. They dont have the cap. They dont have the resources to move up in the draft really. I think this team will still be good during the season but SB? They'll have to get luckier than they have been.
  21. We have 24 FA. There will likely be a lot of new faces on this team next season. Dont expect any big names. The only FA's that are going to take peanuts contracts are also JAGS just like we have. He needs to nail the drafts. There is no cap space. We are an est 15 mil over the cap and have 24 people to sign just to get a full 53 man roster. They arent going to restructure the entire team to sign some big name.
  22. They dont have the ability to, outside of cheap as hell people that probably arent much better. There is no cap space. We are 15 mil over the cap already and have to sign 24 people just to have a full roster. I know people dont think the cap exists but it does. The only hope is that they draft well and that it happens to be oline.
  23. I actually think they would do this in a seperate presser or release a statement.
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