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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Fans are always going to be cocky fans. Id be cocky too if the Bills were getting to SB's. I dont recall seeing Chiefs players act like Apple turnip acted this past week so screw the Bengals. Go Chiefs. I dont mind some player swagger. I think players should believe in themselves but Apple was just an outright douche
  2. Kinda easy to "grind through a game" when the officials give you first downs either by penalty or incomplete passes and the other team cant even pass the ball and turn it over.
  3. This coach is stupid. Keep running an already injured QB when you are in the drivers seat to make the SB.
  4. 9ers are all screens and CMC Eagles are all dump offs and Gainwell.
  5. I think Purdy is average but they had a chance with him. Without him, this game is probably over.
  6. Give the refs both of Philly TDs. First one on a non catch. Second one on a free first down every time the Eagles stalled.
  7. Oh look another free first down. Philly wouldnt move the ball without them.
  8. Yes Doc Holiday one Are you sure? I could have sworn The_Dude used a Doc Holiday
  9. Thats some pretty good CGI work. Those guys should be doing movie stuff and realistic video games.
  10. I think this is just a rumor that fans and or some media made it up. It may be true but I dont think it is. Just because McD basically took over the draft with Whaley who was headed out the door and the Pegulas hired Beane under McD's suggestion, doesn't mean that McD is the boss. They probably work together like most GM/Coach relationships.
  11. My take is this… with all of the investment that they have on D it should be ***** elite. It isn’t. It’s a “hope they make a mistake on offense” type of D. they should have invested in protecting Josh instead. Other teams make stops without all their picks invested in a 200 man D line rotation and a 4 man CB rotation. the investment wouldn’t look near as bad if they played D like the Ravens did just the week before. Instead they were a dumpster fire that go walked all over.
  12. Yeah he had an a bad take on Bortles. Who doesnt have a bad take though? I liked the dude.
  13. I thought I heard Cinci was getting their starters back this week. Either way Chris Jones is gonna make some plays
  14. you were the best mod on that board imo. You were fair with people. Other mods it went to their heads and they abused it.
  15. Wow good memory. I forgot all about that stuff and those posters lol. I have ***** memory nowadays though
  16. Not every player will turn from chicken ***** to chicken salad. Also easier on a defense that knows what we are running all the time. I would say our run game looked better this year. That has to do with line play as well.
  17. Not a surprise. Kromer is one of the best o line coaches out there. Get the guy some players.
  18. Burrow is certainly up there with Allen and Mahomes. Personally, I dont like the "this QB is better than that QB" talk. They are the top QBs imo and thats all that needs to be said. They are all different in what they do that makes them the best. I would say though... if Burrow kept Chase but replaced his other receivers with McKenzie and 50% catch Davis, what does he look like? Is Burrow and Cinci just as succesful? McBeane doesnt really have the resources to do so. They concentrated on the wrong side of the ball too much.
  19. Well its not a given we would have won either. I think we would have done a lot better last year than we did last week though.
  20. I mean that kinda applies more to your statement then mine. You are saying we definitely would have lost. I am saying we dont know. There is no way to know.
  21. I dunno. The Jets and Miami are certainly catching up. Im still not scared of the Pats at this point.
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