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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. They arent trading Diggs. He is our #1 and there is no one behind him even close on our team. More importantly, there would be a huge cap hit that this team can't afford. Cant even afford to sign our own guys ffs. This ***** is just overblown garbage because Diggs was mad on the sideline. Big deal. This happens on every field every week in the NFL. Diggs will be fine.
  2. No. Daboll did a great job with that team. He earned it. Hodgins is just another JAG. He isnt any better or worse than the other JAGs on our team. He did well because they have no one to throw to that arent also JAGs or worse. Just like when Zay Jones had a career year here but he's kind of just a JAG too. At the time he was the best we had to throw to so he had that career year.
  3. I remember when the talk in this thread was Allen cant win it because we are going to the SB and the SB Qbs almost never win MVP in the same year. Mahomes proved that theory wrong. My 2 cents is this... I think Allen has to work harder than Mahomes to get the same stats. Specifically I think KC's oline is superior and I think their offensive coaching and game plans are superior. Their recievers are probably about on par as ours in JAGS. I think they are put in better positions to succeed than ours are. As much as I love Diggs, I think Kelce is a better weapon than Diggs but thats still marginal. RBs I think are about equal talent wise but I think do a better job because coaching and QB utilize them better than we do. I do think that their guys do a better job catching contested or not perfect passes than our guys do but that may just be some bias in there, I don't know. That said, I think Mahomes deserved it over Allen this year. The difference for me is something Mahomes had to learn last year... sometimes take whats given. Allen had to do that more this year. I dont know if thats because of Dorsey or Allen. Its probably both but Allen and Dorsey need to learn from that this off season and be better next year. This staff also needs to do a better job surrounding Allen with offensive talent and not spend so many top end resources on defense. I specifically hope for some O line moves that work out. Allen needs better in front of him. If he gets that and learns from this past season then I think he will be even better next year. Perhaps better than we have ever seen him. Its funny. We had a year of Allen air ball that wasnt so good. Then we had a year of Allen being killer on short to intermediate stuff. This year we had Allen air ball but he did a good job of it. Maybe next year we have a year where he puts it all together and can do both at any time and put the ball anywhere on the field. If he does that he is unstoppable. Allen is elite. He is a top QB in this league and always will be. He is fully capable of taking this team to a Super Bowl and winning it. He and this team just need to put it all together and do it.
  4. Played in a weak division had Tom Brady on a low contract were able to get free agents on cheap deals so they could win a Super Bowl
  5. May be a media favorite because they think this is the answer to our running game woes. This guy is going to want 10mil+ a season. The Bills dont have the cap space for that. That money would be better spent on o-line which is a bigger problem to our run game than running back is. Teams around the league have a solid run game with nobodies at RB because they have good line play, good scheme, and good play calling. You dont pay for an elite rb when you have an elite qb.
  6. Boom. Between the ST's coach last year and this guy, we found our missing pieces. Good luck beating us next year Bengals! It won't even be close.
  7. Is this like when people tried to convince me that Star Lotulelelfifjkeodi was doing his job and what was asked of him and therefore was good?
  8. Sounds like something a Frank Reich team would do. First they have to let the Giants sign him so they can trade all their draft picks for him.
  9. A coach that couldnt do anything with prime Brees is going to turn around a team with washed Wilson. Im not buying it like I bought it last season.
  10. Mahomes has better coaching, a better oline by a mile, and still has Kelce. While his receivers I wouldnt call elite, its not like they are dumpster fires. They are decent receivers. Yes, if Diggs and Chase got traded there probably would be some drop off. Its not like Allen was terrible in 2019 before Diggs got here.
  11. The best way I can answer this is my own personal view... I think that its dumb to try and say "this QB is better" "that QB is better" etc. I personally put them in tiers and view them as equals. I think Allen and Mahomes are in the same tier. They are both elite. Doesnt matter which one someone thinks is better. They do things in their own ways and have different styles. For instance, Mahomes may read the field better and hit those short passes more accurately. Allen can hit any throw on the field from anywhere on the field and even on the run. At the end of the day, I think they are so close that it doesnt matter. Put Allen on that KC team instead of Mahomes and I believe they still go to the SBs. When I said "Allen may not be Mahomes but..." I more meant it in the sense that the style of play is different, not that I think Mahomes is better or worse. They are both elite and likely both going to the HoF someday.
  12. Old ass Gronk is not helping this team. I had the same thought as 947 above... its like signing Gore. Great to have the star name on the team but thats all it is, a name. The player is done.
  13. Yes, it just kicks the can down the road. For someone like Josh it probably wont matter much but looking at someone like Von is a different story. Von can currently be cut in 2025 and not be much concern. This is good if he comes back not himself or declines because of age and injuries. Restructuring him pushes bigger cap hits down the road. So if they restructure him, which it looks like they have to... we are probably stuck with him for most of his contract regardless of his play.
  14. That doesnt leave a lot of money to replace or resign 24 FA's this off season. I've been saying that for weeks though.
  15. This is an arguement I have been making most of the year. Either Beane really is terrible at drafting or this coaching staff cant develop players. Could be a little of both. We have players like Hughes not do crap for years here all of a sudden get a bunch of sacks for the worst team in the NFL. We have players like Teller not play well here, get traded and become all pro. We have other rookies make a few flashes but are otherwise mediocre. Maybe some of them come on when their rookie contracts are almost up. We cant even get some rookies on the field unless its needed because of injuries. We have other rookies that our offense doesnt even know how to use or know what to do with. Knox is probably our second best weapon on the field and they rarely use him in the passing game. I could talk about this stuff all day but I just dont think our staff develops players all that well. They are of the mindset of not putting rookies on the field unless they have to. Rookies need to get experience during the season on the field.
  16. I'm honestly not sure what you mean. My whole thread title was "I'm convinced it's coaching." Where are you talking about "for?"
  17. He called a timeout for both plays. There is zero excuse for those 13 seconds which really should have been more like 8 seconds if they did the correct kickoff.
  18. Id say that they would have 2 first round picks and 2 second round picks on the line and if they cant get pressure with that then someone needs to be held accountable.
  19. I wrote this thread and headline during the first or second quarter of the game. I also didnt put that part in my thread title. I assume a mod changed it. Seems to me it fits. They did handle the Bengals and they did it while losing players along the way. The flag was absolutely the right call. It was an obvious out of bounds hit. You dont let players get away with stuff like that just because it might be game deciding.
  20. Nah. I look at it as the ref wanted to collect himself and make sure before he made a game changing call.
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