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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Why are people talking about DTs in a thread about Hopkins. Do better.
  2. I agree. We need more from the outside than we got from Davis to take more heat off Diggs. I think more importantly we need better o line play and better reads/plans from Dorsey and Allen. I hope Beane can nail a stud from the draft. I don’t know anything about college players though.
  3. Ultimately I think Harris is a good back and a good signing provided it’s a cheaper contract. I just don’t really expect much more out of him than we got from Singletary.
  4. agree. Good deal. I think this guy will be better than McK. If so that’s great value and helps Josh.
  5. Can’t stand him but he continually makes the nfl more and more money. That’s basically his job.
  6. yes read my last reply. It just looks like other backups are good because our D was terrible at getting pressure.
  7. I think the Bills can use their resources better than this guy. He isn’t terrible but we need to do better around Allen than some cheap role players. This guy might not even be cheap but I view him as another role player caliber.
  8. it’s pretty much all backup linemen aren’t that good. It’s tough enough getting good starters. It probably looks like other backup linemen are good because our D can’t get pressure on even backups despite all the resources spent on our d line.
  9. Good for McK. Decent role player but we need better. Hopefully the new guy is that.
  10. Just as good a backup as any other backup lineman. Hopefully he never has to see the field.
  11. Im with you on some of that. Comparing Davis to OBJ or Hopkins just lol no don’t do that. Von isn’t washed up either. He made a difference. He just happened to get injured.
  12. min not going to sit here and start listing names. I’m just going to say they need to do better around Allen doing whatever it takes. as to the last paragraph I don’t think they make the team better. They make it the same. The same isn’t good enough. Like maybe the guard they got is slightly better. Maybe they did slightly better than McKenzie as well. We aren’t slightly better away from a SB like the last two years anymore though. however I will add that I think obj or Hopkins would instantly be the second best receiver on the team even past their prime. I wouldnt break bank for em but they would still be big upgrades. A big upgrade is what the team needs. Not just lateral wash moves.
  13. I knew going in they couldn’t afford to do much. This offense needs to get better one way or another though. So far I don’t see it. Lost some role players. Picked up some role players to replace them. Last thing I wanna see is Beane scrambling at the end of the season to pick up over the hill Brown and Beasley because he knew we weren’t good enough. Now and the draft is the time to do that. This staff has shown it can’t handle trying to figure out what to do with new players mid season. Brown and Bease weren’t good enough anyways and that same thing can’t happen again this year. Time to get a real receiver, probably already too late. I hope they at least hit on some o line picks or something. More defensive picks or reaches for players will be nauseating.
  14. disagree. We have a bunch of ok role players but not enough impact to elite players.
  15. people get injured sometimes. It’s the NFL.
  16. Unless they got this guy dirt cheap, they might have well just stuck with Motor. He isn’t any better. Just another jag. People want to dream about how he ripped up our poor run defense and think he is amazing for it. He is just another dime a dozen back.
  17. I don’t think he is an every down back. They will want more than two running backs.
  18. Is Hill sad that it wasn’t him signing with the Bills?
  19. Motor was a solid rb and under appreciated by a lot of people. For this amount they might as well have kept him unless they are going to try and pickup an elite back like Henry. Motor is just as good or better than all the regular dime a dozen backs.
  20. hines is a weapon. This staff has trouble getting rookies and new to the team people involved. Dorsey seems to have trouble getting players involved in anything other than basic routes. Josh seemed to have trouble hitting the short stuff as well.
  21. I’m not that optimistic but we shall see
  22. Yay another special, special teamer. I knew we wouldn’t be big players in FA but can we get Josh some real help?
  23. Really? I thought if they don’t accrue the season then it doesn’t count. Like when Star sat out Covid year the contract that year didn’t count.
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