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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. no this mouse is practically new. Nothing is loose. Mousepad is brand new as well. For now my workaround is to just hold pageup after I click next page lol.
  2. Its on my new PC, not my ipad
  3. Its pretty much most of the time when I finish reading the current page and click "next page" to go to the next page.
  4. Yes it was necessary. Beane obviously targeted this guy and wanted him if he fell close enough to make a reasonable trade up. By reasonable I mean not giving up 2nds and next years 1sts and stuff like that. I also feel like he can be a really good weapon for us if Dorsey is a good OC and Josh utilizes the talent around him. We needed a sure hands guy like this. Someone you can count on to get open and catch the ball. If he works out or not, who knows but the right potential is there. There are no guarantees in the draft. I don't mind our GM trading picks for players they covet. Dallas obviously wanted him. Josh has talent around him now. He also has the capability to get the ball to anyone, anywhere on the field. I want to see Josh and Dorsey utilize this talent now.
  5. Yes everything is brand new. Just running Edge. Im use to Safari but they dont make safari for windows anymore. I play mostly MMOs but I have all kinds of games. Currently looking forward to Diablo 4. Im wondering if maybe its the speed in which the page loads. Like I click and its boom loaded and it really fast scrolls to the bottom of the page. It doesnt always do it. Sometimes it will stay at the top. I noticed yesterday one time it did stay at the top it was loading something from twitter in the first post. Still didnt take long but it was that extra barely a second. It stayed on top then.
  6. Yeah I know. I was kinda throwing some sarcasm there.
  7. He will get play time immediately. Meet your new Taiwan Jones.
  8. instincts and recognition skills. The opposite of our former LBer haha.
  9. Well there goes Hyatt. Thanks Giants.
  10. Hell yeah a guard!!! Hope he is good. Giveth Allen weapons. Giveth Allen protection. Now do a good job Dorsey!
  11. shocking a commercial at out pick
  12. They gotta get those commercials in bro
  13. Belichick really wants to try and stop Allen this year lol
  14. Hi guys im late to the party today. I dont watch college ball so can you all tell me is it possible for a good guard or lb to fall our way today?
  15. Thanks, I will check all those. Some I can rule out because some of this stuff is brand new. Also for the porn guy at the top... no porn on this one yet. Just finished the build. Haven't had the time to get pornware on this system yet 🤣
  16. No I built a gaming monster of a pc lol It may be Edge but I am also part of a lot of other forums. Mostly gaming forums and none of them do this.
  17. Yeah I know. Everyone hates Edge. Im not a chrome or firefox fan though. Any suggestions? I like safari but they stopped windows support a long time ago.
  18. Yeah, I dont have this problem on my Mac. I just built this PC for gaming. Maybe it's MS Edge or its my super ultra wide monitor. I just don't know. Its not first world problem serious but it is a serious annoyance to me. I'm just asking if anyone else had this problem and found a fix.
  19. I don't watch college ball so I don't really know anything about the players. I can say that I wanted offense for a change. I am happy with the pick if Dorsey and Josh use him as the weapon he is capable of being and it helps us win football games.
  20. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  21. I haven't been on the forum much since the season ended but this just started happening to me the other day... Almost every time I click next page on a thread, it moves to the next page but then scrolls to the bottom of the page and I have to scroll back up. It doesn't happen every time but it does happen most of the time. It's extremely annoying. Has this happened to anyone else and or do you know how to fix this?
  22. Well Elite hands is a definite need in our offense. Too many dropped balls.
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