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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. you are pretty negative. The guy isn’t a star but he is serviceable and better than probably all our current mlb. Can’t have stars at every position.
  2. probably knows it’s temporary until he learns the system and gets acclimated here. great signing. He may not be the best lber but probably the best we can add at this point.
  3. I think the Chiefs just traded for a DT from Raiders.
  4. He must have found a good strip club over the weekend.
  5. Happy for Cody. It goes to show the quality of o linemen out there though. Outside of QB I think oline might be the toughest position group to build.
  6. If it was Miami's players you'd be jumping all over it and making 10 threads about it though.
  7. Thats all fair and as a fan, I get it. Just trying to prepare you for what is going to happen. I been there for a long time. Many mediocre QBs with promise have passed through Buffalo. Many a times have I blamed everything and everyone but the QB. Its always the QB. Although I will say that your team last year was a clown show lol. I still don't think Mac is going to be anything more than a Fitzpatrick.
  8. I thought it was a little weird that they cut our vet backups. I know they weren't very good but they have always tried to keep vets in reserve. On another note, this guy must not have gotten the scoop about the strip clubs before he signed.
  9. Mostly it was just a joke but Mac is mentally weak and I don't think Zappe is that much worse than he is. You will find out this year that at best you have a Ryan Fitzpatrick for QB. Good enough to win ya some games, keep ya from drafting high, but not good enough to really get you anywhere. Your team will not be good again until Belichick is gone and the entire team blows up, tries to draft a franchise QB high, and rebuilds. Enjoy being what the Bills were all that time you were in the glory years.
  10. He is about the same level player as Mac and Cheese. Cheese couldn't handle a QB controversy with his weak mental status.
  11. Kirksey has to be better than the guys on our roster. If Beane is truely looking to upgrade our roster all the time then he should already be in talks with this guy.
  12. Jake Fromm was cut from the WTF team. Maybe they bring him back lol.
  13. Miami released Myles Gaskin. That was pretty surprising to me. They must like the guy they just drafted.
  14. If they are working a trade, I would rather having them work a trade for a MLB that is better than we have than a QB2. I'd rather not use assets on a backup qb.
  15. If you all pretend to believe this then Filthy Beast couldn't troll us anymore, or at least he would have to pick a new troll.
  16. I don't think it's that big of a deal for preseason games. Regular season games are a different story. I get the cancellation of a game for something life threatening. I don't really like the end result of how it played out but I get it. They should have another bye week that could possibly allow them to reschedule a game if need be or something though. The weird thing they did with seeding while as fair as can be, someone always gets the shaft.
  17. I think it's worth a look. Our backups aren't very good.
  18. Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.
  19. All this trying to coach Josh out of Josh is getting in his head. His instinct is to run and then he has a voice in head saying no. Now he doesn't commit so he partially runs and then stops. This type of thing is more liable to get him injured than Josh just being Josh. I thought The Edmunds special was him running head first into his own teammate and knocking him out of the game.
  20. I don't think it's a landslide but I do think it's pretty close.
  21. Oh I can over analyze it baby. Did you see that preseason game? Just wait. These guys will be laughing stocks week one just like they were last year. Rodgers is going to put up 80 points on us and Josh will turn the ball over faster than you can say Peterman.
  22. Not all of them were his fault, but he did have some headscratchers last year. Especially in the redzone. It's those redzone ones I would like to see him cut down on.
  23. Man, McD making them run sprints and all these guys faking booboos to skip practice. Get back to practice Von!
  24. I think they need to stop messing around with small potatoes and seek a trade with the Colts for Taylor.
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