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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I wanna go in the middle of a big crowd and yell "Mortal Kombat" now.
  2. Imagine getting into FG range with 25 seconds and running the football lol
  3. Imagine running the ball on 3rd and short and picking up the first down.
  4. That looked like a false start and a half there.
  5. Im watching on my computer. I'll reset my router at halftime or somethin.
  6. K thanks. I probably just need to reset my router. Haven't done it it a while
  7. Anyone elses stream crappy or is it just my internet? Picture keeps getting crappy.
  8. Allen aint going anywhere. Nobody is running him out of town.
  9. I said last year that Hurts was not some elite QB as he was made out to be. Philly just had a favorable schedule, well built team, and some luck. Hurts looks pretty average this year, just like I thought he was.
  10. Of course there is. Maybe we will get lucky again this week and it will miss the game like last week.
  11. I love the white on blues. Honestly though, I am not superstitious so I don't buy into uniform combos being bad luck.
  12. This is exactly how I feel about that one. I think he didn't take off and run because coaching is too much in his head about that. Even if they mean to just be smart and go oob, it's just one more thing in the back of Allen's head that he has to think about. They are trying too hard to coach Allen out of Allen. Maybe down the road Allen has that figured out and is smart about his running but at this point, it's just messing with his brain. I could see the confliction in his head in the preseason game. He went to take off to run but then hesitated. That hesitation led to him getting nailed. This stuff is going to get him hurt before him just being himself will get him hurt. I liked the comment at the end of the article I agree but I also think Davis ran a poor route.
  13. But wouldn't smart football been conservative football and taking the 2 yards instead of the Ints against the Jets? He is said smart not conservative. Isn't aggressive the opposite of conservative and Josh was aggressive.
  14. I'll give you thumbs up. I know what it's like to leave an opinion on something and have certain select people leave a bunch of "down vote" marks and then treat you like you just spoke sacrilege and are a moron. I don't agree with everything you said but I do with some it and have said some of it.
  15. It's just my mindset bro. I dont actually believe they are all must win. I just don't want to be at the end of the season for the third year in a row wishing we would have just won that one more game... any of them and gotten the 1 seed. Also you kind of contradict yourself here. Your first two sentences indicate its kinda a must win. Hard to come back from 0-2. It's one of the easier games on the schedule. You follow that up with "IMHO its not a must win"
  16. I'll hang up and listen 😃 Seriously, I like to hear everyones honest takes. I certainly give mine. Yeah, I like all of this post. Although on the run game part. I did not like the design. Too many times Cook off to the side for a delayed hand off. Josh would run all the way over to him and give him the ball. It was way too telegraphed and Cook had to start from a standstill.
  17. Yeah I read an article on this today. Thats a pretty big complement from Belichick if he actually said that. I do believe Daboll is really smart and is a good coach.
  18. As far as I am concerned, every game is a must win. If we are getting to the super bowl its by starting with the #1 seed. Too many good AFC teams. I'm not going to jump off a cliff when we lose some games, but that's my mindset.
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