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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. That's what happens when you become a top team. It does seem crazy though. Personally, I prefer 1pm Sunday games. While I like being primetime because it's pretty cool being that team, I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate waiting for the game.
  2. Maybe I should clarify better... Not everyone is going overboard. Some of what is said is absolutely true. Given my post history and the fact that I think Josh cost us this game, I think that would be understood that I don't think ALL of the criticism is wrong. I'm talking about people going over the edge thinking Josh is Carson Wentz type of stuff.
  3. and what exactly do you disagree with @GunnerBill. I absolutely hate when you take the time to leave an X on a post but can't take the time to give your point of view. Morse got blown by. Thats a fact. Shefield or whoever that receiver is ran a crap route. Thats a fact. Josh shouldn't have thrown the ball there. Thats a fact. My opinion is that any one of those 3 things changes and we get a different outcome.
  4. I'm not absolving Josh of this INT. He shoulda seen the safety and not made the throw. However, it's just another instance of other players letting him down and not doing the right thing. Morse is completely blown by, rushing Josh time to process. I dunno what receiver that is running to the middle. Is it Sherfield? In any case just another guy either running a terrible route that doesn't hold the safety or Dorsey not teaching this play correctly. If that safety is held like he should have been thats probably a Diggs TD. At most an incompletion. If Morse isn't blown up then Josh probably see's the safety. Josh had a really bad game, but people are overboard with how bad it really was. Other people effect his decisions too.
  5. I really can't stand Nick Write but I think his comments here and the discussion overall is pretty good.
  6. I think my favorite one was Diggs and Spencer Brown taking the fans beer and Brown drinking it. I thought that was hilarious. Then Diggs found the fan and sent them cases of beer.
  7. I was actually looking for this thread to put the fine tweet in but couldn't find it. So just started a new thread.
  8. I never understand NFL fines. Fines that seem to be safety related don't seem to ever be much. Fines for other things usually seem to be ridiculous. Like throwing the football to a fan after a TD is 5 grand.
  9. I didn't see these. Wow. I can't say that I remember the plays he got fined for either. Maybe I was just mad about all the turnovers and missed them.
  10. Oh FFS Josh is not Wentz. This is just crazy. Josh had a bad game. Josh has always had a stinker here and there. I don't like your data because technically, Allen shouldn't have even been playing last year after week 9. He also went through an OC change that year. For the most part Allen's bad games come from bad games here and there... not through the whole season. As in most of his bad stats happen in all at once in a few games. You are comparing data against QBs that have either had stout olines or an elite receiving crew, or both. We have had Diggs, a revolving door oline, and guys that either don't get open, drop the ball, or do disastrous things with the ball like little dirty. Oh and some guys that were over the hill and brought back on late season. We were tied for second highest scoring offense last season. Second only to the Chiefs. That was with one game less than everyone else not named the Bengals, who we are tied for second with. This isn't because we had a running game. For all of Josh's mediocrity, he managed to do that last year while practically carrying his team and with a UCL injury. But yeah, let's compare him to Wentz.
  11. At least some of that had to be his elbow. I'm not trying to make excuses but I am pretty sure a UCL in his throwing arm would have something to do with how he passes the ball. It isn't a booboo that goes away in a couple weeks either.
  12. And you can see open like that in almost every game. It's not just Cheetah speed. Josh has it tougher than most QBs IMO. We get that once in a blue moon but not often. It's usually when some dude falls over themselves or when Josh goes off script and Diggs gets lost. We got it more often with Daboll IMO. Davis had some breakout games because other teams weren't ready for the ball to go there. Our offense seems to be guys running out, find spot, turn around and stop while the other guys either run a post or curl to sideline. That doesn't breed open guys when you don't have speed or at least precision route runners. This is why we don't get any YAC and our offense is all Josh AY.
  13. We have seen Josh have good pocket movement before. I think he wasn't prepared for the speed of the game and especially the speed of the Jets and that years of having a terrible oline has made him not trust it. I thought overall the line did a decent job against the Jets though.
  14. I was not a big fan of Dabol as an OC. I thought he had some really great games but I also thought he had some really lowsey calls even in some of those great games as well as many others. I do think he is a good coach though. In any case, I feel like Daboll had a way of reeling Josh back in. Maybe not in the same game but through the season. I think it's too early to tell if Dorsey can do the same or not. I will say that I don't think Josh has been the same since Daboll left. That could be many more factors than just Daboll leaving though.
  15. I mean you used an example of McClappy clapping while the Bills are up 24-6 almost mid 4th quarter lol. Just sayin
  16. If I were to think about where Allen needs to improve it would be: staying calm. You can literally see when he gets flustered and starts making too many mental mistakes. He needs to find his zen. I also think he needs to go back to knowing its ok to take off with the football and run the damn thing. Just get down or out of bounds instead of fighting for 1 or 2 extra yards AFTER he already got the first down. Obviously he needs to sometimes take what's given. I think people sometimes over exaggerate that, but it's true none the less. Sometimes ya just gotta take it. He really doesn't have that many games like the Jets game. That D is fast, disciplined, and vicious. They seem to know how to push his buttons. He needs to figure that out. Once he does though....
  17. One game isn't going to change my view. SB was always a who knows, it takes some luck thing for me. Having a winning season, winning the division, hitting the playoffs... I still feel we can and will do those things. I am bummed about the game but I'm not going to jump off a cliff over it. It's just one game. If that goes into a bunch of games I will re-evaluate. I will still think Josh is our Elite Franchise QB though.
  18. Josh had 2 more Ints last season than Burrow and Mahomes. Nobody say crap about those two though. Year before tied with Herbert, one more than Burrow, two more than Mahomes and Jackson, and 3 more than Tom Brady. It's not that big of a deal. Most of the bulk of Allens ints are in one or two games. The rest of the season he is pretty much fine.
  19. Thats the read... Diggs motion tells Josh zone defense. Sauce is bringing his coverage to Kincaid. Thats what Josh looks at... where Sauce goes. Davis is the read. I don't know how many times that needs to be said. People here all complain about timing and holding the ball too long and yadda yadda and then complain when Josh actually reads fast and makes the play. Unfortunately the result of the play sucked but the read was correct. Just poor execution by both him and Davis.
  20. I'm concerned about his turnovers in a game like the Jets. Those games are few and far between and a lot of QBs have multiple turnover games. I'm not concerned when he throws a couple when we are blowing out the other team. The Bills are 47-18 with Josh as a starter. 52-25 if you include his rookie season. Mostly carried the team to those wins. I'm not worried about his OT record. Some of those were out of his control. It was like people being worried about point differential that one season and it turned out to be a nothing burger to worry about, or Josh never getting a 300 yard passing game, or McDermott's record in one score games. All turned out to be nothing burgers. Seems to me you are already becoming and oh woe is me our QB sucks guy again. He doesn't suck. He is elite. He just had a bad game.
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